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4 votes

How to set a userscript, listed here on Stack Apps, to auto-update by itself?

It's debatable whether this question is on topic here, but here is an approach that works in most cases (User has a quality script manager, like Tampermonkey‡, and default settings): Host ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
4 votes

Would it be possible to create a script that could be run manually to unprotect questions that meet certain parameters?

Yes, it is possible to create such a script and here it is: // ==UserScript== // @name Unprotect questions // @namespace // @version 0....
rene's user avatar
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4 votes

How to list your application/library/wrapper/script here

I have written a chat bot. Do I need to announce its existence on Stack Apps? No, it is not mandatory to announce your chat bot with a post on Stack Apps. It is appreciated if you do, specially if ...
3 votes

Is there a way to get a user's account ID given his site's user ID?

The 2.3 SE API has a account_id property on the shallow_user object, which is the user's SE account ID, so you can get the user's SE account number from any request which returns that object as part ...
Makyen's user avatar
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2 votes

Default Stack Exchange behavior interferes with my "Mark answers as favorites" code?

First can I say, you might want to use your own icon. Font Awesome is a very useful and easy to use icon toolkit that lets you add icons with simple CSS classes. You could use
ᔕᖺᘎᕊ's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I see how a Stack Apps summary looks for a particular app?

You can't. The summary is only visible on Homepage tabs or the /tagged/[tag] endpoint for a few tags. The following endpoints show the summary in the post list: https:...
rene's user avatar
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1 vote

Default Stack Exchange behavior interferes with my "Mark answers as favorites" code?

Don't use the default button. That's bad UI anyway. Add your own favorite button for each answer. And, since you will be using your own classes, like: <a class="myStarOff" href="#" data-ansID="...
Brock Adams's user avatar
1 vote

Problems opening a question link into an iframe

You are not supposed to open Stack Exchange sites in an iframe and doing so might violate the terms of service. Also, attempting to do this is part of a technique used by cyber-criminals ("...
Brock Adams's user avatar
1 vote

What to do with "OAuth Domain" in the registration page for a browser user script?

You're right, this is not very well documented. OAuth Domain is the domain of the URL where users are redirected after authenticating themselves. You specify this URL in redirect_uri parameter of your ...
anoniim's user avatar
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