When querying the /users/{ids}/reputation API route, the results don't include the +2 reputation changes from accepting answers.

None of the reputation results from my own reputation history have a vote_type of "accepts" and a post_type of "question", despite the fact that I've accepted 69 answers to my questions.
I've also looked for reputation changes of +2 and looked at the reputation histories of lower-reputation users to verify that these reputation changes are missing from the results.

  • Re-confirmed this is still an issue. Commented Oct 4, 2015 at 0:11

1 Answer 1


I ended up working around this by using the question_count and accept_rate fields from the /users/{ids} API route, then just calculating the reputation for accepting answers. Note that question_count is not included in the default filter, so you have to add it in.

Note: This isn't exact because of self-accepted answers, but it should be close for most users.

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