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Questions tagged [stackapps]

Questions that relate to interaction with or usage of this site (Stack Apps).

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Application must have a registered Stack Apps post to write [duplicate]

I got this issue when trying to login to Stack Overflow through the web view of my Flutter application. What is this warning and how do I fix this?
Joe Clarence's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Are these images really necessary?

In the homepage (mobile phone) there's a huge image on the left side of each question: But are they really necessary? Should we remove them? The images seem unrelated to the questions themselves. ...
Snack Exchange's user avatar
1 vote
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Requesting Assistance for OAuth Implementation in the Stack Overflow API

I'm attempting to set up OAuth in the Stack Overflow API. I've created a Stack App and obtained the Client ID and Client Secret. However, I'm encountering difficulties in the process and require ...
Amit Rawat's user avatar
4 votes
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Crew for Exchange 2.0 (Full iOS native client)

My all-new app Crew 2.0 is NOW AVAILABLE 🥳 Crew 2.0 was rebuilt entirely from the ground up, and today's update is a crazy one. A completely revamped user interface, powerful markdown rendering, new ...
manubrio's user avatar
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Is the Stack Overflow App available on iPhone?

There used to be an App of Stack Overflow on iPhone. But I don't find it in the App Store anymore. Is it removed from the App Store?
user15482691's user avatar
3 votes
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How to get write_access to comment/answer on Stack Exchange

I'm trying to integrate the Stack Exchange API into my web app so I can fetch all posts as well as I can post answer or comments on them. I have successfully got access_token for no_expiry and ...
Saisandeep Sanku's user avatar
4 votes
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How to 'publish' an app after the development is complete?

I followed the steps and created a StackApp (registering a new OAuth app) and added a StackApp post as per question - My app has to be published first? But it's still under development Now that my ...
SO User's user avatar
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4 votes
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Please migrate the question templates to CommonMark

We have three templates for new questions (for apps, libraries and scripts): They'll insert a body like this: <!-- thumbnail: --> <!-- version: 1.0 --> ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Having Trouble Setting Up OAuth for App

I am trying to build an app but I can't get the authentication right. I have been following the steps here: I keep getting the below error no matter ...
sjago's user avatar
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How to automate StackApp user approve and user login with stack Exchange explicit oAuth2.0

We are developing an stack App and integrating the app in our application. However we have successfully done a POC over POSTMAN and fiddler for explicit oAuth2.0. Now when we are integrating the same ...
msftsofbot's user avatar
3 votes
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Pluralisation bugs in /apps/oauth

In the Manage your applications page, if 1 user has authorized and has been given an access token, the site shows 1 users instead of user: In addition, if you have one application, it shows 1 ...
double-beep's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I see how a Stack Apps summary looks for a particular app?

When using one of the templates (app/library/script) while writing a question here, the top of the post will contain some HTML comments: <!-- thumbnail: --> &...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Does this site need more moderators?

I've noticed that flags that I have raised on Stack Apps stopped being handled late last year. According to our moderators page, we have two moderators, but looking at profiles indicates that one hasn'...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
3 votes
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Can't Decompress Stack Overflow API in Swift

I am using the Stack Overflow API in Swift but keep getting an error: The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format. whenever I try to use the JSON as shown in code below ...
Di Nerd Apps's user avatar
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Localhost test Stack App authentication: error 'redirect_uri' does not match

I tried the answer at "Can the redirect_uri contain port number"? But I am getting the following error: Provided redirect_uri does not match the redirect_uri this code was created with My access ...
sylor_huang's user avatar
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Should we close questions which ask for feedback to go elsewhere?

For example, the maintainers of this app have requested that new feedback goes over GitHub instead of the answer section. I've seen at least one other case of this too. Essentially, Stack Apps answers ...
EKons's user avatar
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How is the Hot Apps and Libraries list determined?

I was wondering how the Top Apps / Hot Apps and Libraries list is determined. It currently looks like this (click to enlarge): I've tried to compare it with the list of questions tagged app, both the ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Using the API for one-off batch jobs

I'm considering using the API for a retag job not supported by existing tooling as per this meta post (of course, I'll make sure the community supports the effort before going forward). I'm planning ...
ivan_pozdeev's user avatar
1 vote
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Stack API doesn't return json with encoding of UTF-8

Here is the query RESULT { "items": [ { "badge_counts": { "bronze": 2, "silver": 1, "gold": 0 }, ...
Nerzid's user avatar
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Please add gallery thumbnails to this site's search results

I would like to link to a list of all my stuff, but I'd like it to display with thumbnails and excerpts (like it does on tag searches). Is this possible? It seems like a reasonable use case, but for ...
Jason C's user avatar
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Stack Apps homepage truncates user names

A picture says more than a thousand words: These users aren't called "Bhargav Rac" and "Tunak", but Bhargav Rao and Tunaki. This happens on both the 'apps' and 'scripts' tabs of the Stack Apps ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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11 votes
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"Informed" badge shown as Next badge, but doesn't exist on this site

On my profile page, the Informed badge is shown as the next badge to obtain: Clicking it even shows a popup with a link to the Tour page, but it looks quite different from other SE sites. Looking at ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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The 'should be closed' description in the flag dialog is missing a word

The 'should be closed...' reason has this description (emphasis mine): This question is completely unclear, incomplete, overly-broad, primarily opinion-based or is not about Stack Exchange API, app,...
ᔕᖺᘎᕊ's user avatar
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Where can I find a link to my apps and API keys? [duplicate]

I feel pretty stupid but it's taken me about 15 minutes to find any reference to the app and api key I've created. I started searching through my profile page but couldn't find anything. I also came ...
jozxyqk's user avatar
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How much traction does your StackApp get?

How much traction (in terms of for instance sessions per day) does your Stack App get? What have you done to spread the word about your app? My experience from my first Stack App (StackRating) is ...
aioobe's user avatar
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'The target origin provided does not match the recipient window's origin' message when trying to use localhost

I am trying to experiment with the Stack Overflow API on my localhost and am struggling to get the authentication to complete. Here is my application JavaScript code (note that I am using IBM ...
MDalt's user avatar
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Query Statistics for my app responds with "No Requests" [duplicate]

When I access Query Statistics for my app (while logged in) I get "No Requests" Am I doing something wrong? I'm using Chrome 34 on Ubuntu.
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
27 votes
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My app has to be published first? But it's still under development

Okay, I want to build an App that allows me to create questions on Stack Exchange. I registered it here on Stack Apps but now when I want to create a question I get this message: { "error_message": ...
Besi's user avatar
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Does Stackoverflow track what specific user is searching for..?

Does Stackoverflow track what specific user is searching for..? is that data available through APIs provided..?
tumbudu's user avatar
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What is the "Manage API Keys" link to the right of the frontpage?

When I click on it, I get a page that goes "Your Applications", then "No applications registered". Needless to say, this is different from "Manage your applications" link on the frontpage because I do ...
Kal's user avatar
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5 votes
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How do I know what apps on my stackexchange account I have already authorized?

I'm developing an app using the stackexchange oauth, I want to revoke my permissions to this app for testing the overall process, but I can't find which apps I have authorized.
agares's user avatar
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New questions on live home page display improperly

I was browsing Stack Apps earlier today and a little box popped up indicating that there were new questions. It looked something like this: After clicking the provided link, here is what was ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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OBSOLETE - Stack Apps Listing Wizard - Making it easier to list your application right here on Stack Apps

Screenshot About Listing an application here on Stack Apps can be a lot of work. First you have to visit this question and copy the markdown. Some of those fields don't apply to UserScripts and some ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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Creating a PHP script to use the stack api

I would like to know how to use the Stack API and get all questions with a particular tag. I am coding in PHP. So I would like to write a script which can get all questions with a particular tag. I ...
everconfusedGuy's user avatar
11 votes
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How to find libraries that are compatible with a certain API release on Stack Apps?

This has become a bit of a concern for me with the upcoming beta for v2.0 of the API. The problem is simple: if someone wants to know what version of the API a library is compatible with (or at least ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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stack applet not getting sign in

I am facing problem during running of Stack Applet. How can I sign in? Moreover when I click on presences it comes up with localhost error . Here is the picture As it can be seen, the Applet is ...
umar's user avatar
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Make active tab default on StackApps

This script changes the logo link to the active tab and redirects from the home page to it on StackApps. If you want to see the list of apps, you can still do this by clicking the apps tab. Made by ...
Gelatin's user avatar
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Can we have the usage pages linked to the side bar?

The usage page for the API used in the blog is a very good reference of the current API methods, and slightly better then the current documentation link in the FAQ. Would it at all be possible to ...
BinaryMisfit's user avatar
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Remove [app] questions from active

Now we have a special app tab, shouldn't the [app] questions at least be given lower priority on the active tab, which is now for development? Ideally it would be to have the ability to sort the app ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Guidelines on app and library thumbnails

We now have better, user-friendlier display for apps and libraries and scripts: We infer a number of things ...
Jeff Atwood's user avatar
22 votes
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Changing the display of the apps tab

We're looking at changing the front page of Stack Apps to look more like a proper app "marketplace" and less like a run of the mill Stack Exchange site. Proposal (third draft) This would ...
Kevin Montrose's user avatar
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How to search all Questions & Answers on specific keyword with PHPstack library?

I am trying to build a page specific to one keyword which should pull all the questions and their respective answers from Stack overflow. I tried phpstack 1.1.1, but no luck. I saw a function search(...
user4203's user avatar
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stackapps data corpus

Hi all, This may be kinda naive, but is there a way to get a snapshot of StackApps' entire corpus of data? I wish to be able to query things like: "All questions, of all users"... Thanks
user1711's user avatar
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Is the question_id monotonically increasing?

Just wondering: Does the question_id monotonically increase for every new question? Is the question_id unique globally for a deployed app or is it unique in some sub-domain? Is there any relation ...
Alienfluid's user avatar
8 votes
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Can we have subdomains under with application or library names?

For example, (George Edison) (iconiK) (George Edison) for application or library owners? I think ...
YOU's user avatar
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