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7 votes

How can I get the access token to use the StackOverflow Rest API as an authenticated user?

If you only want to obtain higher daily quota (10,000 calls per days instead of 300) you supply the key value as query parameter on the url. The key value is found in your App management page. See I ...
rene's user avatar
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6 votes

Stack Menu – Access Stack Overflow from the Menu Bar

My immediate feedback: I’m not normally a fan of applications in place of browser interfaces (Slack is still in a tab for me), but this seems potentially quite useful. (With the usual caveat that my ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
4 votes

SENotifier, a Stack Exchange inbox notifier for Mac OS X

Er… I’m sorry, but I don’t speak robot. I know enough about computers to get by, more than most civilians, but I was wondering if you could dumb the answer to my problem a lot for me please? The ...
pedentically_sematical's user avatar
4 votes

Flack Overstow - Generate spam from Stack Exchange posts

These all come from my mechanics.stackexchange profile. There's a post here: whose top post seems to be burning an over-rich fuel mixture. Hmm, I wonder what they're running their ...
anonymous2's user avatar
4 votes

StackPrinter: The Stack Exchange Printer Suite

The default bookmarklet javascript has problems when used with mathoverflow. Because annoyingly mathoverflow ends with a .net instead of a .com. I made some changes so that it could also work with ...
Jose Capco's user avatar
4 votes

RankOverflow: A website to calculate your Stack Overflow reputation rank in all leagues

bug status-completed Clicking the "Authenticate" button does nothing. When I look at the console, I get this error: ReferenceError: seAuth is not defined I am using Firefox 56, which is listed as a ...
a stone arachnid's user avatar
4 votes

RankOverflow: A website to calculate your Stack Overflow reputation rank in all leagues

Change log Version 2.2(-ish) Added a subsite scoreboard for helpful flags of SOBotics members. Small improvements in the website's text and hiding of ranks that you don't have (Instead of just ...
4 votes

Creating personal applications using Stack Overflow/Stack Exchange API

If you need something for personal use, it doesn't really matter. You can even use, as long as the site doesn't redirect and change the URL. You'll need a browser and a tool like curl. ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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4 votes

What write in app access for sending data

From the documentation: Apps must have a registered Stack Apps post to write. The next sentence (about links pointing back) is no longer true, but the one after that is right and important too: You ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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4 votes

stack remote download

The application is no longer under active development and is abandoned. For more details, see How can I report bugs with or request features for the Stack Exchange mobile apps? on Meta Stack Exchange.
Glorfindel's user avatar
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3 votes

Stack Reminder - Remind Yourself About Posts

feature-request status-completed Can the button please not have the color: red; style? The red button is pretty distracting for a feature I only use occasionally, and all of buttons of the other ...
NobodyNada's user avatar
3 votes

Stack Reminder - Remind Yourself About Posts

bug status-completed I found the exact error which I faced: cannot read property 0 or null on this line when the script tries to attach custom DOM elements: site_options += '<option ' + ...
4b0's user avatar
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3 votes

How to solve bad_parameter error?

When copying the application key, please keep in mind that the parentheses are actually part of the key, even if they are the only non-alphanumeric characters in it:
Glorfindel's user avatar
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3 votes

Stack Reminder - Remind Yourself About Posts

bugstatus-completed Recent change on UI break your UserScript. I dig little bit more on your code and found short-link class to bind remind me button on UI. Recent change remove class short-link so ...
4b0's user avatar
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3 votes

StackExchange Simulator

feature-request Can you add a green to the votes to random questions on the whole questions list which are accepted by owner and add a checkmark on the accepted answer of question? On the questions ...
new Q Open Wid's user avatar
3 votes

StackExchange Simulator

feature-request status-completed Can you please change the "NEXT" button color. Currently it looks like the button is disabled, can you change the color to green or better one..
Arulkumar's user avatar
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3 votes

OBSOLETE - Stackie - A Stack Exchange client for the Universal Windows Platform

Post viewing seems to be broken. The question is cut off and there's infinite scrolling, without being able to see the rest of the question or the answers. Also note that the post score says --3 while ...
Stijn's user avatar
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3 votes

Userstyles to (semi) revert the new Top Questions design

bug Only works on StackOverflow, not on other SE sites. E.g. check out
HolyBlackCat's user avatar
3 votes

Userstyles to (semi) revert the new Top Questions design

bug Views are not hidden when there's exactly one view:
HolyBlackCat's user avatar
2 votes

Real-time desktop notifications for Stack Exchange inbox ( Chrome / Firefox )

bug The Follow Questions and Answers feature is now live across the Network. This allows users to get notifications about any activity on a question when they follow it. However, this extension ...
Daemon Beast's user avatar
2 votes

Real-time desktop notifications for Stack Exchange inbox ( Chrome / Firefox )

I'm probably talking to myself here since it appears nobody except me has been on this page in years, but I figured I should mention that (contrary to my previous comment) the add-in still works just ...
ashleedawg's user avatar
2 votes

StackImpact - What's your impact?

Hmm… a couple of bugs in this: It doesn't seem to be accounted for that accepting your own answer doesn't earn any rep. Selecting a Sunday will make it load the previous week, instead of the one that ...
Nissa's user avatar
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2 votes

SymbolHound: Search Stack Overflow for special characters

Although Google claims to support special characters, it still does not support escape characters. I tried searching for \w with it and found only three results. Would you please improve this?
Kargath's user avatar
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2 votes

Stack Exchange Improvements - Sticky top bar, new text editor, and more

bug Using the 'code' button inserts a tripple-backtick block: ``` ... ``` which is a GitHub extension, not supported on Stack Exchange sites. Please change this to use indentation instead.
Martijn Pieters's user avatar
2 votes

OBSOLETE - SkillRep - experiment in computing a skill focused reputation

Sorry all, I closed the site. This was taking way too much space on my server's hard disk and I felt the burden on SO servers was ridiculous for such a tiny amount of users (this never took off). ...
Denys Séguret's user avatar
2 votes

Afterstack - Productivity tool for the Stack Exchange Network sites

bug The text box is super narrow! The site is unusable! Click for larger image:
clickbait's user avatar
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2 votes

Stack Reminder - Remind Yourself About Posts

bug Button Reminder List and Seetings are not in there appropriate place. Show All Sites gives wrong result. I have 4 question on Reminder but Show All Sites option show only 3 result.
4b0's user avatar
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2 votes

PLACEHOLDER - How to get write_access to comment/answer on Stack Exchange

Is your app listed here? If so, you should edit its entry and paste the URL to this question in the field Stack Apps Post (optional). If you don't have any apps there, you need to create one first and ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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2 votes

OBSOLETE - Elections Statistics page for Stack Exchange sites

bug Programmers has moved to Software Engineering. The icon on the main page still uses, but it should be
zondo's user avatar
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2 votes

TeamMod v1.1-alpha - Enables moderation features in Teams

One caveat is that some moderator actions are directly linked to SO instead of the team, and then an admin will have to manually copypaste the /c/<teamname> part to perform that action. For ...
Tech Expert Wizard's user avatar

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible