The following problem is REAL! All names have been changed to protect the innocent.
I have a site at ""
And I have my app configured like so:
- Client Id: 1234
- Key: -ABC123((
- OAuth Domain: ""
- Application Website: ""
- Client Side Flow Is Enabled
And the API is configured like so:
clientId: 1234,
key: '-ABC123((',
channelUrl: '',
complete: function() { }
And then I call the authenticate function like so:
networkUsers: true,
scope: [],
success: MySuccessResponder,
error: MyErrorResponder
I get a child window with the following address:
Which shows me an "approve" and "reject" button. When I click "approve" I get this error:
"error description: Cannot return to provided redirect_uri"
Apparently I am the only person having this problem or my searching skills are sucking.
I have already tried setting the OAUTH Domain to the following:
- github
- Something.github
So I'm sure I'm missing something. Plz 2 halp!