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top-answerers / top-askers documentation bug: number of results returned incorrect

The top-answerers-on-tags and top-askers-on-tags documentation claim: Returns the top 30 answerers active in a single tag, of either all-time or the last 30 days. and Returns the top 30 askers ...
Martijn Pieters's user avatar
7 votes
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Application Key and AccessToken are not working for Stack Exchange API? [duplicate]

I have followed the documentation and used explicit OAuth 2.0 flow for access_token generation. And I have gone through all 4 steps defined under explicit OAuth 2.0 flow with scope=no_expiry. Then I ...
Sanjiv's user avatar
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2 votes
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Query Statistics for my app responds with "No Requests" [duplicate]

When I access Query Statistics for my app (while logged in) I get "No Requests" Am I doing something wrong? I'm using Chrome 34 on Ubuntu.
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
0 votes
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Are the "body", "comments" and "answers" parameters supported in the API version 2.x?

Earlier with version 1.x, the parameters: body, comments and answers etc. were available. But these don't seem to be supported with API version 2.x. Are these parameters not supported in new API? Are ...
Sanjiv's user avatar
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Sorting and filtering is broken on /questions

Sorting error When querying /questions and sort them by creation in descending order, the creation_date drops very rapidly. I was looking for questions in the [php] tag on Stack Overflow. There are ...
Antony's user avatar
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6 votes
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Descriptions of tag-based badges are incorrect

The descriptions associated to tag-based badges are wrong, they always show 0 instead of actual thresholds: Earned at least 0 total score for at least 0 non-community wiki answers in the … tag See ...
A.L's user avatar
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OAuth login fails for Stack Exchange and Facebook, but not Google

I'm integrating with Stack Exchange API on iOS 6 & 7. To authenticate, I load up a UIWebView with the OAuth page. Google login works well, but Stack Exchange and Facebook do not. Are these ...
Pwner's user avatar
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5 votes
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API documentation pages match some site names incorrectly

The bug is not in the API itself, but in the pages documenting its methods. To reproduce, follow the link and observe that the page ...
How About a Nice Big Cup of's user avatar
2 votes
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Version used by StackExchange API if version is not specified in api calls

I have used some StackExchange API calls in my chrome extension - StackEye. With the release of API 2.0, I want to update the api calls so I wanted to know New things available in 2.0+ which were ...
Sachin Jain's user avatar
4 votes
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Total reputation reported by the /users/{ids}/reputation route is low

When querying the /users/{ids}/reputation API route, the total amount of reputation I get back from all reputation changes is much lower than my reputation reported on Stack Overflow. Here's my ...
Bill the Lizard's user avatar
1 vote
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Get Token button in "Try it" doesn't give me a key in IE11

When I visit for example the timeline docs to try that api I need to get a token first by clicking 'Get Token'. In IE11 (win 7/x64) this is broken. A window does pop-up but there is never a key ...
rene's user avatar
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8 votes
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Incomplete information in API documentation

I am struggling a little bit with the Stack Exchange API since there seems to be no formal specification for the individual endpoints of the API. Example: Endpoint:
Besi's user avatar
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4 votes
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Invisible text in Markdown syntax help

Some text is invisible in the How to Format help block because of a bad combination of text and background color: That's meant to read ► backtick escapes `like _so_` but the backquoted portion is ...
A.L's user avatar
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bounties_offered are not being returned correctly from /users/{ids}/reputation

When querying the /users/{ids}/reputation API route, reputation changes for bounties_offered are not being returned correctly. In my own results, I see a reputation object with a reputation_change ...
Bill the Lizard's user avatar
4 votes
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Reputation changes from accepting answers to questions are not included in reputation results

When querying the /users/{ids}/reputation API route, the results don't include the +2 reputation changes from accepting answers. None of the reputation results from my own reputation history have a ...
Bill the Lizard's user avatar
2 votes
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The reputation_change field is missing from the reputation results on some CW posts

When querying the /users/{ids}/reputation API route, the reputation_change field is missing from the results on community-wiki answers. I think the reputation type should always include this field, ...
Bill the Lizard's user avatar
3 votes
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SSL handshake error after Stack Overflow back on - anything related to SSL certification changed?

I'm building a Stack Overflow app for BlackBerry10. Earlier today (Feb 16, 2014), Stack Overflow was down and after it came back up my app starts to have this issue. My app works fine when it's in LTE,...
user25023's user avatar
32 votes
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Looking for a beginner's tutorial to using the API

I see the Stack Exchange API but I'm unable to understand it. I don't think there is any fundamental tutorial showing how to use Stack Overflow fully in the API documentation. I want some fundamental ...
Ranjit's user avatar
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"Try it" facility suffers a double-encoding bug

As you can clearly see from the above, the ampersand in the site name in the "Try It" section of the API method documentation has been double-encoded. This affects any site with an ampersand in the ...
michaelb958--GoFundMonica's user avatar
11 votes
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Google’s OAuth redirect broken

We just tried to authenticate with our application without being logged into anything on StackExchange. This is best tested in a private browser session without any cookies etc. So after starting the ...
poke's user avatar
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What is the private_info scope for?

In the docs it says you can pass private_info for scope when authenticating a user. What does this allow you to access, that you couldn't otherwise?
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Is there an offline copy of the API documentation?

I'm trying to find a way to get all the information in the API in one printable PDF, complete with the examples given in the documentation. Is there anyway I can do this?
Sean Allred's user avatar
10 votes
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Tell us that POST is required to write

While troubleshooting /posts/{id}/comments/add in order to answer Why am I getting a 404 when trying to post a comment?, it was noticed that the API path in question only responded to POST requests. ...
michaelb958--GoFundMonica's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Why is there a difference between "questions" and "search" in API?

I have a query to find the number of questions tagged java from 2012-08-01 to 2013-08-01. Running this using both /questions and /search produces different results:
Sarath Saleem's user avatar
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Not all sites are returning Hi Res icons

In the /sites method, not all the sites return high_resolution_icon_url field. (e.g. Personal Finance and Money) Although if you add "@2" to the normal resolution icon you can see a high res image ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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2 votes
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Advanced search API not returning data for "phonegap" tag

I am trying to gather results from the API for the tag phonegap but the API is not returning any data. I am using /search/advanced and get nothing back for November: { "items": [], "...
Rod Burns's user avatar
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Implicit OAuth Flow stopped working. Redirect happening to a non existent URL [duplicate]

The following URL is first hit when a user clicks on Login:
Prasanna's user avatar
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Incorrect link parameter on the "Complex Queries" documentation page

The "Complex Queries" documentation page has this link: Of these three posts on Server Fault, the one with the most recent activity where "the one with the most recent activity" links to https://...
ForkandBeard's user avatar
2 votes
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V2.1 API body HTML has unclosed li tags

The Stack Exchange API (with a safe filter) is returning question body content with malformed HTML, specifically <li> elements that do not have closing tags (and no valid parent). I've seen ...
Rob MacEachern's user avatar
5 votes
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The API /questions/{ids}/timeline path doesn't return several items that occurred after the fromdate parameter

I need to get all the question activity after some particular time. I am using the timeline API, like so:       /questions/20032212/timeline?fromdate=1384705610& But it ...
Sachin Jain's user avatar
4 votes
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Link to applied_count leads to a 404

To Reproduce Run an API query on tag-synonyms, you will get a result that includes something like this: Issue(s) Click on the applied_count link and you get redirected to this page which is a 404. It ...
jmac's user avatar
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"OAuth request must be over HTTPS" when request is over https

I had a bug reported to me that I was able to reproduce. When authorizing to my Badges webapp, we get the following error: error: invalid_request error description: OAuth request must be over ...
agent86's user avatar
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Trying to get the Total results count crashes the /notifications path

I am trying to use the filter !9ciXfDSYM (same as default but with total) with the /notifications request and the response is: { "error_id": 500, "error_name": "internal_error", "...
dileping's user avatar
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API calls that return select post bodies throw JSON errors

When calling the Stack Exchange API to get the post body, it will return an error for some posts. EG: /docs/questions#page=13&pagesize=100&fromdate=2013-09-01&todate=2013-09-02&order=...
Michael Sun's user avatar
6 votes
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The "advanced search" path returns very wrong results for the `q` parameter

I'm trying to search for a string. It's a hardware identifier 10ec:8168 and should be unique to that make/model of chip. Any questions that mention is should be relevant. But compare the site search ...
Oli's user avatar
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/oauth/access_token not redirecting back to my redirect_uri

I am trying to implement Stack Exchange using oAuth 2.0. I am able to get CODE but, when I try to get access_token through this code: <?php if(isset($_GET['code'])) { ?> <form method="...
Amit Parmar's user avatar
6 votes
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/users/{ids}/timeline creation_date missing or incorrect

I am writing a small widget that displays the time since I was awarded my last badge on Stack Overflow. I noticed that my most recent badge was missing from the timeline data (/users/{ids}/timeline). ...
Steph Sharp's user avatar
18 votes
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Accessing Authenticated User's Close/Delete History

I'm working on the PHP chatroom's cv-pls backlog UI. Many users and myself would like the ability to track which questions we have already handled though close/delete votes. To be able to do that I ...
kittycat's user avatar
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Support for OR constraint when querying questions based on tags [duplicate]

Right now, there is no way (as far as I know) to query for questions based on multiple tags using an OR constraint. You can query for questions tagged with multiple of these tags, but not with one or ...
tolgap's user avatar
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Most of the url are missing the protocol

Maybe you were trying to fix the other "bug" I've pointed out, but now most of the url for the icons are missing the protocol! { "site_type": "main_site", "name": "Stack Overflow", "...
Enrichman's user avatar
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SE API V1.1 documentation, date errata

The Stack Exchange API, version 1.1, documentation is ever so slightly confusing wherever Unix timestamps are mentioned (perhaps any ranges, I haven't dug too deeply) For instance: todate – Unix ...
Dan Lugg's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Stack Exchange API is returning boolean(false) For 'is_answered' On Question With Accepted Answer

When you view this question you see a closed question which has an accepted answer. When you get the API info for it you get this: ["question_id"]=> int(17466804) ["creation_date"]=> int(...
kittycat's user avatar
  • 507
2 votes
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Stack Exchange API is returning non-existant/incorrect notices for questions

When you view this question you do not see any notices other than the protected notice at bottom. Also, you are able to edit the answers and question (provided you have the privilege). However, when ...
kittycat's user avatar
  • 507
14 votes
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Stack Exchange API is not returning the close vote counts for questions

When you visit this question (with proper privs) you can see that there are 2 close votes cast for it. However, if you access the information for this question using the Stack Exchange API you get ...
kittycat's user avatar
  • 507
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Default listing images aren't served from CDN, fail to load because of certificate error

The default images used on the app/script/library pages aren't pointing to the CDN, so their use of HTTPS causes a certificate error that prevents the image from loading: Could the image sources be ...
Tim Stone's user avatar
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Top questions by tag and period

I want to get via API the most voted questions from the latest week (for example) from a specified tag (php, for example). How can I do this?
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
4 votes
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The API has stopped allowing CORS requests

I just noticed that a script I have that makes CORS requests to the API stopped working on Meta Stack Overflow, claiming that the domain isn't allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin, which is true ...
Tim Stone's user avatar
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How do I parse the dates from the API?

I see that JSON returned by the API contains dates in the following format: "creation_date":1364546475 ^^^^^^^^^^ What's the meaning of it? How can I parse it to get the date in the ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
3 votes
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In the API, User object, what are all these reputation properties?

I am going through the JSON that is resulting from calling the Stack Exchange User API. I see a bunch of reputation fields. private Number reputation; private Number reputation_change_day; private ...
Nicholas DiPiazza's user avatar
4 votes
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Parameter `tagged` in `search/advanced` seems to use `AND` instead of `OR`

It seems that search/advanced has the same problem as in "The tagged parameter does not work with multiple tags" question. When I select c#; .net I only get results tagged both c# and .net: http://...
Andrey Shchekin's user avatar

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