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Documentation describing fields for api stack exchange

When I looked through the StackExchange documentation, I didn't find any documentation describing the fields. I have to study the request and response for a long time in order to understand why this ...
Murad Akhmedov's user avatar
7 votes
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Stackexchange oauth2.0 is suddenly failing

No changes in stack apps or my code, it was working fine for a while, suddenly it stopped working now. I get "InternalOAuthError: Failed to obtain access token" After more details inspection,...
Leart Beqiraj's user avatar
5 votes
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Suddenly getting "Couldn't parse `client_id`"

For years, I've run a local PHP app using GuzzleHttp\Client to download my StackExchange posts. Today, I'm suddenly getting this problem when posting my client_id, client_secret, code, redirect_uri. { ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Collectives Articles endpoint broken

I would like to access a list of all Collective Articles on SO. I tried which is the sample from here. ...
cocomac's user avatar
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Randomly getting an 404 no method error when calling the question endpoint

When calling the question endpoint for a given number of communities, I have been randomly getting the following error: {"error_id":404,"error_message":"no method found with ...
mason-lancaster's user avatar
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Improve design of the Documentation's 404 page

The 404 page of the documentation has a rather awkward design; for example, a different header than other pages, and no footer. Can it be updated?
Glorfindel's user avatar
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PLACEHOLDER - A post to register my app posting

PLACEHOLDER - Just a post to register my app.
Peter Pan's user avatar
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Why are these answers dated before the question was asked?

Does anyone know why some answers are shown with a date before the question was asked? Here are a couple of examples: Why doesn't Java have compound assignment versions of the conditional-and and ...
mariomolinam's user avatar
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Uncaught channelUrl must be under the current domain

I'm developing a Stack Chrome extension that will make use of the API. I'm following the instructions on the API docs here. My OAuth and host websites are set to in my Stack Apps ...
Joe Moore's user avatar
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Tagged parameter not working as described in documentation

In the documentation it is reported that the tagged parameter in the request URL should work like this: tagged - a semicolon delimited list of tags, of which at least one will be present on all ...
micpob's user avatar
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Accessibility issue on app registration page

Page containing bug Reproduce the issue Go to the page above. Whether you click on Application Website or Application Icon, it focuses the OAuth domain input. ...
Lakshya Raj's user avatar
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Typo in API docs /numbers) The motivation for this is to prevent any unpleasant floating point confusion, especially across technologies that offering different floating point ...
Lakshya Raj's user avatar
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Clarify read-only vs. write operations for Teams in documentation

The API page about Stack Overflow for Teams says (emphasis mine): Starting with the release of Stack Overflow For Teams, the Stack Exchange API exposes read-only access to data stored in private ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Where do I look for a new-to-the-network technical-overview introduction to what a script/app/etc. basically is, incl. differences between them?

Where do I look for a new-to-the-network technical-overview introduction to what a script/app/etc. basically is, including differences between them? Basically, I'm looking for onboarding documentation ...
Ayer AGG'TDd'E-A's user avatar
4 votes
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/articles api filtering on tag does not return any results

I am attempting to pull the articles from my company's collective. They are all returned when no tagged filter is used. This should return results for the articles tagged wso2 or is there a different ...
A.J.'s user avatar
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Issue with JavaScript SDK

When using the JavaScript SDK to enable client side OAuth flow, I'm running into this issue: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'postMessage') And the page gets stuck with the ...
Sourabh Choraria's user avatar
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Padding missing between thumbnails and other app/script information

On the Apps and Scripts tabs, the thumbnails and the rest of the information touch each other: This didn't use to be the case, could you please re-add some padding?
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Browsing method documentation consumes 4 quota units per page

Is it my imagination (scratch that, it's definitely not), or does simply browsing method doc pages (without using the "Run" function) consume quota? From Bash using httpie and jq (on a ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
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Alignment issue in the Apps, Scripts tabs

There is an alignment issue in the Apps and Scripts tabs. The user name and the tag are not aligned right indent. Screenshot for reference:
Arulkumar's user avatar
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Update Teams API documentation to reflect dependency on tier

The documentation says (emphasis mine): Starting with the release of Stack Overflow For Teams, the Stack Exchange API exposes read-only access to data stored in private Teams. This is slightly ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Items response empty after article POST request

I'm trying to post an article using StackExchange's Teams API then try to pull that new article's id from the API response. The article gets posted but the items field is empty : {"items":[],...
GrassWarlock's user avatar
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Multiple tags come back unordered

I am using and the response is "items": [ { "...
JMP's user avatar
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What's the relation between access_token, key, quota_max, and throttling?

From How API Keys Work (FAQ) I read that the limit of requests per day per IP is 300 without a registered key, or 10000 with it. And this is what I see by experimenting myself: since I've not ...
Enlico's user avatar
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Formatting and formatted content is missing for body in search excerpts call

The body returned by the search excerpts call seems to omit formatting and sometimes even formatted content. Example calls follow for this question: Does `inquestion` support multiple question ids? ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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high_resolution_icon_url points to a non-existing image for Area 51 Discuss

In 2013 this bug was reported: Not all sites are returning Hi Res icons Since then a lot has improved. Most urls found in high_resolution_icon_url on the site type as returned by the /sites endpoint ...
rene's user avatar
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400 - Bad Request - Invalid URL errors with HTML response

Since a few weeks, I'm getting 400 - Bad Request errors now and then, on pretty standard API calls like fetching post details. This is the response I get: <DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Should status-reproduced be made a mod-only tag?

status-review has been recently made a mod-only tag, but status-reproduced remains a normal blue tag. While not currently used on any questions (except this one, for demonstration), eventually it ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Even though status-review has been made a moderator-only tag, it remains blue on this post

On this answer, status-review is mentioned. For whatever reason, the tag appeared as blue instead of red. I've also noticed that it does not appear on this post for some reason. I thought that ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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The fieldnames in the error message do not match the names used on the form

When you register an app here there are 4 fields that are required: Application Name Description OAuth domain Application Website Leaving those fields empty returns this error message: Image from I ...
rene's user avatar
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'Informed' badge doesn't exist on site, but is still being promoted

The issue of a non-existent badge being promoted has been brought up before, but the following still happens: This will likely disappear once I get another badge (soon after posting this question :), ...
Joachim's user avatar
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StackExchange API explicit oauth2 json doesn't return status 400

It is said here that if the request failed, it will return error with HTTP status code 400 but I'm getting HTTP status code 200 even when it is returning an error. I'm hitting https://stackoverflow....
Kevin King's user avatar
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Bugs in API 2.2 "/search/advanced" with a "q" parameter

How can we handle these problems? Result for sort=relevance&order=desc is similar to sort=relevance&order=desc. Very poor caching system: After some queries, you may receive the same results ...
C2121's user avatar
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"edited" key always return false. even though it shows edited on site

CommentID: 1193255 On site Meta Stack Exchange The Api returns edited as false However if you see the comment itself, you can see it has been edited. Is there something that I am missing here?
AVK's user avatar
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Can I have more than one OAuth Domain?

I tried to set more than one OAuth Domain, but seems to it's not working. I tried to set them separated by comma or space, but got redirect_uri - must be under an apps registered domain error message. ...
mohax's user avatar
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StackApps Captcha doesn't work: "Invalid domain for site key"

The Captcha page on this site doesn't seem to be set up correctly, it shows an error message: ERROR for site owner:Invalid domain for site key
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Wrong results for fetch timeline from offset

To get the timeline for a question I am sending this request: I am getting empty results: {&...
Wajeed Shaikh's user avatar
4 votes
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Please migrate the question templates to CommonMark

We have three templates for new questions (for apps, libraries and scripts): They'll insert a body like this: <!-- thumbnail: --> <!-- version: 1.0 --> ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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API returns flags options for election comments while flagging them isn't possible

When trying to retrieve the flag options on a comment, e.g. on the currently active one on Skeptics.SE (but it works for any election):
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Unable to post a comment using the interactive API documentation

I'm trying to to integrate the Stack Exchange API in my application. I'm trying the authentication but when I got the token and used it it gave a write_access issue. That issue was resolved when I ...
msftsofbot's user avatar
7 votes
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/me/associated doesn't return meta sites anymore

The documentation of /me/associated says: You can filter the network_users returned by this method with the types parameter. Specify, semicolon delimited, main_site or meta_site to filter by site. ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Pluralisation bugs in /apps/oauth

In the Manage your applications page, if 1 user has authorized and has been given an access token, the site shows 1 users instead of user: In addition, if you have one application, it shows 1 ...
double-beep's user avatar
1 vote
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Wrong sorting parameter in documentation for question/{ids}/answers

It looks like that in the question/{ids}/answers documentation, there is a mistake: votes – score Shouldn't this be votes – votes
Luca Bartoletti's user avatar
3 votes
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Permission request form is broken, approve button is hidden, css variables are missing

You can check that form doesn't work with this link
Yanis Urbis's user avatar
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Wrong error message when attempting to edit a locked answer

When attempting to edit a locked answer like this one via the /answers/{id}/edit API method, I get an error message: Account is not allowed to suggest edits I have the privilege to edit the post, ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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window.opener is null in Stack Exchange login_success page

I am using the JavaScript SDK to authenticate Stack Exchange users in our application. But the dialog stays in "Authorizing Application" page, as I found there is a error thrown in this page:...
Gary Liu's user avatar
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API stopped allowing CORS requests

I'm currently using the API via JavaScript AJAX calls and it all of a sudden stopped allowing CORS requests. I'm on localhost and I tried uploading my code to live and am still getting: Access to ...
zigaio's user avatar
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Error invalid_request "OAuth request must be over HTTPS" when starting oauth flow

I'm building an application on top of StackExchange's API for a month now. While I was building the OAuth flow to allow users to authenticate using their StackExchange account, everything was working ...
Vinicius Andrade's user avatar
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Cannot authenticate with OAuth2

I was testing an app and suddenly I can't login any more. Neither my app or the Stack App configuration hasn't changed, so I'm thinking this might be a bug on the API side. The OAuth error seems a ...
gion_13's user avatar
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Stack Exchange search API not returning results with min, max vote count

Query to search for all question with perl6 tag created between Oct 1 - Oct 5 2019. I'm sorting the results by votes. /2.2/search?fromdate=1569888000&todate=1570233600&order=desc&sort=...
Thiyagu's user avatar
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503 errors on batch get questions endpoint

I receive a lot of "socket hung up" and 503 Service Unavailable on the /questions/{ids} endpoint. I make requests in batches: 10 parallel requests with 15 question ids, interval between each 10-size ...
Vladyslav Usenko's user avatar

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