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PLACEHOLDER - My Exciting SX API Experimentation

I'm just starting to experiment with the stack apps api. Mostly, I'm looking at writing some content discovery tools, but it's possible I'll want some form of write access.

Stack Reminder - Remind Yourself About Posts

Stack Reminder allows you to save questions/answers to a special list, each with their own custom flag to remind you why you wanted the reminder in the first place. This tool is a great resource w…

SymbolHound: Search Stack Overflow for special characters

See SymbolHound is was a search engine that doesn't ignore special characters. I was always frustrated that I couldn't search for symbols like >> and && using Google o…

OBSOLETE - Stackie - A Stack Exchange client for the Universal Windows Platform

Browse your favorite questions and answers on the myriad of topics across the entire Stack Exchange network with Stackie - a Stack Exchange client for the Universal Windows Platform.

Is the Stack Overflow App available on iPhone?

There used to be an App of Stack Overflow on iPhone. But I don't find it in the App Store anymore. Is it removed from the App Store?

PLACEHOLDER - Security AI Project [duplicate]

The AI project is still under development and not yet ready for prime time. I am struggling to get the access token, does any one have any pointers on getting the access token for the stack exchang…


Use natural language processing to detect NAAs

QStack (Android Mobile App)

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Non-English Language Question Analyser

This is a simple Bot which uses Stack Overflow public API and chat to continuously scan new questions and report in chat the ones which are most likely not written in English. This project can be u…

PLACEHOLDER - App (prod)

The App is for Prod environment Carmin is a video platform of major french Scientific Institutes (IHES, CIRM, IHP, CIMPA) sharing contents from Research (courses, interviews,…

Activating SlackOverflow-ewtan

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PLACEHOLDER - Write api test

I need a way to test the write api so I created this question.

RankOverflow: A website to calculate your Stack Overflow reputation rank in all leagues

A website to calculate your Stack Overflow reputation rank in all leagues

PLACEHOLDER - Post for Stack Exchange App

Internal tool for answering questions. Will not be made available to the public.

Post for Stack Exchange API

Screenshot / Code Snippet As an internal enterprise code , this will not be available to the public. About Our application is a Microsoft Internal application used for internal purposes. License No…

Answerable, a recommender of unanswered questions

Python program that finds unanswered questions on Stack Overflow and sorts them by similarity with the ones you've already answered.

NAABot - Bot which finds and flags problematic answers on Stack Overflow

Description The aim of this project is to write a simple bot which will monitor all new answers posted on Stack Overflow and flag the ones which are not answers in accordance to the guidelines outl…

Fortnightly Topic Challenge Automation on Puzzling.SE

Used for (meta.)puzzling.stackexchange - Creates & edits the corresponding meta posts with information from the main and meta site. E.g. creating a post for the new challenge every 2 weeks and …

Real-time desktop notifications for Stack Exchange inbox ( Chrome / Firefox )

Real-time desktop notifications for the Stack Exchange (Firefox add-on / Chrome extension). Also shows the inbox content in a panel upon clicking the extension button.

PLACEHOLDER: Typo Finder Bot (Stack Overflow)

This is a post is to announce the development of a bot (which will be running on the account Secretary), whose task is to find posts in need of some formatting/editing help. The goal is to use a co…

PLACEHOLDER - Stack Exchange App to build Stack Overflow pack for

Stack Overflow Coda Pack A pack for Stack Overflow integration. It includes formulas, sync tables and actions to fetch useful data and take actions from Stack Overflow API. The pack is not …

OBSOLETE - Official Stack Overflow iOS App

Stack Overflow is the can’t-code-without-it site where professional and enthusiast programmers ask their toughest questions and get answers from their peers. Learn, share and level up — on the go —…

All Badge IDs on every network

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Stack Focus - Boost productivity on Stack Exchange

Focus more on your Stack Overflow experience by removing distractions.

v2.3, Spectric

OBSOLETE - Stack2Blog - Turning your answers into blogs (For "sale")

Stack2Blog for Sale Hi everyone! Since we're working on a few other projects, we haven't worked on Stack2Blog in a while. We still think it can be useful, especially with the rise of platforms like…

PLACEHOLDER - Stack App post for access token creation with write access

Creating a placeholder post for enable access token creation with write access

stack remote download [closed]

The application is not present on Google Play and there is no download link. Why ?

Placeholder - Mini-Mod

Mini-Mod is planned to be an app that helps the community moderate content This also has automated features which require write_access This is simply the placeholder which the app will be connected to

se-flair: HTML combined Stack Exchange site flair

Combined flair for all Stack Exchange sites, including Area 51, running on Google App Engine.

v2.0.0, Isaac

Script to keep mobile-view active

As you probably know SE is moving to the responsive view on there website meaning everything will look like the desktop kinda. Same with mobile devices. I’m new to SE for about 20 days, and I like …

PLACEHOLDER - answer_cleanup

Up to 200 characters of excerpt

Stack Exchange Chat API Documentation and Bot Boilerplate (finally)

Chat Documentation GitHub Link: Description: I know many people have created bots in different languages. Thats why I need your h…

What does the /users endpoint look for when sorting on modified date?

What does the /users endpoint look for when sorting on modified date? For the /users endpoint in the Stack Exchange API v2.3, what does the modified filter in sort field look for? It is unclear fro…

StacksGuru: a near realtime bot for all Stack Exchange sites

UPDATE Stacksguru address is now [email protected] (in the plural form) remove the old contact ([email protected]) and use the new one. StacksGuru is a Jabber/XMPP bot which gives you a co…

EasterEggExchange: Enable all easter eggs in chat

Enables all easter eggs in chat

v1.0.0, Anonymous

Stack Exchange Post Watcher - Firefox & Chrome extension to watch posts for any changes

Watch questions & answers on the Stack Exchange network of sites to find out when they are edited, commented on, answered, and more!

Sentinel - monitoring new answers to old questions

First there was Natty - looking for new answers to old questions that aren't actually answers, and posting them in a chatroom. Then there was Sentinel. Sentinel is the web dashboard for Natty. Th…


Ask questions on Stack Overflow directly from inside VS Code

GraphQL Stack Overflow API endpoint W.I.P

Currently a GraphQL endpoint is available here, meant to facilitate apps wanting to query data from StackExchange but with the GraphQL spec. High speed, built with go and hosted on Azure. Source co…

Stack Android Application

Stack is an Android application that lets you browse and other Stack Exchange sites. Screenshot Download / Install Download from Google Play Code Check out the source code on Git…

SkeetStalker - Get to unanswered questions before Jon Skeet?

I created this for fun and for a chance to play around with GWT & Google's App Engine. It's a tongue-in-cheek application to give people, who are sick of Jon Skeet and his excellent answers, a …

App as Power Platform custom connector

Trying to create a connector for Microsoft's Power Platform in order for others to be able to create Power Apps and Power Automate workflows against Stack* data. I need a post in order to get write…

Creating personal applications using Stack Overflow/Stack Exchange API

I want to create an application to read Stack Overflow notifications on my device. My question: what should I provide in the OAuth Domain and Application website fields while registering the …

PLACEHOLDER - Custom Import Tool [closed]

Placeholder for a custom application allowing for internal uploading into a Stack Overflow for Teams instance.

Placeholder - Hackathon - Demoapp

Testing a hackathon app to publish to SO more easily

How to get write_access to comment/answer on Stack Exchange

I'm trying to integrate the Stack Exchange API into my web app so I can fetch all posts as well as I can post answer or comments on them. I have successfully got access_token for no_expiry and priv…

StackEye - Chrome Extension to follow users and questions on StackExchange sites

A Chrome extension Chrome Extension to follow users and questions on StackExchange sites.

How to solve bad_parameter error?

I'm trying to make the Stack Exchange API request using the key provided by Stack Apps. But whenever I try it always throws the below error. {'error_id': 400, 'error_message': "key doesn't mat…

Stack Exchange Data Explorer

Stack Exchange Data Explorer (SEDE) is an open source tool for running arbitrary queries against public data from the Stack Exchange network. Features include collaborative query editing for all gr…

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