Questions tagged [askubuntu]
Ask Ubuntu is a Q/A site in the Stack Exchange Network.
The Ask Ubuntu Lens for Unity
A Unity Lens to Ask Questions and Get Answers at (and any other Stack Exchange site), from your Desktop
Ask Ubuntu Toolbar Buttons - A set of toolbar buttons for Ask Ubuntu that make it easy to insert links to packages, PPAs, etc
This UserScript adds some buttons to the editing toolbar that allow the following to easily be inserted: Package installation button: Package installation text and icon: stackapplet Manpage…
Ask Ubuntu Data Server - Blazing Fast Searches from the Data Dump and API
This project was born out of a need to get data from the Ask Ubuntu API with little latency. Since the API itself is quite slow (with respect to the /similar method in particular) and is not suitab…
AskUbuntu Add-on for Firefox, Opera and Chrome
The extension, called AskUbuntu Add-on, allows to easily track user info and questions from This extension displays user reputation and badges in the toolbar, provides an easy access…