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Questions tagged [api-v1]

**OBSOLETE** version of the API. Decommissioned in May 2014.

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fromdate is ignored for /posts/{id}/comments requests

The api docs:{id}/comments The test request. You can see comment itself here, it's four months old, while cutoff date in request is less than ...
Nikita Rybak's user avatar
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Retrieving list of c# questions

I am trying to retrieve list of C# questions using"c#". But I get JSON response related to c questions. Response : { "...
Searock's user avatar
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OBSOLETE - /tags fromdate and todate does nothing

Although the help/documentation lists todate and fromdate parameters for tags they do not work. This may be related to tags not having a creation_date. It would be great if we could filter tags by ...
tonklon's user avatar
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15 votes
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Version 1.0 released 9th of July

For a lot of us, that would be next Friday. At some point - most likely after noon PST - version 0.9 of the API will be replaced with the final 1.0 release. There are no expected interface changes ...
Kevin Montrose's user avatar
17 votes
5 answers

OBSOLETE - soapi-notify : Stay ahead of the pack with new question notification V1 release

Obsolete: This app no longer works. It uses a version of the API that was decommissioned in May of 2014. soapi-notify Stay ahead of the pack soapi-notify is an easy to use windows application ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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OBSOLETE - How should I understand "timeline_type": "votes" record in question timeline? [closed]

Take a look at the partial results of this query: { "timeline_type": "votes", "post_id": 2544061, "creation_date": 1269993600, "owner": { // omitted for brevity }, "action": "7 ...
chalup's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

OBSOLETE - SOAPI-WATCH: A realtime service that notifies subscribers via Twitter when the API changes in any way

Obsolete: This app no longer works. It uses a version of the API that was decommissioned in May of 2014. Links and the domain are also long dead. SOAPI-WATCH This post was one of the two that were ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
  • 12.1k
4 votes
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Possible bug in the help page?

There are some weird dot things in this help page:{id}/badges {Dead link to missing image:} ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
7 votes
3 answers

Get the Site Display Name from the API

Is there a way to get the Site Name, like StackOverflow or ServerFault, etc.? In my app I let the user enter a url with a api for a Site and I will be great If I can tell him something like: "You Are ...
Jedi Master Spooky's user avatar
21 votes
3 answers

Should there be a discovery API?

It would seem to me that a simple API that return an array of the API base URL and perhaps the common name of the sites that support the API would be valuable. Is this sensible? EDIT: This is what I ...
TheHurt's user avatar
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