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5 votes
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Enumerated types documentation in 1.1 API

I'm starting to implement requesting question and user activity in my framework, but the new 1.1 API documentation doesn't seem to indicate what the possible return values are for the fields any more. ...
Dave DeLong's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

OBSOLETE - Stack Overflow ebooks for Kindle

Obsolete: Links are dead, except for the source code which is very dated. Screenshots About These books contain the top questions from a selection of the top tags on Stack Overflow. The top ...
Greg Hewgill's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Getting Question data using stack.PHP fails after a certain number of requests

I am trying to build an RSS feed that includes any/all questions that I have answered, and been accepted as the correct answer. I am running into an issue where I'm sending too many requests and ...
jondavidjohn's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What happened to the /stats method?

I can't find the /stats method in the new usage documentation. A quick run of reveals that the method is still there. However, it is not documented.
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
1 vote
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What license is the Stack Exchange API released under? MIT?

Are there any license requirements the Stack Exchange API? Which license is it released under? If I were to develop an app, would I have to credit Stack Exchange API?
coleHafner's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

OBSOLETE - List Area51 discuss in the StackAuth sites list

The API works for Area 51 discuss, but it isn't listed on the site list. Would it be possible to add it so software using the API can access it without adding specific code for it?
Gelatin's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to get a post title for a given post ID, even if that post ID is an answer and not a question?

I'm trying to beautify the reputation audit. If I want to show the post title for a reputation change event, however, I have a problem -- I don't know if the post ID is relative to a question or an ...
badp's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Where is the usage documentation?

I know this is probably a dumb question, but there's a bunch of documentation and I don't know what to do with this stuff. How do you use the API?
Jared's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to authenticate a user through Stack Overflow API?

Is it possible to use the Stack Overflow API to authenticate a given user identity such as with Facebook, Twitter, or OpenID? If it's possible: Can you tell me the method (s) that make this happen?
Sebastian's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

OBSOLETE - Unanswered questions with tags returns wrong total

When requesting a list of unanswered questions with a specific tags the total count show the total number of questions for that tag, not the count for the unanswered questions. Using http://api....
Robert Höglund's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

OBSOLETE - Search Stack Exchange Network of Q&A sites instantly with SEInstant

#Obsolete - Site long dead; no source code available. Was written for decommissioned version of the API. About Stack Exchange search results are now fast, faster, instant! :) Following on the heels ...
Vladyslav Tserman's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Where is the API located?

I want to know where is the API located and from where to download?
RPK's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

API Help's CSS is missing

The API Help page's CSS file, located at, is current returning 404 for me: <div id="header"><h1>Server Error</h1></div> <div id="content"> ...
Yi Jiang's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

OBSOLETE - - Python Stack Overflow library

Screenshot / Code Snippet import pyso # Install the Server Fault API version 1.0. pyso.install_site(pyso.APISite("", "1.0")) # Get all the names of the moderators. print list((m["...
Jonathon Watney's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

user 'about_me' field suggested_buffer_size is too small

the suggested_buffer_size of user.about_me is currently 3000. it is apparent that this is the server-side field length. the problem is that the text is stored server-side in markdown but when served ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
  • 12.1k
39 votes
10 answers

OBSOLETE - Stack Exchange Notifier Chrome Extension

#Obsolete: Links are dead; no source code. About Stack Exchange Notifier is a handy extension for Google Chrome browser that displays your current reputation, badges on Stack Exchange sites and ...
Vladyslav Tserman's user avatar
65 votes
4 answers

StackFlair - **Defunct** Generate flair for your Stack Exchange associated accounts

Note: This app, and the associated website have been offline since 2012. The GitHub project may still be useful to you. Sample flair styles: About There have been several requests on Meta ...
Rebecca Chernoff's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

OBSOLETE - /search method, returning the body of the questions

Probably this is a documentation fault. For the search method, the parameter list doesn't say anything about an optional body, but looking at the Returns description shows: "body": { "...
Dan Dumitru's user avatar
2 votes
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Error Code when API Key Limit exceeds

What will the error code be generated when API Key Limit exceeds? I need that because I have to handle this error in my application.
chanchal1987's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What am I allowed/not permitted to do with the API?

I have a site that will offer technical help and assistance for a certain niche of computer users. I can either host my own forums, or tie in with stack... but I want to be able to make money off it ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Is it really worth to (implicitly) discourage documentation of API/library usage nowadays already?

Update: Kevin provided an answer, which, while adding something of value to the three related questions together (by naming the originating concern eventually), actually does not apply to the ...
Steffen Opel's user avatar
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OBSOLETE - /tags fromdate and todate does nothing

Although the help/documentation lists todate and fromdate parameters for tags they do not work. This may be related to tags not having a creation_date. It would be great if we could filter tags by ...
tonklon's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

OBSOLETE - Soapi.Explore (silverlight) - The entire API at your command

OBSOLETE: has been down since at least 2012. Soapi.Explore SL About Soapi.Explore SL is a Silverlight based annotated test harness for the Stack Exchange API. All API methods and ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
  • 12.1k
4 votes
2 answers

OBSOLETE - Soapi.FindUser (silverlight) Quickly find any user anywhere in the Stackiverse!

OBSOLETE: has been down since at least 2012. Soapi.FindUser - Silverlight Edition Configuration: {irreparable screenshot was here} About Soapi.FindUser (silverlight) is provides a means ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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4 votes
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OBSOLETE - Soapi.FindUser - Quickly find a any Stack Exchange user

OBSOLETE: has been down since at least 2012. Soapi.FindUser About Soapi.FindUser is a tiny .NET 3.5 application that searches all Stack Exchange sites for users by name with the provided ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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5 votes
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OBSOLETE - RoboStack: A Google Wave robot for the Stack Exchange API

OBSOLETE - Google Wave doesn't exist anymore. Screenshot / Code Snippet For a video snapshot visit About Unlike a Jabber/XMPP robot, this application is a Google ...
nabeelmukhtar's user avatar
10 votes
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OBSOLETE - Stack Up for iOS (1.0.1)

OBSOLETE - the app is not available anymore in the App Store About Stack Up is now available on the App Store. Stack Up is a Stack Exchange client for iOS (4.0 only at the moment, but I'm working ...
conmulligan's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

How the /sites method is meant to be used

The /sites method is used to enumerate all sites in the network. If your [app] is meant to run against more than a single site (and many are) this method is how you should be discovering new sites in ...
7 votes
0 answers

OBSOLETE - Code Consultant: Jabber bot to help you work through your coding problems

Screenshot / Code Snippet About Have you ever noticed that simple act of describing a problem you can't get past to a co-worker will help you solve the problem, even if they don't say a thing? The ...
Nathan Voxland's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

OBSOLETE - StackCenter - your one-stop app for everything Stack Exchange

OBSOLETE: The site and app have been down for years. Update: StackCenter has been completely rewritten to use Soapi.JS2. I have also made some changes to the UI. Screenshot About StackCenter is a ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
6 votes
0 answers

OBSOLETE - GeeQe - Native Stack Overflow client

Obsolete - no longer in iTunes store, no source code given, and was coded for a decommissioned version of the API. About The Geek Question Explorer is a Native Stack Overflow iPhone Application. ...
carson's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

OBSOLETE - Stacklipse - Eclipse plugin preview

Obsolete. This plugin is for/uses a decommissioned version of the API. About Stacklipse is an eclipse plugin that utilizes Stack Apps API to provide a search view in Eclipse. Currently just provide a ...
chenyuejie's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

AND searching for tags?

I am using the search api to search for questions that are tagged with "tags" and not with "tags". However I have noticed that searching for tags is an OR search. The questions search for tags is an ...
johnwards's user avatar
  • 465
21 votes
1 answer

OBSOLETE - A Stack of Twits - Tweeting all over your stack

OBSOLETE - Domain is no longer working and Twitter account hasn't been active since 2010. Get tweets about new questions on Stack App sites About I am fed up sitting all day refreshing the home ...
johnwards's user avatar
  • 465
2 votes
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OBSOLETE - ActionStack - An ActionScript Wrapper for the API

Obsolete - designed for a decommissioned version of the API and most of the links, below, are dead. Screenshot / Code Snippet Here is a simple example that fetches stats on Stack Overflow: import com....
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
18 votes
3 answers

OBSOLETE - Stack Insight - Track a User's Activity Over all Stack Sites

OBSOLETE - Site is dead. And domain has been un-hosted and/or parked since 2013. Screenshots About Web application to show how all a user has been involve in the different stack sites over time. ...
RichH's user avatar
  • 281
20 votes
0 answers

OBSOLETE - StackImage - Generating Images of Questions and Users [Now with Global Flair!]

RIP June 23, 2010 - July 4, 2013 All of the features that StackImage provides are either available with the built-in flair on each Stack Exchange site or provided by StackImage's successor: ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
9 votes
1 answer

How to see which users upvoted a question?

I assume this information is tracked, since StackOverflow shows me the questions I have upvoted (when going to their question page, I can undo the upvote). I couldn't find any api call that gives this ...
Edan Maor's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

OBSOLETE - soapi-notify : Stay ahead of the pack with new question notification V1 release

Obsolete: This app no longer works. It uses a version of the API that was decommissioned in May of 2014. soapi-notify Stay ahead of the pack soapi-notify is an easy to use windows application ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
  • 12.1k
33 votes
8 answers

StackWrap4J Java wrapper

The StackWrap4J 1.0.1 jar is now available! (See the changelog) Sample Code / Screen Shot The following code snippet was used to test the wrapper in the Android emulator: TextView text = (TextView)...
Bill the Lizard's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

OBSOLETE - StackAd Scroller

Screenshot About StackAd Scroller is a small web application that scrolls the open source ads from this Meta question. It is highly configurable and makes a nice page to leave your web browser open ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
4 votes
1 answer

Is there an RSS feed or question that has API changes?

Is there someplace that we can find notifications of API changes? I noticed today that a new property has been added to user along with a couple new method (and maybe other changes). Is there an ...
Dan McClain's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

OBSOLETE - StackAd - An Easy Way to Display Open-Source Ads on Your Site/Blog

Note: This page is due for an update but until then you can add StackAd to your site by adding: <script type='text/javascript' src='
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
4 votes
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OBSOLETE - SOAPI-PARAM-EXAM: A flat sortable, filterable list of all parameters in the Stack Overflow api

OBSOLETE: the website is down SOAPI-PARAM-EXAM SOAPI-PARAM-EXAM is a little scooby snack of a tool that lets you get your eyes on all of the parameters in the api. This is useful for ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
  • 12.1k
1 vote
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OBSOLETE - How should I understand "timeline_type": "votes" record in question timeline? [closed]

Take a look at the partial results of this query: { "timeline_type": "votes", "post_id": 2544061, "creation_date": 1269993600, "owner": { // omitted for brevity }, "action": "7 ...
chalup's user avatar
  • 119
5 votes
3 answers

OBSOLETE - Build an app with Soapi.JS and gain praise and adulation. And some rep

Bounty Contest: Build anything using the Soapi.JS JavaScript wrapper and either post the code or a link to a live demo. When the question gets old enough (7 days I think) I will click 'start a bounty' ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
  • 12.1k
10 votes
2 answers

OBSOLETE - StackBook - let your Online Community friends know what you're doing on Stack Overflow

About StackBook helps mashup service for you let your Online Community (right now only Facebook) friends know what you're doing on Stack Overflow. License MSPL Access ...
user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

OBSOLETE - SOAPI-DIFF: Your app broke? Check SOAPI-DIFF to find out what changed in the API

OBSOLETE - the website is down. SOAPI-DIFF Soothe your beta api blues with a DIFF view of the entire API compared to the last changed version. Instantly identify added/removed/changed ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
  • 12.1k
158 votes
15 answers

OBSOLETE - Six to Eight: An iPhone client

Six to Eight no longer functions, and has been discontinued. This is due to the shutdown of the v1 SE API. Given that SE has now developed their own iOS client, I don't see myself updating Six to ...
Adam Wright's user avatar
  • 4,325
52 votes
6 answers

OBSOLETE - Stack2Blog - Turning your answers into blogs (For "sale")

Stack2Blog for Sale Hi everyone! Since we're working on a few other projects, we haven't worked on Stack2Blog in a while. We still think it can be useful, especially with the rise of platforms like ...
Edan Maor's user avatar
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