All Questions
Sidebar Answer Status
Modifies the Linked and Related sidebar lists to show answered status, up / down vote counts, and other info.
Good looking, higher quality Stack Exchange flairs!
Higher quality flair for your Stack Exchange accounts. Want a flair like this? Or this: Or even this? It's easy! Simply use this URL: …
Regional 12-hour timestamps
This script displays timestamps based on your timezone in 12-hour format. This is pretty convenient for anyone who doesn't want to convert UTC to their timezone. Requires Tampermonkey or Greasemonk…
Show a warning message when you follow a link to a deleted answer or comment
Convenient userscript to show a message when a answer or comment is removed when following a link
ModColorFix for Chat
Just a very very simple userscript that changes the moderator usernames in chat from blue to green. Requested by and built for @doppelgreener on becoming a mod. Link to Github Repo Link to ins…
TACUC - The ATaco ChatExchange Userscript Collection
A collection of Userscripts focused around Stack Exchange's chat. To install these, you need TamperMonkey, although GreaseMonkey apparently works. GitHub Auto Chat Jax This userscript simply …
Top Pagination for User Reputation League
About User Script for cloning the bottom pagination content of the user reputation leagues page and adding them in the top of the user list. User script created for the "feature-request" of t…
Roomba Forecaster - When will the question be Roomba'ed? If it won't, why?
Will the question be Roomba'ed? If so, when? If not, why? Adds a status line to questions showing: If and when Romba will delete the question; Why it won't be deleted; If down-voting will Roomba.
Stackuserflow - userscript collection
Script series to modify the functionality of the network sites. Before using them you should have: In Google Chrome install Tampermonkey In Firefox install GreaseMonkey In Opera install Tampermon…
StackOverflow Questions Remap (new nav)
Here's a quick userscript for Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey that lets you remap the Questions button in the new navbar (new as of 2017-02-14) to a different link. For example, if you like to read io…
StackLinks, a URL to Markdown bookmarklet
In aggregating references, this is useful for wrapping a URL and the content of the <title> tag into Markdown: javascript:void(function so_link(){window.prompt('',String().concat("* [",docum…
Stack Exchange Global Flag Summary
A userscript that provides a networkwide flag summary for all Stack Exchange sites.
SOClearChat -- Helpful Chat functions
A Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey script packing some helpful functions for Stack Overflow chat
(placeholder) A userscript to show the reputation of users on the "Filtered Questions" stackoverflow page
On the 'Filtered Questions' page of Stackexchange, I see a list of questions for the tags that I am interested in (or for a specific filter created by me). This list of questions shows the name of …
Stack Overflow link expander in Google Search
This userscript detects links to Stack Overflow when you Google something and shows the accepted/most-voted answer directly in the search page! From: To: To install, you'll need a userscri…
Show/Hide spoilers on any question (and its answers)
Allows per-question toggling of spoiler blocks
Shrink the Stack Exchange Footer
All Stack Exchange sites (except Stack Overflow) have a giant footer: I don't like to have all of that space being taken up on my screen, so I built this user-style: /** * Copyright © 2016 Jed …
Flagging Assistant - tweaks for frequent flaggers
Flag summary links, coded history, alert missing answers, and more...
"Toggle vote history" button on the timeline
Description Adds a "Toggle vote history" button to the timeline, which toggles visibility of vote events. Inspired by a feature-request on Meta Stack Exchange—Add a way to hide …
Links to Contributor Breakdown in stackoverflow documentation
A small userscript to insert links to the newly public "Contributor Breakdown" page for SO-Documentation's Topics and Examples. The script inserts a small hyperlink with text "CB&quo…
Retract flags from the "Flagged Posts for [User]" page [closed]
Description In response to a feature-request on Meta Stack Overflow: Allow retracting flags on deleted posts even if you can't view deleted posts, I created a userscript which allows you to retrac…
Math buttons for sites without MathJax support
Download View source or install (you will need a plugin like GreaseMonkey for this). What it does For sites that don't have MathJax support, but occasionally need math, HTML codes like ∩…
Webmotes :: With Stack Exchange Site Linking Support
Icons for stack exchange!
Blur the topbar’s background
This stylesheet will make the background of the topbar show a blurred version of the contents below it. Note that I was unable to make the search box transparent (the icon was invisible), and I cou…
Show revision diff color toggle
Sparked by this feature request on meta.SO, I created a quick user script that offers a toggle to show or hide diff colors. Look at the following screenshot to see it in action. The upper view is h…
Copy post content as markdown -- quick and easy way to quote people!
This is a userscript that converts the selected text to Markdown and allows you to quickly copy it. It is mainly useful for when copying from comments on posts, where you want to quote the user, or…
Magic Links Enhancer
This userscript adds a way to quickly link to posts, help pages, privileges and links across the Stack Exchange sites. It uses @M'vy's idea of having a basic format of [SITE:type:id], and works th…
Review Stalker Reloaded: A cross-site dashboard for reviews
A one-stop pinned tab, always checking for review opportunities on main and meta as aggressively as is useful between multiple sites you configure.
StackExchange MathJax Editing Improvements
This script is designed to improve the user experience while editing posts that include mathematical notation using MathJax. The editing code has not kept up with updates to MathJax, and so a numb…
Smoke the SmokeDetector
SmokeTheSmokeDetector Over in Tavern on the Meta, our spam detector, SmokeDetector has been the topic of an ongoing argument between those who believe SmokeDetector fills the chatroom, and those wh…
Flagging Percentages
In response to a feature-request on Meta Stack Exchange I've written a script that calculates and adds the percentages for each flag type while viewing the Flag Summary page. Installation This …
Review Tag Repositioner
This userscript clones the tags and adds them to the top of the post when working in the review queue. This is in response to a feature-request on Meta Stack Overflow. Installation: Install …
Badge oneboxer for chat
This script makes it possible for badges to onebox in Chat. Example format: that's a [badge:nice-answer] on a powershell bountied question The only somewhat custom one you can use is Strunk &…
Get a list of posts you've voted on that have been edited
Many posts over the years have asked for ways to systematically ensure up- and down-votes are as up-to-date as the posts they were cast on, whether by notifying as soon as a post was edited, or by …
Clipboardy chrome extension to copy posted source to clipboard
Clipboardy is a Chrome extension for copying posted code to clipboard from, &
SmokePreview - A chat addon for the SmokeDetector
SmokePreview A Greasemonkey script to add a preview to chat messages of the SmokeDetector. Messages which are deleted while loading the preview will get a opacity of 50% to make clear that this is …
Here's a script to convert dates to local timezone in Stack Exchange sites
I have written this script: StackExchange sites - convert dates to local timezone . It applies to Stack Exchange sites, e.g. :,,, etc. The timezon…
Review Audit Detector
Motivated by the question Would a userscript to determine whether a review is an audit be illegal, I wrote a userscript for this purpose. The algorithm is as follows: If the post score shown in r…
Stack Exchange, Election Assistant
Lists candidates in sorted order. Provides: quickjump, bookmarks, state tracking, and much more.
View questions & answers inline from any comment or post! [duplicate]
This userscript adds small arrows next to links to posts on the same site. Clicking them will cause a box to be added below, containing the actual post! Just like it does in the profile 'actions' t…
Add a "Random" Option for Sorting Answers
This is a userscript (for Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey, etc.) for sorting answers to posts randomly, like so: This feature was requested in connection with the Stack Overflow Fall 2015 Moderator Ele…
Make your own custom "magic links" for comments!
There are loads of feature requests on Meta for adding specific 'magic links' to comments. (links that expand, eg. [edit] -> [edit](/posts/id/edit)). So I made a userscript that allows you to crea…
Make your own custom oneboxes for Chat!
Oneboxing is when you post a link to a supported site on SE Chat and it automatically shows extra information. An example is when you post a link to a question in Chat and it converts to the title,…
SE Comment Preview - An attempt to add real-time previewing for comments
This script creates a new live preview directly beneath any comment you compose or edit. When writing a comment with a lot of formatting, especially one containing some mathematical formulas, I of…