Questions tagged [app]
Use this ONLY to list or announce your application; and ONLY if that application either uses the Stack Exchange API or works on any of the Stack Exchange websites. See for more information.
Stack Mobile - View Stack Exchange Sites on Your Smart Phone or Tablet
Stack Mobile is a mobile-friendly front-end to all of the sites in the Stack Exchange network. It has a number of handy features that make browsing the sites easy and hassle-free. Here are just a f…
StackApplet — Bringing Stack Exchange Notifications to Your Desktop [Large scale rewrite in progress]
StackApplet is a small status icon that sits in your desktop's notification area and alerts you to events that happen to your accounts. You will receive notifications about new answers, comments an…
Obsolete - StackTack, a JavaScript widget you can stick anywhere
StackTack is a widget for bloggers and writers to easily tack questions and answers from the Stack Exchange sites such as Stack Overflow, Server Fault and Super User, into their articles. The widge…
StackPrinter: The Stack Exchange Printer Suite
UPDATE: Version 1.1 - MySE section, PrettyPrint, StackPrinter API Screenshots: App Homepage Printable view Logo: StackPrinter is a website that pulls the …
OBSOLETE - SOAPI-WATCH: A realtime service that notifies subscribers via Twitter when the API changes in any way
Obsolete: This app no longer works. It uses a version of the API that was decommissioned in May of 2014. Links and the domain are also long dead. SOAPI-WATCH This post was one of the two that …
OBSOLETE - SOAPI-EXPLORE: Self-updating single page JavaSript API test harness
SOAPI-EXPLORE this post was one of the two that were listed regarding SOAPI. For a full overview of the SOAPI eco-system see What is SOAPI and why should I care? For a more robust API discovery to…
OBSOLETE - Six to Eight: An iPhone client
Six to Eight no longer functions, and has been discontinued. This is due to the shutdown of the v1 SE API. Given that SE has now developed their own iOS client, I don't see myself updating Six to …
OBSOLETE - StackCenter - your one-stop app for everything Stack Exchange
StackCenter is a website designed to make keeping track of all your accounts easier. Simply enter your username from one of the sites and you're good to go! You can then view your personal page tha…
OBSOLETE - soapi-notify : Stay ahead of the pack with new question notification V1 release
Obsolete: This app no longer works. It uses a version of the API that was decommissioned in May of 2014. soapi-notify Stay ahead of the pack soapi-notify is an easy to use windows app…
OBSOLETE - SOREP: Trilogy Site Ranking - For those who need to know
Note, all of the app links, below, are dead. And the domain is parked. SOREP is a service that does a nightly index of all users ordered by reputation and makes that information available vi…
StackEye - Chrome Extension to follow users and questions on StackExchange sites
A Chrome extension Chrome Extension to follow users and questions on StackExchange sites.
Stack2RSS - A JSON to RSS Conversion Service [Now Fully Open Source!]
Stack2RSS is a small service that when given an API query, generates an RSS feed that you can then subscribe to in your RSS reader. The inspiration for this application came from all of the featur…
StackTracker - Cross-platform desktop notification app
StackTracker, a cross-platform desktop notifier for the StackExchange API built with PyQt4 The application displays a task tray notification when someone has posted an answer or a comment to a ques…
StackTack WordPress Plugin - Embed Stack Exchange Questions in Your Blog.
Have you ever asked a question or posted an answer to a question on a Stack Exchange site and said to yourself "I sure would like to share this on my blog?" Well, you could just post a link to the …
OBSOLETE - Soapi.Explore (silverlight) - The entire API at your command
Soapi.Explore SL is a Silverlight based annotated test harness for the Stack Exchange API. All API methods and parameters are fully supported. Features: Sites are updated automatically - you may q…
OBSOLETE - Soapi.FindUser - Quickly find a any Stack Exchange user
Soapi.FindUser is a tiny .NET 3.5 application that searches all Stack Exchange sites for users by name with the provided search term. The results are grouped by site and are sortable by Name or Re…
OBSOLETE - Soapi.FindUser (silverlight) Quickly find any user anywhere in the Stackiverse!
Soapi.FindUser (silverlight) is provides a means to quickly find any user anywhere is the Stackiverse. You may search any number of Stack Exchange sites. A click on an item will open the profile pa…
SENotifier, a Stack Exchange inbox notifier for Mac OS X
SENotifier is a Mac OS X app that shows the current contents of your Stack Exchange inbox in the menu bar.
StackStalker: Be Notified When Your Question Is Updated (Chrome Extension)
StackStalker Monitor any question from any Stack Exchange site and see when it is updated. Latest version: 3.0.2 | Updated: May 5, 2017 Minor bug fix to work on https sites. Rewritten from near-s…
Natty - Bringing 10k moderation to All
Background and History The New Answers to Old Questions tool helps us to find all the answers added to questions which are more than 30 days old. However the issue with the tool is that it is not …
Newt - question, answer and comment and rep change notifications for Mac OS X
Follow your favourite Stack Exchange sites easily! Newt will notify you about questions on interesting topics, answers to your questions, comments for you and reputation changes.
OBSOLETE - Droidstack for Android - now with chat support! [closed]
Droidstack is an Android app that allows you to browse Stack Exchange websites in a very cool, native kind of way, while keeping a Stack Overflow-like look & feel. The API functionali…
Real-time desktop notifications for Stack Exchange inbox ( Chrome / Firefox )
Real-time desktop notifications for the Stack Exchange (Firefox add-on / Chrome extension). Also shows the inbox content in a panel upon clicking the extension button.
OBSOLETE - New Q! - Google Chrome Extension notifies you of new questions of interest and inbox messages
New Q! is a Google Chrome browser extension that notifies you whenever: Someone asks a question that interests you Someone comments on your question Someone comments on your answer You receive a …
SX -- Stack Exchange for Emacs!
pull requests welcome! SX is a Stack Exchange client for Emacs. Currently progressing rapidly through its prototyping phase, SX will support the full range of API operations, including network/q… - everything you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask. (about an SE user. almost.) All Stack Exchange users at your fingertips. The core of this application is a robust data acquisition and maintenance platform based on Soapi.CS that reliably and economicall…
OBSOLETE - StackAd - An Easy Way to Display Open-Source Ads on Your Site/Blog
StackAd pulls the answers from this question that have 6 or more upvotes and displays a random ad in the box. The code is provided as a .js file you can embed in your pages. The instructions are he…
OBSOLETE - SOAPI-DIFF: Your app broke? Check SOAPI-DIFF to find out what changed in the API
OBSOLETE - the website is down. SOAPI-DIFF Soothe your beta api blues with a DIFF view of the entire API compared to the last changed version. Instantly identify added/removed/changed el…
OBSOLETE - StackX - Android application for Stack Exchange (Free) (UI and optimization upgrade)
Update: 4/15/2013: Screenshots updated according to latest layout An android application that will allow the user to browse through all of stack exchange websites using API v2.1. Browse any of…
Metro Stack - A Windows Phone Stack Exchange app
Screenshot I’m pleased to announce MetroStack: A Windows Phone 8.1 app to interact with any website part of the Stack Exchange Network. Sort, search and view questions, answers, tags and users…
SOAPI-REST: Complete Stack Overflow API specification in machine readable format
SOAPI-REST Services At four hour intervals, SOAPI-WATCH parses the complete Stack Overflow API documentation and generates a complete object graph representing the API including all routes, parame…
Stack Users Lite: Search for users on all Stack Exchange sites and view their associated accounts
Stack Users Lite is a simple single page JavaScript application that searches all Stack Exchange sites for users by partial or complete username and allows you to view the associated accounts for a…
StackHose: live real-time event stream in your browser
StackHose is a continuously updated stream of new content from Stack Overflow. It uses the Firehose JSON streaming event service to get a "push" stream of new event notifications. The newest notifi…
OBSOLETE - SOAPI-PARAM-EXAM: A flat sortable, filterable list of all parameters in the Stack Overflow api
OBSOLETE: the website is down SOAPI-PARAM-EXAM SOAPI-PARAM-EXAM is a little scooby snack of a tool that lets you get your eyes on all of the parameters in the api. This is useful for vi…
What write in app access for sending data
Here is my app's code: However, I get this error:
Column 80 - Plain Text optimised Stack Exchange
Browsing the existing Stack Exchange family of websites was OK in a text-based browser, but when you're stuck in a Linux shell with no way out and no other computers around and you just know you sa…
StinkingBadges - Track your progress towards long-term badges
How close are you to Legendary?
StacksGuru: a near realtime bot for all Stack Exchange sites
UPDATE Stacksguru address is now [email protected] (in the plural form) remove the old contact ([email protected]) and use the new one. StacksGuru is a Jabber/XMPP bot which gives you a co…
OBSOLETE - Stack2Blog - Turning your answers into blogs (For "sale")
Stack2Blog for Sale Hi everyone! Since we're working on a few other projects, we haven't worked on Stack2Blog in a while. We still think it can be useful, especially with the rise of platforms like…
se-flair: HTML combined Stack Exchange site flair
Combined flair for all Stack Exchange sites, including Area 51, running on Google App Engine.
Fast Multi Platform Data Dump Import for SQL Server (2000/2005/2008), SQLite and MySQL
UPDATE: Both and have been offline for a while. The application readme file and hosting will be moved to Links are in the read…
OBSOLETE - StackAnywhere - A Stack Exchange client for Android
An Android StackExchange client featuring home screen widget, new answer notifications, search and more.
George the Dev - Making Conversation in the Chat Rooms
George the Dev is a chat bot for the Stack Exchange network of chat sites. He currently hangs out in the Sandbox and is capable of understanding a few commands and those commands resemble a natura…
Overflow7 - Stack Exchange sites on Windows Phone 7
This is a Stack Overflow app for Windows Phone 7 - it allows you to browse, read and bookmark Stack Exchange sites Screenshot License and Download There are two versions of the app available: …
Stackathlon 2.5: Leader board for users active on multiple sites
It's surprising how few people are active on multiple Stack Exchange sites. Well, maybe not so surprising. But it's a big world; you'd think there'd be more. When I first created Stackathlon, there…
RankOverflow: A website to calculate your Stack Overflow reputation rank in all leagues
A website to calculate your Stack Overflow reputation rank in all leagues
StackTray: The Stack Overflow tray application
This application sits in your system tray and periodically checks Stack Overflow for any new badges or reputation. It also displays your current reputation, allows for manual updates, and auto…
Stack Alert [Opera] - Keep tabs on your inbox without needing to have a Stack Exchange site open
Tell at a glance how many items are in your inbox without worrying about having a tab open to a Stack Exchange site.
SENotify - Stack Exchange new question notification (perl/growl)
This perl script is a notification tool of new question on Stack Exchange website. It supports output to terminal (STDOUT) as well as Growl (on both Mac OS X and Windows) License GPL v3 Download…
Stack Exchange Improvements - Sticky top bar, new text editor, and more
A revamped text editor with markdown, indentation support. Also add sticky navigation, minimalist footer, and more! Finally, a cleaner user interface that doesn't get in your way.