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Upvote First for StackOverflow - Chrome extension that sorts answers by your votes

Upvote First for Stack Overflow Chrome extension that sorts Stack Overflow answers by your upvotes. Available on Chrome Extension store 100% free and open source works on all Stack Exchange sites …

Stack Overflow Snippets for Sublime Text

Search Stack Overflow and get code snippets from answers directly to your Sublime Text

v1.0.1, Rinas

Stack Mate - Explore your StackExchange accounts and get notified about unread messages and notifications on Windows Phone

Stack Mate is a simple Windows Phone app which pulls in your StackExchange account details and keeps you up to date with any activity on the site. This application was not created to browse questio…

Stack Posts WordPress Widget

Create widgets for any Stack Exchange site, display questions or answers by specific users or generic for the whole site. The random mode will show posts from different sites at each page view.

DashClock Extension for Android

Displays the user's reputation on the Android lock screen as an extension of the popular DashClock widget. It can be switched between displaying the total reputation and today's reputation.

StackIRC - Posting Questions from Stack Exchange Sites to IRC Channels

Similar to the Twitter feeds for each Stack Exchange site, this small IRC bot retrieves questions from any Stack Exchange site and regularly posts them to an IRC channel of your choice. The bot off…

OBSOLETE - ProStack Lite - Stack Overflow inbox notifier and quick accessor for OS X (in Mac App Store)

Tired of manually checking for new answers and comments? Ever wished to access the new Stack Overflow questions with one click? ProStack Lite is the solution. ProStack …

Stack on Go - A wrapper library in Go

Stack on Go is a wrapper library written in Golang for Stack Exchange API 2.0. It's compatible with Google AppEngine's Go runtime, allowing you to easily deploy your apps. Stack on Go fully impleme…

StackReader for iPad

StackReader for iPad is a convenient way to everyday-read of any site(s) from the Stack Exchange Network.

v1.0, piobyz

StackEngine - facebook app to embed reputation, badges, etc. from user Stack Exchange Accounts to profile tab

What is Stack Engine? All profiles on Facebook have tabs. For example, users have a 'Photos' tab and a 'Links' tab by default. StackEngine is an application for Facebook to embed reputation, earne…

Stack Dash Application

Stack Dash is a Mac OSX dashboard widget for Stack Exchange for displaying reputation, questions, answers and badges for a specified user and site. This widget was put together originally right af…

Stack Exchange Data Explorer

Stack Exchange Data Explorer (SEDE) is an open source tool for running arbitrary queries against public data from the Stack Exchange network. Features include collaborative query editing for all gr…

StackedOff - an offline StackExchange indexer and search engine

StackedOff is an offline Stack Exchange site indexer and search engine. It's intended use is for people who wish to access Stack Exchange Network site(s), e.g., but do not have a …

Improve productivity on StackOverflow with lots of functionalities (Chrome extension)

Stop wasting time while programming ! Adds many options to save time when searching for solutions on StackOverflow

myTagOverflow - StackOverflow top tags data visualization

Need to demonstrate your technical abilities? myTagOverflow shows the tags on which you have been active in a cool graph visualization.

v1.0, Mehdi

Stackb0t | Messenger chatbot for Stack Overflow

It sends unread inbox + reputation changes in Messenger once registered. Why did I create it? Who is it for? I've been addicted to the platform for a while now. But, knowing whether someone asked …

Stack 10 - UWP App for Windows 10 & Windows 10 Phone

Stack 10 is a UWP Stack Exchange client for Stack Exchange Network.

v19.5.25.0, AVK

sostats - Stack Overflow latest metrics and charts

I wondered how many questions, answers or comments are being posted on Stack Overflow every day. How many users get registered? How does it depend on the day of the week? When are users most active…

SEFlair - an HD, customisable flair for your Stack Exchange accounts

SEFlair is an HTML, CSS and JavaScript app which you can include on your website. I created it because the flairs provided by Stack Exchange are: not customizable (the elements are fixed in the im…

Similar libraries across different programming languages

When developers switch from one language to another language, they always asks questions about counterpart libraries to the one that he is familiar with in the old language, e.g., Java's Mahout …

Slack-Overflow - A programmer's best friend, now in Slack

A quick hack made in a couple of hours. A programmer's best friend, now in Slack. Search StackOverflow right from Slack without coming off as dumb. Setup is super simple and straightforward. h…

Heep, a Stack Exchange client for Windows

Heep is a Stack Exchange client for Windows. Available now on the Windows Store here. Features: Browsing Stack Exchange questions based on Interesting, New, and Hot questions. Searching Stack…

Stackopedia - all the answers to the questions you never asked

A random question, the right answer, a new thing learned.

WStack - Stack Exchange app for Windows Phone 8.1

WStack provides a quick access to Stack Exchange sites. With WStack you can, Login to your Stack Exchange account. View your Stack Exchange messages, notifications and network activity. Upvote, …

Stack Overflow app for Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 8.1 and Android

About Windows Phone and Windows 8.1 don't have a Stack Overflow app and I would like to create one for both the platforms. Aim: To create an app that can be used to browse through the questions…

TrueBadges, a combination of StackExchange badges and TrueAchievements

Know the *real* value of your StackExchange badges

v1.0, A.L

The Unofficial Wheel of Blame

The chat room Tavern on the Meta (MSO), in its early days, developed a habit of /blameing someone (anyone!) whenever something relatively significant went wrong. When something really significant w…

Stack Overflow Instant Search

Screenshot About I love the concept of instant search that Google introduced. Stack Overflow Instant Search does exactly that - it brings (almost) instant search to Stack Overflow. The results …

StackCompare - See how your StackExchange profile compares to friends and rivals

StackCompare is a tool that lets you see how you're doing on StackExchange sites relative to other people, be they friends, rivals, or some combination. Track your and their reputation over time. C…

Quick Media Solutions - The First Tool to Take Advantage of Write Access in v2.1 of the API!

Quick Media Solutions is my personal website where most of the web services and tools I have written reside. I recently rewrote the entire website in Python (using the Django framework) in order to…

StackAd Wordpress Plugin - Display Community Ads on Your WordPress Blog with Minimal Effort

Now you can easily display community based advertisements (like these) on your WordPress blog with almost no effort. The plugin ships with a widget you can add to the sidebar - in fact, you can eve…

The Ask Ubuntu Lens for Unity

A Unity Lens to Ask Questions and Get Answers at (and any other Stack Exchange site), from your Desktop

v0.2-0~48~oneiric1, Stefano Palazzo

LaServ - A Python/Twisted based flexible command line bot/framework for Stack Exchange

LaServ is an open-source Twisted-based 'bot with SE API 2.0 support.

OBSOLETE -, track all your statistics, reputation and badges in one place (now also supports coderwall)

Time to collect your achivies Achivy adds some fun to your life. It supports Stack Overflow and all Stack Exchange applications, GitHub,Coderwall Ohloh as well as many other applications to your pr…

SkeetNotifier: A Tray Notifier Application for Jon Skeet's answers

A tray application for Windows that notifies you about the newest answers from Jon Skeet. Icon approved by Jon Skeet! Screenshot License Source…

OBSOLETE - Stacktistics: Show recent popular languages, mobile platforms and web techs based on question counts

You may wonder what kind of languages, mobile platforms, or web technologies are most popular these days. stacktistics answers these questions based on Stack Overflow question counts.

Google Search Results Integration (Chrome Extension)

Creates a new tab inside search with integrated Google results

v0.2, serg

Format a list of questions

The following quickie command line application formats a list of questions obtained from search results. Requirements: Perl, JSON Usage: Retrieve a list of questions from the API (from the /qu…

StackBot - Making it easy to post StackExchange questions to Twitter

StackBot is a small C# application that is designed to post interesting questions to a Twitter account at specified intervals. License StackBot is released under the Ms-PL license. Download You…

SOCharts: Charts by Tags

I wanted to know how many upvotes I was away from getting the bronze badge for the [clojure] tag. But I could not find any straightforward way of doing that. So I wrote this app (in Clojure, of cou…

geek score calculator - SO + Github on Rail

I am learning Rails and this is my first application built on Rails 2.3.8. License: Free to use Code: Platform: Host…

OBSOLETE - Code Consultant: Jabber bot to help you work through your coding problems

Have you ever noticed that simple act of describing a problem you can't get past to a co-worker will help you solve the problem, even if they don't say a thing? The Code Consultant Bot is based on …

StackMail - Making the StackExchange Sites Accessible Via Email

StackMail is an email-based web service for the StackExchange sites. The concept is simple: send an email to [email protected] with one of the commands as the subject line - and pre…

Stack Safari Utilities (Safari 5 Extension)

The current web interface is the ideal way to use Stack Exchange apps. I intend to improve this experience for Safari users with a "Safari Extension" which enhances the current web experi…

Pocket Overflow: Stack Overflow in your pocket

This is a sample app to consult Stack Overflow and more generally Stack Exchange sites

Export SO Developer Story to allows you to import your SO Developer Story so you can continue to manage it once SO sunsets this feature. You can import and fully manage your story. You can share (if you want) a pu…

PLACEHOLDER: Typo Finder Bot (Stack Overflow)

This is a post is to announce the development of a bot (which will be running on the account Secretary), whose task is to find posts in need of some formatting/editing help. The goal is to use a co…

PLACEHOLDER Stack Overflow App

StackOverflow desktop app (MacOS, Windows, Linux) IMPORTANT: This app is under development. This is a hobby project so no deadlines, no commercial. Fast, clean, and distraction-free UI Better wysi…

All Badge IDs on every network

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