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Questions tagged [badges]

Badges are awarded to encourage and reward positive community actions within the site.

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SO Stats - Track your stack overflow activity

About I created the SO Stats app because I wanted a simple and convenient way to track my Stack Overflow activity and progress. As a frequent user, I was always curious about how my reputation was ...
Vinoth's user avatar
  • 131
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Remove meta badges

Currently, we have the Quorum and Convention badges even though Stack apps is its own meta so they are unobtainable. I think they should be removed to make it so only obtainable badges are on the ...
Ethan's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How can I retrieve the reputation I (or another user, fwiw) earned for a given tag from questions and answers?

(I've included the api-v2.3 because starts with Stack Exchange API v2.3.) From this answer I see there's no way to get all questions with a specific tag. However, ...
Enlico's user avatar
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All Badge IDs on every network

Screenshot / Code Snippet About This script gets all the Badge IDs of every network. For more information go to this wiki post. License This script is under the MIT License on Github and is ...
gurkensaas's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

'Informed' badge doesn't exist on site, but is still being promoted

The issue of a non-existent badge being promoted has been brought up before, but the following still happens: This will likely disappear once I get another badge (soon after posting this question :), ...
Joachim's user avatar
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How to get (unread) achievements?

Is there an API call where you can get all achievements and all unread achievements? Like this: Update Thanks to the answer of Glorfindel, I use the following methods to calculate the unread ...
Norbert Bartko's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Replace badge icons with rubber ducks

The following userscript will replace the default badge icons with little rubber ducks // ==UserScript== // @name StackExchange, replace badge icons // @match *://** // @...
samcarter_waiting_for_siparty's user avatar
5 votes
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You've Earned This Badge, but when and where?

You've Earned This Badge, but when and where? This userscript turns the checkmarks in the badge list (which indicate you've earned a specific badge) to links to your personal badge page, where you ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Close hammer warning

Power users may have experienced this situation before: They see a question that’s clearly a duplicate, so they hunt down the duplicate target and close the question. It’s only then that they realize ...
poke's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Bug with `badges/name` endpoint

Last night I had a programme running and it errored on the first call to the badges/name endpoint on the API, exact API endpoint call:
Der Kommissar's user avatar
11 votes
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"Informed" badge shown as Next badge, but doesn't exist on this site

On my profile page, the Informed badge is shown as the next badge to obtain: Clicking it even shows a popup with a link to the Tour page, but it looks quite different from other SE sites. Looking at ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Badge oneboxer for chat

This script makes it possible for badges to onebox in Chat. Example format: that's a [badge:nice-answer] on a powershell bountied question The only somewhat custom one you can use is Strunk & ...
Quill's user avatar
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Badge numbers are wildly erroneous for meta accounts returned by the /associated query

There is a serious problem with badge counts on meta sites as returned by the /users/{ids}/associated route. Consider this user (chosen for high volume of meta activity). On Meta Stack Overflow, ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
6 votes
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StackTrace – Track your reputation and badges

Screenshot / Code Snippet About This is a basic app that shows your reputation change. Download Download the extension Platform This works on Safari 5.1 or later. Contact Created by Jed Fox (...
J F's user avatar
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Descriptions of tag-based badges are incorrect

The descriptions associated to tag-based badges are wrong, they always show 0 instead of actual thresholds: Earned at least 0 total score for at least 0 non-community wiki answers in the … tag See ...
A.L's user avatar
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TrueBadges, a combination of StackExchange badges and TrueAchievements

Screenshot TrueBadges I've worked on this website since beginning of 2014 in my spare time. The initial goal was to have fun with lot of data. The idea is to count StackExchange badges of an user ...
A.L's user avatar
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Hide badges I've already attained

Update - read me: This script is no longer required, thanks to the new Badges page. You can now view your earned and unearned badges by clicking the appropriate tab; without the need for an ...
Danny Beckett's user avatar
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IHaveBadges - A script to link your badges in the toolbar to your list of badges in your profile

This is a very simple script that, in response to this Meta Stack Overflow feature request, transforms the list of badges in the toolbar to a link to the user's badges in his or her profile. ...
jmort253's user avatar
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Can I determine the post that caused a user to earn a badge?

Some badges, like 'Yearling' are associated with a user. Other badges, like 'Great Question' and 'Great Answer' are associated with a post as well. When I fetch the recipients of the badges, I get a ...
Oddthinking's user avatar
149 votes
9 answers

StinkingBadges - Track your progress towards long-term badges

Introduction I was curious how far away I was from Generalist, and there are some data explorer queries that can show you your progress, but I thought it should be possible to make this work with the ...
agent86's user avatar
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Why does badges/ids/recipients return badges not users?

I can't understand why badges/{ids}/recipients returns badges and not users? You must pass the badge ID in, so it should be given that you already know what the badge is. If it returns 30 objects you ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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OBSOLETE -, track all your statistics, reputation and badges in one place (now also supports coderwall)

About Time to collect your achivies Achivy adds some fun to your life. It supports Stack Overflow and all Stack Exchange applications, GitHub,Coderwall Ohloh as well as many other applications to your ...
altuure's user avatar
  • 79
5 votes
1 answer

Self-mined Badge Progress via 2.0+ API

Badge Progress as a topic has had many questions, and some closed. Before downvoting or closing, please consider how this question might be different. First, what's the the latest official answer of ...
one.beat.consumer's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

No award_count field on any badges

The docs say the default filter includes award_count, and I've made a filter with it in. But no award_count is returned on any badge route. The exception being when a badge item is returned in ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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What are the mechanics of private API beta badge/reputation rewards?

Update: George Edisons comments appear to explain most issues raised here (if not all), so I reformulated the question to reduce the noise and allow for an answer accordingly. I have considered to ...
Steffen Opel's user avatar
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What constitutes 'active participation' in the private API beta?

In trying to understand some continued weirdness regarding badge/reputation rewarding in the context of private API participation I failed to find the explanation what exactly constitutes 'active ...
Steffen Opel's user avatar
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Badges with zero count no longer returning zero

For queries such as http://api.{sitename}.com/1.0/users/{id} if a badge count is zero, the API is no longer returning "gold": 0, for example.
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
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Why have routes /badges/name and /badges/tags been favored over respective query parameters for /badges?

I realize that the API is frozen, hence tagging this as support rather than feature-request or bug - I'm irritated about the two routes /badges/name and /badges/tags: They seem to simply filter down ...
Steffen Opel's user avatar
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Best way to calculate total badge count in Javascript?

I'm using Javascript and JSONP and want to find-out a user's total badge-count (i'm not using any libraries). At first I naively added up the badge counts individually, but some user's have no badges....
Gelatin's user avatar
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Add last_awarded_date to users/{id}/badges

I'm working on an activity notification app. It would be helpful to know the date of the last award for each badge, so the app can notify of changes since the last query.
Dave Swersky's user avatar
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/users/{id}/badges - multiple identical results

Each badge returned in the list of results from /users/{id}/badges already contains an award_count indicating how many times the badge was awarded for the particular user attached to the badge. In ...
ColinD's user avatar
  • 369
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Add information to badges/{id} method.

Currently, there is no practical way to retrieve badge information given its ID. I would like to see title and description added at the very least. Current method for retrieving the data: call the /...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
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StackTray: The Stack Overflow tray application

Screenshot Icon on left Hover over icon Context menu Reputation Alerts About This application sits in your system tray and periodically checks Stack Overflow for any new badges or ...
Nick Presta's user avatar