This is a sample app to consult Stack Overflow and more generally Stack Exchange sites. I was using the original site app but, after resetting my iPhone I lost it, so decided to do one by myself.
Currently, it is only a reader, with search and cache capabilities. In each post there is a link to open it in browser, if you want to reply, add comment, ... That is how I currently use it.
Screenshot / Code Snippet:
Download / Install:
The app is available in AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/fr/app/pocketoverflow/id1640707675
Web site: https://pocketoverflow.000webhostapp.com (work in progress ...)
App runs on iPhone (iOS 15.5+), iPad (iPadOS 15.5+), Mac M1 (macOS 12.3+)
Created by P'tit Xav.
You can contact by mail: [email protected]
License: (optional)
Currently free with no ad.
May be I will add, tip IAP if people want to help me.
Uses Swift, SwiftUI (+ Combine) No third party framework. Thanks to Stack Overflow community, I could find useful help in some posts.
initial version
User can save questions, answers.
Direct access to user questions, answers and comments.
For help in icons tap the 🤔.
Some animation for help
Cache management improved
Clean cache button
Access to question from answer/comment
correct bug that kept same questions when popping back views
change app name on springboard, but it may "overflow"
possibility to see number of unread messages and notifications
the app now remember on which tab you were.