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3 votes

How to query the Stack Exchange API using an OR operator?

The API currently does not support this, but then neither does the website itself. The "How do I search?" help page says: OR operator To combine results from multiple tags, separate the tag ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
3 votes

How do I search answer bodies for Markdown links?

The search methods work on the HTML version of the post, so searching for Markdown won't work. You can either use this parameter url - a url which must be contained in a post, may include a wildcard. ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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When using the Advanced Search API endpoint, how soon after the edit grace period is question data updated?

tl;dr: I think you can reduce the delay to 8-10 minutes. Grace period edits are available for 5 minutes after post creation and search results can be stale for a few minutes afterwards, especially ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
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Search by team API - want to have same query results in site

There is no "official" Java client. I assume Java comes with an HTTP client in its standard library. That one should do the trick. The minimal example you need is this URL (click it!): ...
rene's user avatar
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2 votes

Paging fails at 10K items for /search on any site but Stack Overflow

This was a search issue in elastic (max_result_window) that has now been tuned across the network. See, also, this related Q&A on Meta SE.
Nick Craver's user avatar
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How do I get the total number of records for a given search?

In order to get the total, you need to use a filter that includes it. If you just want the total, as your sample code implies, then use the built-in total filter. For example:      ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
2 votes

How to search answers like is:answer

I forget when, but sometime in the last couple of years, the /search/excerpts route started allowing is:answer in the q parameter. For example:           /2.2/search/...
Brock Adams's user avatar
1 vote

Difference in results between parameters Tagged or Q

This request should give the same results Not really; you should leave out the ands in the q parameter. Your second request is equivalent to this search on the site:
Glorfindel's user avatar
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1 vote

Tagged parameter not working as described in documentation

You're right; because the API doesn't have much priority for the developers, here is a workaround: use the q parameter and set it to [java] or [javascript] or [python].
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Can we pull posts out of Stack Overflow based on tags?

Is there any valid way to get the information from Use the /search/advanced route of the API; that's what it's there for. For example:     /2.2/search/advanced?...
Brock Adams's user avatar
1 vote

Discrepancy in results size

I can reproduce (sort of): Search on the main site: 1,449 results Searching with the API: 857 results I use a different filter which shows the total number of results at the bottom, but that doesn'...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Bugs in API 2.2 "/search/advanced" with a "q" parameter

There's indeed no difference between order=asc and order=desc; perhaps this is a limitation of Elasticsearch which powers the Stack Exchange search engine (both the API and on the sites). To be fair, ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there any way to get questions by tag with excerpt?

The /search/excerpts method supports searching by tag and returns the excerpts you're looking for:
Glorfindel's user avatar
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How to search ALL sites with the advanced API?

No, there is no easy way to do this via the API. Related feature requests: Provide a method to search for sites winch merely wanted a search for site name/description. It was declined. Search ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a SQL-like query for the API?

No there is no "Query API", especially not for SQL-like syntax. It sure would be sweet to have an always current version of SEDE† (even if limited to, say, a hundred rows), but this is very ...
Brock Adams's user avatar

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