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Questions tagged [inbox]

A question about the /inbox and related Stack Exchange API methods.

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Introducing StackPulse: a real-time Cross-platform Stack Overflow question notifier

Screenshot I'm excited to share a new tool I've been working on called StackPulse. It's designed to help developers stay on top of new questions in their areas of expertise on Stack Overflow. About ...
MendelG's user avatar
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Automark as read

The following simple script reverts the most significant one of the inbox ‘improvements’: it marks all inbox messages as read as soon as the inbox is closed. // ==UserScript== // @name Stack ...
user3840170's user avatar
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Unread notifications not showing in API response

I have been trying to fetch all unread notifications from the Stack Exchange API. However, I always get a blank items data in the response. API Endpoint: /2.3/me/notifications/unread?page=1&...
nice_dev's user avatar
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Inbox auto-read - a userscript to mark inbox notifications as read automatically

Inbox auto-read Install Tl;dr: This Tampermonkey userscript automatically reads inbox notifications when it is opened instead of requiring one to press the Mark all read button. I gave it the MIT ...
cocomac's user avatar
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Get access token for matrix bridge

I want to build a bridge for my matrix server. To read my inbox an access_token is required. Do I really need to register an application just to get one access token?
Ace of Spade's user avatar
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Can I get the question id in the inbox route?

My intended behavior of my app is to navigate the user the the question page when an inbox item gets clicked. For example, when the API return a link like this
Norbert Bartko's user avatar
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Hidden page tracks Read/Unread Inbox items better than API or Inbox?

How does this hidden page ( know which Inbox notifications I have/haven't opened? Both the drop-down inbox and the API (ie, seem ...
ashleedawg's user avatar
21 votes
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Top Bar for Chat Rooms

As of 1.12, thanks entirely to Shog9's efforts, this now works on Firefox as well as Chrome! Description: Provides a fully functional top bar, including realtime notifications, easy chat server ...
Jason C's user avatar
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Get our Stack Exchange inbox as native notification on Chrome

About I'm new to the Stack Exchange sites. So I was looking for Chrome Extensions get make my experience better. I searched for a simple and good looking Notification app. I found nothing so I make ...
Alec von Barnekow's user avatar
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API to Emulate Notifications

Is there a API End Point that will emulate Test Notifications? When I say Notifications, I Mean both Inbox and Achievements. Right now i am using below for the data Unread Notification : https://...
AVK's user avatar
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Are the inbox routes (`inbox_item`) missing some item types?

Should there be more options for item_type in the "inbox" routes (they return inbox_item)? Shouldn't they return answer and edit suggested like the site's global inbox does? As shown in this ...
amit jha's user avatar
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Why do you need to specify a site when getting the inbox?

I'm getting a user's inbox via /me/inbox. I am forced to specify a site with this, so I'm setting it to Stack Overflow. However, it still gets all my notifications, including those from other sites. ...
RareNCool's user avatar
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Difference between `/inbox/unread` & `/me/inbox/unread`

I ran /inbox/unread & /me/inbox/unread. What is the difference between the two? Also, the site parameter which we give in call to /me/inbox/unread is not required as inbox_item refers to global ...
amit jha's user avatar
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`body` of `inbox_item` returning only excerpt, not full body

I have run /inbox/unread function. It returns a list of inbox_items. The body of inbox_item gives excerpt, not the full body. This is with all the functions that return inbox_item. According to ...
amit jha's user avatar
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Inbox Reader - Reads your inbox

Screenshot About It reads your inbox License Inbox Reader is released under the Apache License 2.0. Download You can download Inbox Reader here:
Universal Electricity's user avatar
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Stack Exchange Notifications: inbox, achievements, score, improve text editor and lightbox

Install Chrome Firefox Edge Opera Note: you can install developer edtion (inclusive in google chrome) if download from and ...
Rock Volnutt's user avatar
5 votes
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404 "This Method cannot be called this way" when getting user's inbox

I'm doing a POST request to<id>/inbox to get the users' inbox items. However I'm getting a 400 error on the request, and a JSON body saying it was a 404 ...
Erik Elkins's user avatar
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/me/inbox is not returning most recent items

Looks like /me/inbox is either a bit behind or it's not supposed to be realtime. Explanation: for a comment that I received 4 hours ago It's not returned in the API:
ifaour's user avatar
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Marking inbox items as read in api v2.2

I'm aware of this question, but it applied to an older (readonly) api version. Given that API 2.2 is read/write, I figured this might be possible now. Is there any way for an application using the ...
Malabarba's user avatar
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How can I get unread messages for inbox testing? [duplicate]

I use /users/{id}/inbox/unread method to get unread items in a user's inbox. But how could I test it if I have no unread items in my inbox? How can I get/generate unread messages for testing? P.S. ...
LA_'s user avatar
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Request: Mark inbox items as read, now that API 2.2 is here [duplicate]

Now we have write API, can we get a method for the inbox to mark inbox items as read? Previously I believe the reason for not having this was the risk of apps marking items as read without the user ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Inbox item not marked as read after viewing [duplicate]

Accessing inbox items using the following url: /me/inbox Unread inbox items remain unread (is_unread = true) even after that specific item has been read using the API (v2.1). The items are marked ...
Prasanna's user avatar
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Inbox and Notifications aren't being filtered by site

I'm using the API get inbox messages and notifications for various sites on the StackExchange network, but it doesn't seem to matter what site parameter I pass in the query string. I always get my ...
Spencerooni's user avatar
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Creating a home brew Push Server for Stack Exchange

I'm looking to create a home brew push notification server for Stack Exchange. This is mainly due to the fact that Toast Notifications within Windows Store applications are done using Windows ...
James Mertz's user avatar
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Why is "body" missing from certain inbox items?

I have run into some confusion over the presence of the body attribute in an inbox-item returned by the /inbox method. When item_type is set to "careers_invitations", the body attribute appears to be ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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Real-time desktop notifications for Stack Exchange inbox ( Chrome / Firefox )

Screenshot More screenshots: About Get real-time desktop notifications for your inbox at the Stack Exchange. After ...
Rob W's user avatar
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StackInbox - a Chrome/Firefox Extension that Preserves New Stack Exchange Inbox Messages Until They Are Actually Read

Screenshot / Code Snippet Below is a screenshot of the inbox with two viewed yet unread messages: About Preserves new Stack Exchange Inbox messages until they are actually read, not just viewed in ...
jmort253's user avatar
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Unread messages in inbox query shows older inbox messages

I am using the /inbox/unread route to get the unread messages in a user's inbox. Recently (over the last couple of months, perhaps) I have noticed that the entries returned from this route initially ...
Greg Hewgill's user avatar
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Add message ID to inbox items

Feature request: The inbox item object should include a message_id field. The ID should identify inbox messages uniquely within StackExchange.
Adam's user avatar
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Inbox unread since parameter not working

The since parameter of /inbox/unread no longer seems to work. I enter a date after the creation date of the item currently unread in my inbox and still the item is returned. I try putting in ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Mistake in API 2.0 Documentation - Wrong item type for Careers Message

On the Careers Message example shows the wrong item type.
Adam's user avatar
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SENotifier, a Stack Exchange inbox notifier for Mac OS X

Screenshot Updates Version 1.1 Added support for Notification Center (10.8 and later) Adjusted menu icon to align better with existing menu items Auto-update is now supported via Sparkle Version 1....
Greg Hewgill's user avatar
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StackInbox v2.2 - Inbox client for Mac (Now with notifications)

Screenshot Changelog 2.2 Notifications, now you can switch between Inbox items and notifications, unread number will show in the scope bar. More of the preview text is shown. Fixed bug where menu ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Example of inbox items?

Would it be possible to get an example of each type returned by the inbox, Eg careers messages, and whatever meta questions are. Do careers invites/chat messages/etc have ids? And what is their site?
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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