
In response to a feature-request on Meta Stack Exchange I've written a script that calculates and adds the percentages for each flag type while viewing the Flag Summary page.

flagging percentages


This should work with most script managers, Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey, ect..

Install UserScript


// ==UserScript==
// @name         Flagging Percentages
// @description  Adds flagging percentages when viewing the Flag Summary page.
// @namespace    https://stackoverflow.com/users/1454538/
// @author       ᴉʞuǝ
// @match        *://*.askubuntu.com/users/flag-summary/*
// @match        *://*.mathoverflow.net/users/flag-summary/*
// @match        *://*.serverfault.com/users/flag-summary/*
// @match        *://*.stackapps.com/users/flag-summary/*
// @match        *://*.stackexchange.com/users/flag-summary/*
// @match        *://*.stackoverflow.com/users/flag-summary/*
// @match        *://*.superuser.com/users/flag-summary/*
// @exclude      *://api.stackexchange.com/*
// @exclude      *://blog.stackexchange.com/*
// @exclude      *://blog.stackoverflow.com/*
// @exclude      *://data.stackexchange.com/*
// @exclude      *://elections.stackexchange.com/*
// @exclude      *://stackexchange.com/*
// @run-at       document-end
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint -W097 */
(function ($) {
    "use strict";
    var group = {
        POST: 1,
        SPAM: 2,
        OFFENSIVE: 3,
        COMMENT: 4
    var type = {
        TOTAL: "flags",
        WAITING: "waiting",
        HELPFUL: "helpful",
        DECLINED: "declined",
        DISPUTED: "disputed",
        AGEDAWAY: "aged away"

    var groupKey,

    function addPercentage(group, type, percentage) {
        var $span = $("<span/>", {
            text: "({0}%)".replace('{0}', percentage),
            style: "margin-left:5px; color: #999; font-size: 12px;"
        $("td > a[href*='group=" + group + "']:contains('" + type + "')").after($span);

    function calculatePercentage(count, total) {
        var percent = (count / total) * 100;
        return +percent.toFixed(2);

    function getFlagCount(group, type) {
        var flagCount = 0;
        flagCount += Number($("td > a[href*='group=" + group + "']:contains('" + type + "')")
            .replace(",", ""));
        return flagCount;

    // add percentages
    for (groupKey in group) {
        total = getFlagCount(group[groupKey], type.TOTAL);
        for (typeKey in type) {
            if (typeKey !== "TOTAL") {
                count = getFlagCount(group[groupKey], type[typeKey]);
                percentage = calculatePercentage(count, total);
                //console.log(groupKey + ": " + typeKey + " Flags -- " + count);
                addPercentage(group[groupKey], type[typeKey], percentage);
  • Thanks for the script. Can you add the percentage of retracted flags, and the overall helpful percentage (everything but declined)? Commented Jan 25, 2017 at 16:26
  • 1
    @approxiblue Yeah, I can do that. It'll be a day or two until I can get it done though.
    – matt.
    Commented Jan 25, 2017 at 16:54


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