This little app will look at the summary from the currently viewed Trac ticket and find related questions & answers on stackoverflow, or other stackexchange sites.
Screenshot stack-trac http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/7954/stacktrac.png (see full size)
Similar to a normal Trac plugin: http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracPlugins
Full instructions:
- Download the stack-trac source from http://code.google.com/p/stack-trac/source/checkout
- cd to stacktrac-plugin
- run python setup.py bdist_egg (note: due to a bug, need to run: 'python setup.py develop' instead. I have a fix but can't make it till I get back from work today)
- copy dist/Stacktrac... to your_trac_project_folder/plugins
enable stacktrac in your trac.ini by adding the following
stacktrac.* = enabled
Configuring the site used by stacktrac: add the following to your trac.ini:
site = http://www.stackoverflow.com
apiSite = http://api.stackoverflow.com/1.0
where stackoverflow is replaced by the SE site you would like to query
This is what I would call a pre-alpha release to get some feedback. Lots of hardening & new features for stack-trac's stack exchange api wrapper to come. First time using Python. I must admit, I kinda like the language ;)
If the look and feel is deemed to be too similar to SE sites I'll gladly update it.
Apache 2
Written in Python, hosted @ google code http://code.google.com/p/stack-trac
configuration). Subsequent API version will contain numerous breaking changes, but 1.0 will be kept around for quite awhile.