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Questions tagged [bounty]

A bounty is a way to get additional attention for a question by offering some of your own reputation for great answers.

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3 votes
1 answer

Are bounties on Stack Apps productive?

Stack Apps doesn't have a Featured tab like other SE sites. Is starting a bounty to promote your Stack App a stupid idea?
clickbait's user avatar
  • 383
4 votes
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Why No Bounty? userscript

Inspired by this feature request by Shadow Wizard, I wrote a simple userscript (direct install link) which checks most of the reasons why you can't start a bounty, and displays that information on the ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 6,885
2 votes
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Bounty Notice Viewer - View the notice from Home page

Inspired by my own meta question: Show the bounty notice/reason on hover instead of “this question has an open bounty worth x reputation”, I created a userscript which helps to view the bounty notice ...
i--'s user avatar
  • 181
5 votes
1 answer

Using OR with featured questions

My question is similar to: Getting questions that have a specific tag or tags? What I am trying to do is get a list of Featured questions within a list of tags. I have tried using the following: ...
DaImTo's user avatar
  • 153
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bounties_offered are not being returned correctly from /users/{ids}/reputation

When querying the /users/{ids}/reputation API route, reputation changes for bounties_offered are not being returned correctly. In my own results, I see a reputation object with a reputation_change ...
Bill the Lizard's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Can the reason for posting a bounty and the bounty poster be added to featured questions?

Featured questions have more information than is currently available through the /questions/featured API route. Could the following be added? The user who posted the bounty (since it's no longer the ...
Bill the Lizard's user avatar