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Accessing Authenticated User's Close/Delete History

I'm working on the PHP chatroom's cv-pls backlog UI. Many users and myself would like the ability to track which questions we have already handled though close/delete votes. To be able to do that I ...
kittycat's user avatar
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How do I access the greatest hits (questions) via API v2.2.?

The greatest hits (questions) of any stack exchange site (say stack overflow) can be found by visiting the below URL: I would want to access these ...
defau1t's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How to see which users upvoted a question?

I assume this information is tracked, since StackOverflow shows me the questions I have upvoted (when going to their question page, I can undo the upvote). I couldn't find any api call that gives this ...
Edan Maor's user avatar
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"What is meta" should be rephrased tells that there is "Meta Stack Apps". However there isn't. Stack Apps is its own meta and meta is used to ask meta questions here.
nicael's user avatar
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How to sort /questions/featured by bounty_closes_date

The API documentation describes tthe usage of /questions/featured. Unfortunately there does not seem to be a way to sort the result by bounty_closes_date, which is IMO the sort option making most ...
kriegaex's user avatar
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How many ids is 'too many'?

This answer mentions limit on amount of ids included in queries like /users/{id}/mentioned, but I can't find actual amount mentioned anywhere. Now, I could run binary search and find out, but I ...
Nikita Rybak's user avatar
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Notice field on questions may be absent?

The notice type, that is a field of a question, appears to be optional, yet it is not marked as "may be absent"? For example, when I request questions with a filter that has the notice field checked, ...
Oldskool's user avatar
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Does verifying OAuth2 `access_token` validity count towards API call quota?

Does this Stack Exchange API endpoint count towards quota usage? : (This is the most promising API call I found for verifying the validity of ...
Gima's user avatar
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Is there a way to specify how long I want an access token to be valid for?

I am following the explicit authentication path. I am not passing no_expiry as part of the scope. After the final POST step, I receive back an expires value of 86399 (just shy of a full day). It ...
Andy's user avatar
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Getting Question data using stack.PHP fails after a certain number of requests

I am trying to build an RSS feed that includes any/all questions that I have answered, and been accepted as the correct answer. I am running into an issue where I'm sending too many requests and ...
jondavidjohn's user avatar
3 votes
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Java Wrapper for the 2.2 API

I've been looking for a Java based API/wrapper/DAO for the new SE API 2.2. but could not find any (May very well be a limitation of my search skills, though.) I found references to attempts at ...
Lefty G Balogh's user avatar
3 votes
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Authorization dialog shows wrong API version

If you go on this doc page and click on Get Token, you'll see this: Minor bug, but still, I thought it would be nice to fix this inconsistency :)
Rakete1111's user avatar
6 votes
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Resurfacing bug: "could not parse proxy url" error message

According to this question, the "could not parse proxy url" bug was solved more than 2 years ago. However, when using the client-side OAuth flow, the aforementioned error message appears when ...
Linostar's user avatar
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How can I access a user's ID on another site (eg. SU) if I have their ID from another site (eg. SO)?

If I have the ID of a user from any site, how can I get that's user's ID for a site I specify? Eg. If someone's ID was 10349 on Super User, how could I get 10349's id on Stack Overflow? I know I'd ...
ᔕᖺᘎᕊ's user avatar
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API returns implausibly low questions per minute rate for Stack Overflow

Yesterday, I tried using the /info method of the API to predict the time left until 10M questions on Stack Overflow. In the process, I found that the returned "questions per minute" value was always 2....
user avatar
1 vote
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Why is the `site` parameter required in `/me` call?

I want to query information about the logged-in user using me, and this site parameter is creating some small problems. I am developing a visual studio extension where upon logging in a user will get ...
amit jha's user avatar
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1 answer

Search for answers/comments under questions with certain tags using the Stack Overflow API?

The advanced search (/search/advanced) API can search for questions by tags. But /users/{ids}/answers API doesn't take tags. I'd like to monitor answers/comments for questions with certain tags. Is ...
Jason Li's user avatar
5 votes
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Please make the site search on the API alphabetical

When I search, I want the sites to be alphabetical: Please can they be?
Tim's user avatar
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OBSOLETE - /search method, returning the body of the questions

Probably this is a documentation fault. For the search method, the parameter list doesn't say anything about an optional body, but looking at the Returns description shows: "body": { "...
Dan Dumitru's user avatar
3 votes
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How to search answers like is:answer

How can I use the API to search for answers containing particular text or with particular properties? For example, this link allows me to search for is:answer foo, that is, answers containing foo. Can ...
elixenide's user avatar
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Is my script's API usage okay?

I've written a short Python script to help people review C and C++ questions on Code Review. It uses the API version 2.2. I've already asked there for a review of that Python code, but I would ...
Edward's user avatar
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8 votes
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Incomplete information in API documentation

I am struggling a little bit with the Stack Exchange API since there seems to be no formal specification for the individual endpoints of the API. Example: Endpoint:
Besi's user avatar
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Is it a bug that the /sites route always returns zero for total?

I want to know how many Stack Exchange sites there are. Querying, using a filter that makes total appear, I find that the value is always zero. For example, &...
foobarbecue's user avatar
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Could you please return tags pertaining to the question when the api's "answers on user" endpoint is called?

When I call "answers on users", I see that I can select a filter named "tags".
Water Cooler v2's user avatar
-2 votes
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Are the inbox routes (`inbox_item`) missing some item types?

Should there be more options for item_type in the "inbox" routes (they return inbox_item)? Shouldn't they return answer and edit suggested like the site's global inbox does? As shown in this ...
amit jha's user avatar
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Can I change my profile picture using the API version 2?

I was considering making an app that lets the user design a profile picture and then activate it on the user's Stack Exchange account. Could a feature to change the profile picture be added to the ...
Damian Yerrick's user avatar
3 votes
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Help with javascript SDK configuration

The following problem is REAL! All names have been changed to protect the innocent. I have a site at "" And I have my app configured like ...
Jack Sprat's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Absence of `order` and `sort` in rest calls?

Will absence of order and sort give the same result as order=desc and sort=activity always in every call (it is default in every call)?
amit jha's user avatar
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How to calculate users, who have posted (question/answer) using specific tag?

For example, if I want to know the number of users who asked and answered about PHP. Currently, I can just get the list of questions and its total number, but it's not enough, because one user could ...
Yury Andreykovich's user avatar
4 votes
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'answer' type has "unchanged in unsafe filters" listed for the wrong field says the can_flag field is unchanged in unsafe filters. It's probably meant for the field above it: body_markdown.
Stijn's user avatar
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Can you identify a user from the access_token?

I have the access_token after authentication from the user. At this point I don't know with which sites this user has registered. Is it possible to get user information like the display name or ...
aldrin's user avatar
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The /tags query is not giving me the correct results between two dates?

I'm trying to get the yearly total number of questions that have the tag browserify. I can see that there are questions tagged from this year like this one and that one. The site reports that there ...
Jeremy Larter's user avatar
4 votes
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Search function in the API doesn't work as expected

This looks like an error in the search part of the API. This search URL: /2.2/search?tagged=javascript&intitle=get%20column%20array&site=stackoverflow doesn't return any answers. I'm ...
Wikunia's user avatar
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What does `total` in the /notifications route represent?

What does total in /notifications represent? I ran it. The result was items in Common Wrapper Object was array of 24 items where as total was 4.
amit jha's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Why API Version 2.2 returns null always while getting questions list?

The below 2 codes returns null always. How to get the list of questions using API Version 2.2? Question thisPost = context.Official .StackApps .Questions.ById(1) .WithComments(true) .First(); var ...
Melody's user avatar
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Why is the API giving a different response for preview true/false with POST requests?

Update This expression will evaluate to show the cause. The only requirement is an emacs with url. As you can see, the result from using curl and that from using the url package is different. ...
Sean Allred's user avatar
10 votes
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Tell us that POST is required to write

While troubleshooting /posts/{id}/comments/add in order to answer Why am I getting a 404 when trying to post a comment?, it was noticed that the API path in question only responded to POST requests. ...
michaelb958--GoFundMonica's user avatar
3 votes
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What's the proper way to fetch the score of all answers of SO?

I wrote a small program querying the SE API to grab the public scoring data of all SO answers (excluding the last 3 days). Basically the request I do gets me this: Questions[]: Id Title ...
Denys Séguret's user avatar
5 votes
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Which reputation events are private?

I've been reading the API documentation on retrieving a user's reputation history (docs/types/reputation-history) and Stack Overflow's description of how reputation is calculated. But, I can't find ...
Andrew's user avatar
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How to monitor (for new) accepted answers by certain tags?

In practice, I don't know the IDs of the questions, but I can search for answers by given tag(s). The problem is how to find (newly) accepted answers. The "activity time" does not work for this. For ...
Jason Li's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Possible bug in the help page?

There are some weird dot things in this help page:{id}/badges {Dead link to missing image:} ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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The tags array is missing from answer results

I'm probably missing something very obvious but it seems like /users/{ids}/answers forgets to include the tags badge in the resulting answer object: tags (2.1) an array of strings Nowhere does ...
Rakete1111's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there an RSS feed or question that has API changes?

Is there someplace that we can find notifications of API changes? I noticed today that a new property has been added to user along with a couple new method (and maybe other changes). Is there an ...
Dan McClain's user avatar
0 votes
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How to get the "People reached" stat of a user, using the API? [duplicate]

I checked the user ids and advanced search API docs, but I could not get this stat. Does Stack Exchange provide this info in the API? /2.2/users/{ID}?order=desc&sort=reputation&site=...
Mohan Krishna's user avatar
2 votes
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`fromdate` and `todate` parameter in `/me` call

What if we don't give the fromdate and/or todate parameters in a /me call? Will it give result of user of all times? It's not mentioned explicitly in documentation.
amit jha's user avatar
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Why is "body" missing from certain inbox items?

I have run into some confusion over the presence of the body attribute in an inbox-item returned by the /inbox method. When item_type is set to "careers_invitations", the body attribute appears to be ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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SE API V1.1 documentation, date errata

The Stack Exchange API, version 1.1, documentation is ever so slightly confusing wherever Unix timestamps are mentioned (perhaps any ranges, I haven't dug too deeply) For instance: todate – Unix ...
Dan Lugg's user avatar
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How to find questions that were posted or edited recently?

The api function documented at lets me list questions on a site. How do I sort this so that I see questions that are recently posted, edited, including ...
b_jonas's user avatar
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"users" link lands on the answer page

On the /users/moderators documentation site, the following link is wrong: This method returns a list of users. The users link mistakenly points to the answers object instead of to the users object....
Rakete1111's user avatar
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OAuth domain with a custom port in a dev environment? [duplicate]

I have an app for which the OAuth domain is However, the domain for dev environment is When trying to authorize the website, Stack Exchange replies with an error ...
Jivan's user avatar
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