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3 votes

How to get the user's pinned sites?

This information is not available in the officially released version of the API (2.2) and you won't find it in the documentation. However, the Stack Exchange mobile apps have some 'special' API ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I future-proof my app to work with every SE site?

This question is nearly a duplicate of Complete list of sites to @include / @match into my script?. This is not hard. There are only seven second-level domains to worry about and all new sites are ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
1 vote

Main Stack Exchange network site API

You are not missing something. 'Stack Exchange' is not a site in terms of Questions and Answers. It has the sole purpose of offering users (not API consumers) a common place across all network sites. ...
rene's user avatar
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1 vote

Stack Exchange API - What does "site_state" mean?

This is related to the lifecycle of a Stack Exchange site; most new sites start as private betas, become public betas and eventually graduate to a regular site. There's also a value closed_beta, as ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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1 vote

How to get visits per day via the API?

Alas, this information is not in the API(Docs), nor is there an easy way to compute it from data that is available. Nor can you get visit info from SEDE or the Data Dump. Your only recourse is to ...
Brock Adams's user avatar

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