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Questions tagged [python]

Accompanies [app]s written in, or [library]s meant to be used from, the Python programming language

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15 votes
0 answers

Stack Exchange data dump downloader and transformer

About With Stack Exchange, Inc.'s recent data dump restrictions, the official SE data dump on is dead, and single-click downloads of the entire data dump are too. This program is meant to ...
Zoe - Save the data dump's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

SO Link-only Parser: Parse Stack Overflow for potentially link-only answers

The provided Python script is designed to identify potentially "link-only" answers on Stack Overflow for a specified time period and set of tags. It does this by leveraging the Stack ...
Trenton McKinney's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

PyStackAPI - wrapper for the StackExchange API, written in Python

PyStackAPI The latest version - 0.2.0 What is PyStackAPI? PyStackAPI is a modern, 100% typed wrapper for the StackExchange API, written in Python. Documentation You can find documentation here: https:/...
wchistow's user avatar
  • 141
1 vote
1 answer

JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 3 column 1 (char 3)

I am trying the following simple code to get JSON from the Stack Exchange API and it gives me the following error: JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 3 column 1 (char 3) Here is my script: ...
Sparkling_Sayena's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Stack Exchange Dump 2 MySQL - Load the data dump into a database with Python

I created a a utility to load the Stack Exchange data dump into a MySQL database: It is written in Python so it should in theory work on ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Fetch all questions of a particular tag from the Stack Exchange API in Python

I am trying to fetch all questions of the Swift tag from Stack Overflow. I created the query using and wrote a simple wrapper in Python. def fetch_question(...
Aaditya Ura's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

Answerable, a recommender of unanswered questions

About Answerable is a Python program that finds unanswered questions on Stack Overflow that you could be able to answer. Background At first I didn't know about the StackExchange API, so I planned to ...
Miguel's user avatar
  • 191
4 votes
0 answers

StackExchangePy: Python3 wrapper for StackExchange API

About StackExchangePy is another python package for StackExchange API, written in python3. License The package is under GPL3 license. Download To install it, type pip3 install stackexchangepy in your ...
user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

RTFM: a discord bot which runs code and queries documentations

This post is to ensure the bot described can use the API with a key ; it can search questions from any SE website This bot is still in development. However a stable version is already running 24/7 (...
FrenchMasterSword's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

How to pass the api client credentials for stackexchange api in python [duplicate]

I am trying to make a console based client, that consumes the stackexchange api. I have done the registration of my app, in order to enjoy higher quotas and received the necessary keys. My problem is,...
py_script's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Stack API doesn't return json with encoding of UTF-8

Here is the query RESULT { "items": [ { "badge_counts": { "bronze": 2, "silver": 1, "gold": 0 }, ...
Nerzid's user avatar
  • 145
2 votes
0 answers

XMPPExchange: An XMPP bridge for chat

Screenshots You can use it to use chat on CLI too, with the help of profanity: Note: You need to run /online when you login to enable relaying. (Quick how to use: apt-get install profanity, ...
ave's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes
0 answers

Auto categorize questions (Placeholder) [closed]

Screenshot / Code Snippet I am just starting to write the code. Will update as I make progress. My plan is as following: Scrape about 50 questions and answers per tag from select set of websites. ...
Manu Rastogi's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

Stack Overflow CLI

SoCLI Stack overflow command line written in python. Using SoCLI you can search and browse stack overflow without leaving the terminal. Just use the socli command: Installation Supported ...
Gautam Krishna R's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is my script's API usage okay?

I've written a short Python script to help people review C and C++ questions on Code Review. It uses the API version 2.2. I've already asked there for a review of that Python code, but I would ...
Edward's user avatar
  • 113
5 votes
0 answers

StackAPI - A(nother) Python wrapper

This is a(nother) Python wrapper for the Stack Exchange API. I wrote this to assist with a couple of my projects that needed to do a lot of API interactions. After using it and polishing it up for as ...
Andy's user avatar
  • 417
1 vote
1 answer

I want a python program example for more requests a day

How can I make about 10k requests on using python program in a day. Where J is variable ...
Manish Bhanu's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

SE Chat Flagger Bot

This is a bot that sits in the MSE tavern. What does it do? Smokey sends in a spam report. You reply tp with a reason and it will flag the post accordingly. NOTES: This does not flag based on how ...
Universal Electricity's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Got a Bad Status Line

Since about 10 AM US-CDT on August 8, 2015, I've been getting ('http protocol error', 0, 'got a bad status line', None) on a /users/{ids}/associated query after several successful such queries ...
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I add newlines when editing a post body via the API?

I am editing the tags of a question via the API, and to do that you have to pass the body and title etc. I can get the Markdown or HTML from the API but I can't see how to send it back formatted ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 581
7 votes
0 answers

Slack-Overflow - A programmer's best friend, now in Slack

A quick hack made in a couple of hours. A programmer's best friend, now in Slack. Search StackOverflow right from Slack without coming off as dumb. Setup is super simple and straightforward. https:/...
KGo's user avatar
  • 171
3 votes
1 answer

How can I extract user information on Stack Overflow using Python and the Stack Overflow API?

I am new to Python. I want to extract a user bio, answers, questions they made in Stack Overflow. Can I do that using the API? For example, can I extract the user: name bio and number of questions ...
Mohan Krishna's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Is there any app that could extract and manage questions from Stack Overflow?

I'm looking for help with a Stack Overflow application that could do the following things for me: Extract the top voted questions at a given date and tag Extract the answered questions of some given ...
Mazdak's user avatar
  • 183
3 votes
0 answers

davidism's sandbox and misc apps

This app registration supports development environments for the following projects by enabling OAuth and API access locally: sopython (GitHub) is the official website of the Python chat on Stack ...
davidism's user avatar
  • 131
4 votes
0 answers

Python library 2.2 API Wrapper?

Is there a Python library that encompasses the new functionality in the 2.2 API? I've seen this question and this question, and the comments indicating that libraries were being created and updated ...
Andy's user avatar
  • 417
2 votes
1 answer

AttributeError with Py-StackExchange

i'm trying to execute this python script : #! /usr/bin/python import stackexchange so = stackexchange.Site(stackexchange.StackOverflow) my_favourite_guy = so.user(41981) print my_favourite_guy....
Adeel ASIF's user avatar
3 votes
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stack2py - A Python wrapper for API v2 [alpha]

About stack2py is a library which wraps the SE API (v2.1) for Python. It aims to provide a clean and complete interface to the user, giving them complete control and accessibility. Although, ...
pradyunsg's user avatar
  • 163
1 vote
0 answers

Attribute error while using the stackoverflow api wrapper for python on IDLE

This is the code that I use to access Stack Overflow: from stackexchange import Site, StackOverflow so = stackexchange.StackOverflow() for q in so.questions(pagesize=50): print q.title It runs ...
Animesh Pandey's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

SEAPI - A lightweight Python wrapper for the Stack Exchange API

About A lightweight Python wrapper for the Stack Exchange API v2.1. Built with Requests. Why yet another SE API Python wrapper? (I'm aware of Stack.PY - A Python Module for Accessing the Stack ...
Piotr Migdal's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Calibre recipe for StackExchange recent question feeds

The Calibre ebook manager has a recipe system to generate ebooks from websites/news feeds in order to read them offline. The following recipe creates an ebook from all StackExchange news feeds: from ...
raphink's user avatar
  • 131
8 votes
0 answers

StackIRC - Posting Questions from Stack Exchange Sites to IRC Channels

Screenshot About Similar to the Twitter feeds for each Stack Exchange site, this small IRC bot retrieves questions from any Stack ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
48 votes
1 answer

Stackdump, an offline browser for StackExchange sites

Screenshots (source: (source: (source: About Stackdump was conceived for those who work in environments that do not have easy access to the ...
Sam's user avatar
  • 581
7 votes
0 answers

Quick Media Solutions - The First Tool to Take Advantage of Write Access in v2.1 of the API!

Website Screenshot About Quick Media Solutions is my personal website where most of the web services and tools I have written reside. I recently rewrote the entire ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
9 votes
0 answers

sanction: a dead easy OAuth2 client Python implementation

Overview sanction is a lightweight, dead simple (67 LOC!) client implementation of the OAuth2 protocol. The major goals of the library are: Support multiple providers Most providers have varying ...
Demian Brecht's user avatar
19 votes
6 answers

Stack.PY - A Python Module for Accessing the Stack Exchange 2.1 API

Now on PyPI! You can now find Stack.PY on PyPI, Python's package index. This means that you can install the package simply by running the following command in a terminal: pip install stackpy About ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
1 vote
1 answer

"client_id not provided" when trying to obtain an access_token

So I'm trying to authenticate with the v2 API via oauth2. I have a code, so I'm POSTing to and ideally get an access_token back. Instead I get an ...
Kristian Glass's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Python library for the StackExchange v2 API? [duplicate]

So I'm aware of Py-StackExchange and, but neither covers the v2.0 API. Does anyone know of a Python library for the 2.0 API?
Kristian Glass's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Sanction - An OAuth 2.0 implementation

Code Snippet from sanction.client import Client from import Google client = Client(Google, { "google.client_id": "myclientid", "google.client_secret": "...
Demian Brecht's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

LaServ - A Python/Twisted based flexible command line bot/framework for Stack Exchange

LaServ (a play on Lazers, The Bridge's feedbot and '*Serv' bots, which provide IRC services ) is a Python/Twisted project that I've been poking at since the Christmas break. It's still beta quality, ...
agent86's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

API Implicit Authentication with Python

I am working on an desktop inbox notifier for StackOverflow, using the API with Python. The script I am working on first logs the user in on StackExchange, and then requests authorisation for the ...
neydroydrec's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Scrape the site list, show sites sorted by answer ratio

About Display the list of Stack Exchange sites, with the number of questions and answers on each site, and the answer ratio (number of answers divided by the number of questions). The list is sorted ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Stack Monthly - Best questions in the month

About This website allows user to unearth gems which are hidden due to popular community questions. This is done by only showing most voted questions asked in that month. It allows a user to follow ...
HighOnStack's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

OBSOLETE - Stacktistics: Show recent popular languages, mobile platforms and web techs based on question counts

Screenshot / Code Snippet About You may wonder what kind of languages, mobile platforms, or web technologies are most popular these days. stacktistics shows the popularity of programming languages, ...
Wonil's user avatar
  • 171
1 vote
1 answer

Non-verbatim search strings in py-stackexchange

I am writing a python program with py-stackexchange that takes a query and returns a list of urls to questions with that query in the title. Here's the code: #!c:/Python27/python.exe -u import sys sys....
kjakeb's user avatar
  • 113
4 votes
0 answers

PyOverflow: Account statistics for Stack Overflow for Ubuntu!

I was bored, and I wanted to play with the API, so I came up with this little script: It's coded in Python and has only a single image dependency. Here is a screenshot: Here's the source code (it's ...
Blender's user avatar
  • 141
6 votes
1 answer

OBSOLETE - - Python Stack Overflow library

Screenshot / Code Snippet import pyso # Install the Server Fault API version 1.0. pyso.install_site(pyso.APISite("", "1.0")) # Get all the names of the moderators. print list((m["...
Jonathon Watney's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Stack-Trac - List stackoverflow/serverfault/... questions that are related to your Trac tickets

About This little app will look at the summary from the currently viewed Trac ticket and find related questions & answers on stackoverflow, or other stackexchange sites. Screenshot stack-trac ...
Matt Wonlaw's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Stack Bragger (facebook app to post questions badges)

Screenshot / Code Snippet About Stack Bragger lets you brag to your Facebook friends whenever you ask new questions or earn new badges at StackOverflow, SuperUser or ServerFault. I was looking for a ...
Roy Tang's user avatar
  • 151
22 votes
1 answer

Stackathlon 2.5: Leader board for users active on multiple sites

tl;dr New! See "More Athlons" below. Screenshot About It's surprising how few people are active on multiple Stack Exchange sites. Well, maybe not so surprising. But it's a big world; you'd ...
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
52 votes
6 answers

OBSOLETE - Stack2Blog - Turning your answers into blogs (For "sale")

Stack2Blog for Sale Hi everyone! Since we're working on a few other projects, we haven't worked on Stack2Blog in a while. We still think it can be useful, especially with the rise of platforms like ...
Edan Maor's user avatar
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