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6 votes

<kbd>, Superscript and Subscript, markup shortcuts

feature-request status-completed Wrt the <kbd></kbd> insertion, how about this simple scenario: user has Shift+Alt+P and wants to convert it to Shift+Alt+P Current scenario: user ...
Gaurang Tandon's user avatar
4 votes

Better handling of indentation and the TAB key when editing posts

With the recent network-wide HTTPS switch, the include's should change to: // @include* // @include https://** Also, in case of editing a ...
Nisarg Shah's user avatar
4 votes

Script to dynamically expand the Q/A text field

Yeah, that's annoying and a problem with text areas throughout the interwebz. So, I went ahead and banged out a script for this; Merry Christmas! To install, click here (SE WMD scrollbar killer, ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
3 votes

Suggested edit not returned by API

It's probably because the referenced post has been deleted. The API excludes (most) deleted data (usually).
Brock Adams's user avatar
2 votes

<kbd>, Superscript and Subscript, markup shortcuts

feature-request status-completed Can you please add in strike-through <del>text</del> and Line break <br />
Welz's user avatar
  • 233
2 votes

Force Edit suggested reviews

As written, the script functions only on Stack Overflow. You can make it work on all Stack Exchange sites by changing the Metadata Block (the part at the beginning of the script) to the following: //...
Makyen's user avatar
  • 1,660
2 votes

Stack Exchange Improvements - Sticky top bar, new text editor, and more

bug Using the 'code' button inserts a tripple-backtick block: ``` ... ``` which is a GitHub extension, not supported on Stack Exchange sites. Please change this to use indentation instead.
Martijn Pieters's user avatar
2 votes

API to submit a Suggested Edit

This functionality is not available in the official released version of the API (2.2), but since the Stack Exchange apps (now discontinued) do have this functionality, it must exist, right? Indeed, it'...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 6,802
2 votes

<kbd>, Superscript and Subscript, markup shortcuts

feature-request status-planned Can you please add in [tag:something] (to work like the other features) The icon can just be tag
Welz's user avatar
  • 233
2 votes

"is_edited": false or "is_edited": true as an option in the API response

There is a last_edited_date on questions, answers and posts. If it's empty (and you did include it in your filter), it hasn't been edited. Comments have a built-in edited field which seems to be what ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 6,802
2 votes

How to update tags without modifying question body?

You can't just edit the tags via the API, you have to set the body as well. For that, you need the Markdown (the body_markdown field in the filter) instead of the HTML:
Glorfindel's user avatar
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1 vote

Auto-Editor: a user script for automatically correcting common errors

bug capital, principal, windows, grate are all valid words that shouldn't be auto-replaced. bug filenames are being reformatted within codeblocks (eg., https://...
SuperStormer's user avatar
1 vote

How can I write (edit) one of my answers?

You'll need an API token with write access, which is only available for registered Stack Apps. You might be able to use this very question to obtain a key for your application, or post another ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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1 vote

Can the API Edit a Question, changing only one field?

Yes, you must provide all three of: tags, title, and body -- even if they haven't changed. Otherwise you will get error messages like: "error_id": 400, "error_message": "tags", "error_name": "...
Brock Adams's user avatar
1 vote

Script to dynamically expand the Q/A text field

and this too: StackOverflow CodeBox Options
RASG's user avatar
  • 191
1 vote

SE like I like it userscript

Having the script activated, when I hit Ctrl + Enter in a custom flag dialogue (flag → in need of moderator invention), it discards the flag without notice.
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
  • 231
1 vote

Dude, where's my cursor?

feature-request the script will refuse to run on MathJax-enabled StackExchange sites Could you please get it to work for MathJax-enabled StackExchange sites? There are a lot of MathJax enabled ...
Gaurang Tandon's user avatar
1 vote

<kbd>, Superscript and Subscript, markup shortcuts

There is an issue with the new Dark theme on StackOverflow site, all the custom buttons now have B button background:
CrazyCoder's user avatar
1 vote

<kbd>, Superscript and Subscript, markup shortcuts

bug status-completed The entire extension doesn't function properly in the profile editor (/users/edit/{UserID}). I can click on all of the buttons but nothing happens. (GIF) This is probably ...
Welz's user avatar
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1 vote

<kbd>, Superscript and Subscript, markup shortcuts

bug tampermonkey status-completed I have a slow internet, so the webpage loading circle may still keep spinning while the #wmd-input textbox has already loaded. In this case, I've noticed that if I ...
Gaurang Tandon's user avatar

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