
A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

Questions that relate to interaction with or usage of this site (Stack Apps).
45 questions
Questions about: throttling, the `backoff` flag, the quotas, or the rate limiting of requests made to the API. API calls are restricted both by per-second rates and by daily quotas.
44 questions
For questions related to developing Stack Apps for the Android platform. General Android development questions should go to Stack Overflow; for non-development questions, see Android Enthusiasts Stack…
42 questions
Use if the question applies ONLY to Stack Overflow and not the rest of the Stack Exchange sites. THIS TAG IS RARELY APPROPRIATE, only use it if you are very sure.
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For questions relating to version 2.1 of the Stack Exchange API.
40 questions
Indicates that a request (usually a feature request) has been considered, but will not be implemented. Generally speaking, a developer will leave a comment as to why, or the community will come to con…
40 questions
Accompanies [app]s written in, or [library]s meant to be used from, the C# programming language
38 questions
StackAuth is the centralized domain used for network-wide authentication to any site in the network.
36 questions
A question about the /inbox and related Stack Exchange API methods.
33 questions
Questions about whether userscripts ([script] tag) with certain functionality exist. Some members of the community may react to these questions by creating those userscripts, should they not exist.
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Questions about API methods that add or modify content on Stack Exchange sites. These methods must be invoked via HTTP POST.
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Badges are awarded to encourage and reward positive community actions within the site.
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For questions related to the voting endpoints of the API, including delete and close votes
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Apps that provide notifications of things happening.
30 questions
Questions about the creation, manipulation, and usage of Filters - which were introduced in v2.0 of the API.
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For questions about the `site` parameter or the /sites route of the API. Or about dealing with multiple Stack Exchange sites in/with the API.
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Questions about (user)script support, or using the API from userscripts.   If you are announcing or posting a userscript, use the "script" tag instead.
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if you have a question about the Sort parameter.
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Accompanies [app]s written in, or [library]s meant to be used from, the Java programming language
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Use either for issues with the design of stackapps.com (HTML/CSS/UI) or for scripts that enhance the design (not features) of Stack Exchange sites. ... Use in conjunction with either the [meta] or th…
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A tip for developers working with the Stack Exchange API.
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Tools that help with the post timeline feature, or issues with the API handling of /timeline routes.
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Indicates that the issue will be reviewed in the future, or that a change in functionality is being delayed until a future date.
23 questions
Accompanies [app]s written in, or [library]s meant to be used from, the Ruby programming language
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JSON is a text-based open standard. It is human-readable and used for data interchange between applications. Use this tag for questions related to topics about using JSON.
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Questions about using PHP code to interact with Stack Exchange and/or the Stack Exchange API. ... For general PHP questions, post on Stack Overflow instead.
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Changes the "style" (look & feel) of a website
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for tools/issues about flags or flagging of posts or chat messages. Flags alert about quality issues on content, when the flagger lacks sufficient reputation to deal with the problem dire…
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For apps and scripts which add additional functionality to the review queues, or make it available outside web browsers.
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apps, scripts, library or support questions that are used on or relate to the Apple iPhone device in combination with the API or site.
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Deals with Images/pictures that are parts of Stack Exchange posts, usually in conjunction with the editing tag.
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For questions on usage of the Stack Exchange API within the .NET context.
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Use for apps, scripts or libraries that gather / collect / organize / represent statistics from the Stack Exchange network sites and/or the /stats endpoint
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for tools/issues about *either* closed/on-hold questions or about the process of close-voting or flagging questions into the closed (or on-hold) state. Closed questions will not accept a…
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A question about how the API returns user associations.
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For questions and discussion regarding the quarterly Creative Commons data dumps of all public data in the Stack Exchange network Q&A sites.
18 questions
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