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StackExchange API, OAuth for other sites than Stack Overflow

I'm implementing the OAuth system through StackExchange API, here is the guide. I've already integrated the OAuth system with stack overflow with the following parameters: Token URL: https://...
Daniel James Tronca's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I search answer bodies for Markdown links?

The /search/excerpt query enables searching answers for specific text, but searching for Markdown links returns results that don't seem to match the query at all. For instance, the following query ...
tony19's user avatar
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Why does this minimal filter return no results at all?

I tried to create a 'minimal' filter!34JvAEfIUyU-&site=stackoverflow&run=true for the 'question' object, ...
JMP's user avatar
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2 answers

Fetch all questions of a particular tag from the Stack Exchange API in Python

I am trying to fetch all questions of the Swift tag from Stack Overflow. I created the query using and wrote a simple wrapper in Python. def fetch_question(...
Aaditya Ura's user avatar
2 votes
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How do you access the StacksEditor to set markdown from a user script?

I'm trying to revive Astro CB's auto edit corrections script. I've got a lot of it updated, improved, and working with Stack Exchange changes since 2015. One thing that stuck on is setting the ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
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A script to freely re-assign/remap/rebind the Stack Exchange hotkeys

the original Stack Exchange announcement from 2014 At least the hyperlink Ctrl + L and code Ctrl + K shortcuts go against the common web standards — in combination with the SE editor not behaving ...
user598527's user avatar
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How does 1 request every 5 seconds exceed the 30 requests per second limit?

I'm doing a run every 5 seconds for this API call: url = "{date_today}&order=desc&sort=creation&site=...
Digital Farmer's user avatar
1 vote
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"is_edited": false or "is_edited": true as an option in the API response

When working with the Stack Exchange API I noticed that there is important data (at least for what I thought to do) not available, whether the question, answer or comment was edited or not: { "...
Digital Farmer's user avatar
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Browsing method documentation consumes 4 quota units per page

Is it my imagination (scratch that, it's definitely not), or does simply browsing method doc pages (without using the "Run" function) consume quota? From Bash using httpie and jq (on a ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there any way to get statistics by tag?

We are Stack Overflow Teams users. We want to get the statistics by tags. Currently only StackExchangeApiClient.getStatistics API is found which include all team's data. And can the https://...
Rocky Shang's user avatar
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When are Stack Apps questions shown with thumbnails instead of regular statistics?

Today I was browsing a tag here and I noticed that on the first pages, all questions are shown with thumbnails (most of the time, just the default one): However, from page 5 on the formatting is like ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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How to get all communities a user is associated with?

Is there a way to get all Stack Exchange communities in which a user is active? I mean the list of communities that are displayed on a user's network profile.
Halfbloodprincess's user avatar
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Using API to collect tag information - data differences

I am trying to get a list of the most popular tags on Stack Overflow. According to the SO page, these are the most popular tags as of today: The Python tag has 6690 questions asked this week alone. ...
Comberek 1's user avatar
8 votes
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How can I quickly get an access token for personal use?

Registering your application or script gets you a higher daily quota and is fairly simply; a step by step guide is documented here: I only need a key, what do I do? However, what if I do want an ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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How can I retrieve more than 25 pages from the Stack Exchange API v2.3?

I'm trying to find a way to retrieve all the results from a search query from the Stack Exchange API v2.3. My use case includes more than 25 pages (I already use the maximum page size of 100). The ...
Halfbloodprincess's user avatar
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Why does the 'Apps' tab show hot questions and the 'Scripts' tab high scoring questions?

The Stack Apps homepage has two unique tabs which are not present on other sites: Apps and Scripts. There is a slight difference between the two, which is visible upon hovering: That's right, the '...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Getting 405 when trying to post a comment

I'm trying to post a comment to The API Sandbox, I did one using the interactive documentation, but when trying to use my own code, it doesn't work. Instead, I get status code 405 (Method not allowed) ...
MrMythical's user avatar
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When using the Advanced Search API endpoint, how soon after the edit grace period is question data updated?

I'm using the Questions Advanced Search API to retrieve Stack Overflow questions with a specific tag that were created in the last 15 minutes. I've written a script which runs every fifteen minutes ...
Adil B's user avatar
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How to get statistic data for specific tags which belong to a specific team?

I just want to get statistic data for specific tags which belong to a specific team. For example, for tags: "abc", I want to know how many users viewed the questions which have the "abc&...
user12842165's user avatar
1 vote
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Search by team API - want to have same query results in site

I just want to have same query result like did. I read this post:Searching on Stack Overflow and using the API give different results?. looks like /search/excerpts is the right ...
user12842165's user avatar
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Obtain the list of questions associated to answer_ids without losing the information of which question comes from which answer_id

This is a follow up to a previous question of mine, and the starting point is that, given a list of reputation objects retrieved via /users/{ids}/reputation, I can easily retain only the entries with ...
Enlico's user avatar
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How do I see the differences between two or more SE API filters and merge into a filter which includes all requested properties (i.e. is a superset)?

For SmokeDetector, we have several SE API filter values in use. Notably, there are separate filters for the /answers/*, /questions/* and /posts/* routes. From an organizational standpoint, I'd like to ...
Makyen's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I retrieve the reputation I (or another user, fwiw) earned for a given tag from questions and answers?

(I've included the api-v2.3 because starts with Stack Exchange API v2.3.) From this answer I see there's no way to get all questions with a specific tag. However, ...
Enlico's user avatar
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What's the relation between access_token, key, quota_max, and throttling?

From How API Keys Work (FAQ) I read that the limit of requests per day per IP is 300 without a registered key, or 10000 with it. And this is what I see by experimenting myself: since I've not ...
Enlico's user avatar
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Is it possible to get the response from a form POST?

This is related to my XYZ app to write comments. I found a much neater way to submit the request using forms: function post() { se_url=''+se_postId.value+'/...
JMP's user avatar
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Why doesn't my XMLHttpRequest call work in Excel?

I can make a simple API call in JavaScript using XMLHttpRequest: <html> <script> function reqListener () { out.textContent=this.responseText; } ...
JMP's user avatar
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Extension; Access to layout and javascript of stackexchange network site instead of inject (Stacks is not defined)

Note: last update at the end of POST I am developing an extension for community users. Introduction: The extension is under development on this github: and these ...
user avatar
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Does `inquestion` support multiple question ids?

The q parameter has an inquestion operator that can take a question id. Can it take multiple question ids? My use-case is as follows: I want to get an array of questions with their excerpts. However,...
OfirD's user avatar
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Call to search/advanced is treating tagged as an AND search, not OR [duplicate]

The docs for search/advanced ( have this to state about the tagged attribute: "tagged - a semicolon delimited list of tags, of which at least ...
Raymond Camden's user avatar
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Get total question views via API

I can currently get the total number of questions for a tag by using the total filter. This works well, but I'd like to get a total views count for the questions in that tag. I could iterate over each ...
Raymond Camden's user avatar
2 votes
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Can "trends" be queried with the Stack Exchange API?

I've studied the Stack Exchange API to some extent (although I'm a newbie to such things), and it appears I can query the database using many criteria. But does Stack Exchange store any "trends&...
Bruce M's user avatar
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How to handle default compression on response with Java's HttpURLConnection? [duplicate]

I sent a request for question with no parameters to I received a response of 9764 bytes stored in ...
Louise's user avatar
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15 votes
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I only need a key, what do I do?

I'm told by others and read in Looking for a beginner's tutorial to using the API that I need "To Get A Key!" but when I then visit I'm stil ...
rene's user avatar
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Stack OverflowTesting

How can I use Stack Overflow for Teams with Stack Exchange API combined? I have tried creating a stack app and using client ID in Stack Exchange API. I made a localhost application to implement Stack ...
org1's user avatar
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stack remote download [closed]

The application is not present on Google Play and there is no download link. Why ?
Mohamed Safwat's user avatar
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Is there an API call that can get me a user's access_token?

I'm trying to create a connector between Microsoft's Power Platform and the Stack API. Since the server ↔ server auth flow is happening outside of code I control, I can't grab the access_token from ...
Greg Hurlman's user avatar
1 vote
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Missing total when tag is not URL-encoded

When trying to get a list of questions for the C# tag, the total field was missing. Tried with Python tag and the total was included. /2.2/questions?order=ASC&sort=creation&site=stackoverflow....
joe-gardner's user avatar
1 vote
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Get access token for matrix bridge

I want to build a bridge for my matrix server. To read my inbox an access_token is required. Do I really need to register an application just to get one access token?
Ace of Spade's user avatar
3 votes
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How to get write_access to comment/answer on Stack Exchange

I'm trying to integrate the Stack Exchange API into my web app so I can fetch all posts as well as I can post answer or comments on them. I have successfully got access_token for no_expiry and ...
Saisandeep Sanku's user avatar
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Can I ask questions about features and functionalities of the Stack Exchange Android App here?

Is the "Stack Apps" Stack Exchange site the appropriate site to ask questions about features and functionalities of the Stack Exchange Android App? It says 'Apps' in the title, sure, but you'...
BigNutz's user avatar
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Why am I getting a 400 Bad Request error with this code?

I'm using this code (in an async function): let about = await fetch(""+token+"&sort=reputation&site=gaming&...
Penguin's user avatar
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Discrepancy in results size

I just started using the Stack Overflow API. I want to collect all questions related to a specific keyword. My code iterates over all result pages by increasing the &page=N parameter while '...
Tobias's user avatar
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Additional options to test code snippets

SO provides great support for Q&A with Code Snippet capability. Many posts also provide external links to jFiddle. Here are examples of an individual using an external jFiddle link and a code ...
angryip's user avatar
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App post got deleted

I'm currently writing an app using the Stack Exchange API. Today I wanted to rework the login component, but after signing in I get the following message: Application must have a registered Stack ...
Norbert Bartko's user avatar
2 votes
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Bugs in API 2.2 "/search/advanced" with a "q" parameter

How can we handle these problems? Result for sort=relevance&order=desc is similar to sort=relevance&order=desc. Very poor caching system: After some queries, you may receive the same results ...
C2121's user avatar
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What write in app access for sending data

Here is my app's code: However, I get this error:
Никита Башенко's user avatar
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How to get all tags' descriptions from the Stack Exchange API directly?

I know I can get one tag description by request such as "". But if I use it more than hundreds of times, I will get a ...
peizidiao's user avatar
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How do I add a comment to a post through the Stack Exchange API?

I want to add an comment to a specific post so, how do I get its ID and how do I authorize it. I want it to done through the Stack Exchange API interface.
Mohammed Noman Razvi's user avatar
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Does the stackapps API allow queries of question to get answers?

All of the API docs I've seen are just for getting metadata, stuff like "how many comments". Is there an API to ask questions? eg here: I can't see a way to add a query string: https://api....
dcsan's user avatar
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Why can I not authenticate my application? Application is not allowed to request implicit grants

I created a placeholder. PLACEHOLDER - Disco Application I created an application and added placeholder. I followed
Disco's user avatar
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