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14 votes

Stack Exchange thinks that Shog is a elected moderator

Funny story... When I first joined the team here at Stack Exchange, Jeff just went around on the trilogy sites and made me a moderator... And he used the "elected" route instead of the "...
Shog9's user avatar
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11 votes

What exactly is a valid OAuth domain name for registering your app?

The OAuth Domain is either: A valid domain that you own and control, and that is hosted somewhere the client can reach. Say, for example that you owned See this answer and this answer ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
10 votes

How can I quickly get an access token for personal use?

It's possible to authenticate yourself via the command line; there's no need to set up a website or so. Open the application page via and make sure the option 'Enable ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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9 votes

Can the redirect_uri contain port number?

You got that error because you set the OAuth Domain like, not the redirect_uri. That's not how you configure non-standard ports; see below. The redirect uri, with port, feature now ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
7 votes

How to get total visited days and consecutives of an user?

You cannot get the days visited, nor consecutive, information for a user because that is private information(Poster is SE representative). Stack Exchange is supposed to be about the content, not the ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
6 votes

Stack Overflow for Teams support

Unfortunately, the Free Tier Stack Overflow Team does not have access to APIs. You will not be able to create a PAT if you only have a Free Tier Team assigned to your account.
Deanna Irizarry-Fields's user avatar
5 votes

Bug with `badges/name` endpoint

I don't know for sure what the original problem was, but the most recent issue was a result of implementing a new badge without rebuilding the API. Once the API was pushed to production, the bug was ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
5 votes

Please "release" and/or document API version 2.3

Note that version 2.3 has been around since at least Aug 28, 2015 (Date of that answer). I could have sworn that one of the SE guys said they weren't going to document it, but can't find a reference ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
5 votes

Is the StackExchange API free of charge?

It is completely and unconditionally free. (Although there are usage limits, which are described here.) It is not even necessary to create an account in order to use it. (Although an account is ...
Cody Gray's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the right way to create a Stack Exchange API filter?

I have struggled with Stack Exchange API filters too, when I tried to incorporate up_vote_count, down_vote_count and view_count attributes in my user response object. I visited this page of the ...
André Gasser's user avatar
4 votes

How can I extract user information on Stack Overflow using Python and the Stack Overflow API?

The API presents individual features behind individual URLs. The information on the profile page is combined from several sources; to get the details you requested, you will have to submit multiple ...
tripleee's user avatar
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4 votes

Refresh expired acess token basics

Dealing with token expiration is pretty simple. When a token is/goes bad then, when you make an API call that uses the token, you will get a JSON response like this: { "error_id": 403, "...
Brock Adams's user avatar
4 votes

Documentation or API method for `option_id` information, for the `/flags/options` API calls?

The original intent of these options is clearly not to enable automated flagging, but rather to allow an application to generate a UI that presents the applicable options to a user who would be ...
Shog9's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there an easy way to get user reputation via API?

The question is not clear. If you just want a user's reputation merely do a GET of the API /users/{ids} route. Like so:!...
Brock Adams's user avatar
4 votes

503 errors on batch get questions endpoint

So, you are making up to 150 requests in a 30 second period (10 "parallel requests", with a 2 second pause in between). And failing at 80 to 100+ seconds of operation and 400 to 500 total ...
4 votes

Creating personal applications using Stack Overflow/Stack Exchange API

If you need something for personal use, it doesn't really matter. You can even use, as long as the site doesn't redirect and change the URL. You'll need a browser and a tool like curl. ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the latest version of the Stack Exchange API?

The documentation always refers to the latest official version.  At the time of posting, that is version 2.3. See also: Please "release" and/or document API version 2.3 API 2.3 Release
rene's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I implement a method to call the SE API that handles backoff correctly?

I think a simple singleton that keeps track of the backoff should be enough. I assume you do use the fetch API or any other async capable module. But the approach is also feasible with just Promises ...
rene's user avatar
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3 votes

Documentation or API method for `option_id` information, for the `/flags/options` API calls?

The official documentation is here: Available flags vary from object to object, user to user, and site to site. An application should not assume that particular flags are always available, or that ...
Undo's user avatar
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3 votes

Will the Stack Exchange API work with an org-specific Stack Overflow site?

Are you using Stack Overflow Enterprise? If so, API support was promised for right about nowThere's a chance that ETA might slip. ;). Otherwise, how exactly is this company-specific site configured?...
Brock Adams's user avatar
3 votes

My filter is not returning any results. How to create a minimal filter?

The key mistake here is neglecting the Wrapper Object, and this is a big flaw with the filter documentation. The wrapper is the box that everything you get from the API comes in. You always get the ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
3 votes

Can we find the time of a vote using the API?

Obviously, vote time data is sensitive and censored to protect voter anonymity. So, scanning the list of available objects in the API, we see that: A user's downvote times can be obtained via the /...
Brock Adams's user avatar
3 votes

How to get a list of all StackExchange employees?

Updated thanks to comments by Brock Adams and user43888. There are two methods to achieve this: Method 1: inefficient, but future-proof as it only depends on the SE API. Query the SE API for all ...
Gaurang Tandon's user avatar
3 votes

Cannot get redirect_uri to work

There have been no reported changes to the API, officially for many years, (unofficially since January). But, frankly that script's approach should have never worked. OAuth credentials are sent to: &...
Brock Adams's user avatar
3 votes

How to query the Stack Exchange API using an OR operator?

The API currently does not support this, but then neither does the website itself. The "How do I search?" help page says: OR operator To combine results from multiple tags, separate the tag ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
3 votes

Can I fetch Stack Overflow users by location in Stack Exchange API

It's not possible (short of fetching all users and filtering yourself). The API simply does not offer that query. For alternatives, see the Data Explorer (SEDE):
Glorfindel's user avatar
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3 votes

Suggested edit not returned by API

It's probably because the referenced post has been deleted. The API excludes (most) deleted data (usually).
Brock Adams's user avatar
3 votes

Is there any way or script to sort questions/posts/answers with custom criteria?

You can filter (not sort) questions (and to some extent answers) by using the /search/advanced route of the API. The q parameter allows most of the Advanced Search Options. For example, this will ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
3 votes

API stopped allowing CORS requests

The bug has been fixed: Thanks for reporting. We're working on porting our websites to ASP.NET Core, and those errors you've seen were a result of this. We caught the first error ourselves on a ...
double-beep's user avatar
3 votes

How to get the user's pinned sites?

This information is not available in the officially released version of the API (2.2) and you won't find it in the documentation. However, the Stack Exchange mobile apps have some 'special' API ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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