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4 votes

SENotifier, a Stack Exchange inbox notifier for Mac OS X

Er… I’m sorry, but I don’t speak robot. I know enough about computers to get by, more than most civilians, but I was wondering if you could dumb the answer to my problem a lot for me please? The ...
pedentically_sematical's user avatar
2 votes

Real-time desktop notifications for Stack Exchange inbox ( Chrome / Firefox )

bug The Follow Questions and Answers feature is now live across the Network. This allows users to get notifications about any activity on a question when they follow it. However, this extension ...
Daemon Beast's user avatar
2 votes

Real-time desktop notifications for Stack Exchange inbox ( Chrome / Firefox )

I'm probably talking to myself here since it appears nobody except me has been on this page in years, but I figured I should mention that (contrary to my previous comment) the add-in still works just ...
ashleedawg's user avatar
1 vote

Real-time desktop notifications for Stack Exchange inbox ( Chrome / Firefox )

I seem to have a stuck "1" notification, even though I've read everything in my inbox. Didn't this used to have a "mark as read" button or am I crazy? Either way, how do I make ...
THE JOATMON's user avatar

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