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6 votes

Does a closed and/or deleted Stack Apps post still provide access to the API?

I've just done a couple of tests with my placeholder app. Even though the question is closed, I was able to generate a new access token (following the regular procedure) for my sockpuppet account, and ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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6 votes

Stack Overflow for Teams support

Unfortunately, the Free Tier Stack Overflow Team does not have access to APIs. You will not be able to create a PAT if you only have a Free Tier Team assigned to your account.
Deanna Irizarry-Fields's user avatar
3 votes

How to solve bad_parameter error?

When copying the application key, please keep in mind that the parentheses are actually part of the key, even if they are the only non-alphanumeric characters in it:
Glorfindel's user avatar
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2 votes

I have created a lot of access_token with no_expiry scope while experimenting. How do I delete them?

This is what the /apps/{accessTokens}/de-authenticate route does. Passing valid access_tokens to this method causes the application that created them to be de-authorized by the user associated with ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
2 votes

Are "api-key" and "app-key" the same thing?

Answer: Yes they are the same. Officially now, since app-key was made a synonym of api-key.
2 votes

What's the relation between access_token, key, quota_max, and throttling?

Without a key the daily quota per IP-address is 300. With a key the daily quota per IP-address is 10,000. With an access_token and key (you can't use an access_token without a key) the daily quota per ...
rene's user avatar
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1 vote

Do I need to be working on an app to get the API key?

Can I get an API key without ever releasing an app? Yes, you can. You only need a question (ironically the question you just asked can be used) when your app requires write-access. Reading your inbox ...
rene's user avatar
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How can I retrieve more than 25 pages from the Stack Exchange API v2.3?

Simply using an API key is enough to increase your quota from 300 to 10,000 per day, but it does not qualify as non-anonymous access. The maximum page number that will be returned for anonymous API ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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1 vote

Can I make a Private Application?

Not only is that possible, but we do it all the time. No one can see the apps you register at except you (and the SE devs). If you don't need OAuth, then you can ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
1 vote

What to do with "OAuth Domain" in the registration page for a browser user script?

You're right, this is not very well documented. OAuth Domain is the domain of the URL where users are redirected after authenticating themselves. You specify this URL in redirect_uri parameter of your ...
anoniim's user avatar
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1 vote

Getting an API key for an application without a server

You don't need a server to get an API key, or even to use OAuth2. Set OAuth Domain to:, and Application Website to: See this other answer for more ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
1 vote

Using the API for one-off batch jobs

I think you can just create an app and mark it as a placeholder. Those are for apps that don't quite work yet, but need a registered Stack Apps post for testing. Incomplete posts are allowed for ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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1 vote

Is it okay to just send the API key (without implementing oauth-2 login)?

Yes, it is perfectly okay. You only need an access_token (OAuth/login) if you are trying to change data, or are accessing private information for a logged-in user. See the Authentication docs for ...
Brock Adams's user avatar

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