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4 votes

Refresh expired acess token basics

Dealing with token expiration is pretty simple. When a token is/goes bad then, when you make an API call that uses the token, you will get a JSON response like this: { "error_id": 403, "...
Brock Adams's user avatar
3 votes

Permission to link to Stack Overflow webpages from my app?

Sounds like you are technically not "linking" the pages (to open in Chrome, Firefox, etc.). Google suspects you of "bundling" someone else's content: We don’t allow apps whose primary purpose is ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
1 vote

Will there be an official Stack Exchange application for Android?

No. There was one (I still have it on my phone), but support has been discontinued. (That also holds for the iOS app, but that one is somehow still listed in the App Store). To quote one of the ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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1 vote

Keep getting 500 "Internal error" in requests with an access token

It looks like you are sending a malformed access token. Your example, Vy*iWEzkfPKHAzx7PEtJcA%2529%2529 is not of the proper form and exhibits classic URI encoding corruption. Valid tokens all seem to ...
Brock Adams's user avatar

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