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How to login programmatically

I'm building an app for personal use. The app simply screen-scrapes the StackExchange homepage and checks whether I am currently logged in to StackExchange. This works fine. However, if the app ...
barry's user avatar
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Software for Javascript?

Do I need any special kind of software to view the responses I get after requesting something? Like with Klout for example, I can get all the code returned as I need it, I just don't know where to put ...
user1870360's user avatar
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Client Side Flow security problem

I'm not pretty sure, but if my app is enabled to Client Side Flow Authentication, then anyone with my client ID (easily found for being embedded or by sniffing the initial request) would be able to ...
Caio Cunha's user avatar
3 votes
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How to access my App info

I've registered for an app yesterday, but I'm not finding where should I go to see/edit its info again. I've search through profile, at but couldn't find it.
Caio Cunha's user avatar
8 votes
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Getting unauthorized_error when using OAuth2.0

I want to create a simple desktop application which connects to my account and shows some information in the status bar. I've been trying to authenticate using OAuth2.0 but I'm getting stuck and I ...
aalbagarcia's user avatar
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Can I place my Android application here?

I have an Android application, which is written by me and placed on Google Play Store, Can I place that application on stack apps site ?
ViTo Brothers's user avatar
1 vote
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Questions returned by /questions/{ids}/related do not contain link properties

The API docs claim that /questions/{ids}/related return question objects, but I can't find a link property on the returned questions at all. Is there some sort of workaround to find the link for a ...
Asad Saeeduddin's user avatar
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JSON parsing, won't work

I'm using the Stack Apps API. Retrieving questions by tags works well, and the JSON is returned. Now I need to parse the JSON and there is something wrong with my code: $.ajax({ url: 'http://api....
Filippo oretti's user avatar
0 votes
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Ajax get questions by tags ERROR

i'm trying getting questions by tags. this is my simple code and i'm running this from my http://localhost: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $.ajax({ url:'http://api....
Filippo oretti's user avatar
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How can I get beta sites to show on StackApplet (v1.5.1)

I installed StackApplet v1.5.1 and it works fine, although the refresh time of 5 mins minimum is a bit slow. However, I have an account in Robotics which is in beta state. How can I get notifications ...
VedVals's user avatar
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Why am I being told to backoff when I'm well within my API limit?

I've been running my API app fine for some time now and when I added another function I realized I was being told to backoff. I only run the app once a night and don't really pull that much data. I ...
Brad's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to access global stackexchange user favourites in a feed?

I was looking for a way to IFTTT my questions, and found this recipe, that automaqically saves your favourited questions to Evernote. Nice. It uses stack2rss (thus the SE API) to provide a feed with ...
CharlesB's user avatar
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stack overflow data dump utility error - mysql

I have the SODDI v.11 utility (although the screen says v.10) I also have the SODD from 092011. When I try to import the SF/MSF data, I get: Table 'SF.VoteTypes' doesn't exist. It creates the SF ...
2112.snowdog's user avatar
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Is it safe to change the OAuth Domain?

I'm about to develop a small application that will use the Stack Exchange API. I understand that I have to provide an OAuth Domain when I register the application with Stack Exchange. Right now, I am ...
Kal's user avatar
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Clarification on related tags for a tag returned by API

I was assuming that the related tags API call, returns all the tags that co-occur with the input tag. But a closer look at the API documentation indicate the following: Returns the tags that are ...
appanponn's user avatar
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Algorithm for calculating filter

What is the Algorithm that one can use to make filters like !-u2CTCBE? For example /2.1/filters/create?include=question.body&unsafe=false returns "filter": "!9hnGssGO4". How is this String ...
Binoy Babu's user avatar
6 votes
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Get Key for my application

I am creating Stack Overflow client application and have reach limit to request. So I decided to get the Key from my application, but got a little confused. When I requested the Key I provided ...
ceth's user avatar
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What is the api_site_parameter of in API 2.x

What is the api_site_parameter of in API 2.x? doesn't list stackapps. Why?
Binoy Babu's user avatar
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How to get Question/Answer body in the API response using filters?

I am specifically looking to get the question/answer body back. Is it possible? I am looking through the API documentation and I'm confused about how to make a call with filters. Sample call I'm ...
Shyju's user avatar
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Better Call /me maybe?

I am using implicit OAuth 2.0 flow, hence requesting for a token first. Now when I want to know which user has logged in, I have to make request to /me endpoint to get all of the data about the user, ...
Eimantas's user avatar
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Why is my API quota not resetting after UTC reset?

According to How API Keys Work, the default daily API limit -- which is per site, per day -- is 300. I started with 300, as expected, but over a period of days, I've noticed that the remaining quota ...
jmort253's user avatar
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Are "api-key" and "app-key" the same thing?

When tagging my last couple of questions about registering for a key, I noticed there are two similar-looking tags: api-key - 35 uses and a tag wiki app-key - 10 uses (Update: retagged), no ...
hippietrail's user avatar
9 votes
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What to do with "OAuth Domain" in the registration page for a browser user script?

I want to register my first project so I can make more API calls without hitting the limit now that it seems to be good enough for others to use. My project is a browser userscript that works with ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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edit-comment method returns 405 error

Trying to understand how edit-comment method could be used. I passed valid token with write_access, valid key, and existed comment id, but all I've got is: { "error_id": 405, "error_name": "...
ДМИТРИЙ МАЛИКОВ's user avatar
4 votes
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Why does adding fromdate=<long time ago> return a different set than without it?

I've been trying to get some stats for the Windows 8 challenge over on Super User. I've noticed that there are some questions missing if I add fromdate=0. Why is this? Without fromdate: http://api....
Bob's user avatar
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Using Stack2RSS, why can I get feeds for some SE sites and not others?

I can use Stack2RSS to easily get RSS feeds of some StackExchange sites but not others: The pattern if I understand the API is{SiteName}/questions Substituting ...
Gary.Ray's user avatar
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How should we announce updates to our apps, scripts, libraries, etc?

Is there a recommended best way to let the stackapps community know that we've released an updated version of one of our projects? We can edit the project's page and bump the version number, but this ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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How to get the site name from document to pass to API?

Most APIs take a parameter site which must be set to the name of the site your queries are about. For or travel. But of course sites have various names, for example gaming.stackexchange....
hippietrail's user avatar
5 votes
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How do I know what apps on my stackexchange account I have already authorized?

I'm developing an app using the stackexchange oauth, I want to revoke my permissions to this app for testing the overall process, but I can't find which apps I have authorized.
agares's user avatar
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is there a way to use my app to authenticate users with only a StackOverflow account with the stackExchange oauth api 2.1?

Recently I registered an app in to provide a way to authenticate users with their stackoverflow account. but I notice that only works for users ...
agares's user avatar
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How can my app authenticate users with only a Stack Overflow account, using the Stack Exchange OAuth API 2.1?

Recently I registered an app in to provide a way to authenticate users with their Stack Overflow account. Then I noticed that Stack Exchange OAuth only works for users with a Stack ...
agares's user avatar
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HTTP 400 "Bad Request" while using "access_token" in request Url

I registered an app, obtained a key and I have implemented the implicit OAuth 2.0 flow in a Windows 8 desktop app (as per the documentation available here). After receiving and storing the access ...
indyfromoz's user avatar
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Using an existing Java oAuth implementation to access the Stack Exchange 2 Api?

I found the Scribe oAuth api and I was wondering how a call would work with the Stack Exchange API, since that uses oAuth. I'm sorta green when it comes to oAuth but I'm planning on writing an ...
Manny Fleurmond's user avatar
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Confusing documentation re vectorized requests limits

The documentation for vectorized requests says this: Most methods that take ids in the Stack Exchange API will take up to 100 of them in a single go. This allows applications to batch work and ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Do the terms "key" and "access_token" refer to the same thing?

I'm trying to get my head around all the limits and throttles but some terminology is confusing me: If an application does not have an access_token, then the application shares an IP based quota ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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How should we test the new write-mode comments functionality?

Endpoints which write public content are much harder to test. What's the best way to test the new comments functionality without having to post to real threads? I have seen the Charles web proxy ...
jogloran's user avatar
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Logging out so another user can log in

Just in the process of final testing for an iPad SE browser, and uncovered some odd behaviour. I'm using Google for authentication. If I deploy a clean version of the app, and authenticate, I get the ...
jogloran's user avatar
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Is the "link" URL enough to uniquely identify an "inbox_item"?

I've been looking at the documentation on the inbox_item type, and I was wondering what is the correct way to uniquely identify an inbox_item? Is the "link" URL enough to uniquely identify an "...
Alex Lockwood's user avatar
3 votes
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When will the "site" field be absent from an "inbox_item"?

According to the documentation on the inbox_item type, the site field "may be absent". Under what circumstances will this occur?
Alex Lockwood's user avatar
2 votes
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how to get the number of profile views

according to the documentation, a User object has an attribute view_count, indicating the number of views of the user's profile. An example is also given there. However, when I sent a request /2.0/...
G.Z.'s user avatar
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How to use tags/{tags}/related

I am new to stackapps. I am wondering how to apply /tags/{tags}/related to more than one tags. The documentation does not give an example. I tried /2.0/tags/c,java/related?site=stackoverflow, /2.0/...
G.Z.'s user avatar
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User profile_image dimensions

I'd like to use the user profile_image string property (which is the url of a user's avatar image e.g. ...
ForkandBeard's user avatar
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The migrated predicate on advanced_search seems underachieving

What does the migrated parameter to the advanced_search method mean? Setting it to true on CS finds only one question that has been migrated away, out of several: { "items": [ { "...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
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Why does the web service fail sometimes for the Stack API?

It seems to have happened all of the sudden. My calls to the web service fails. What is the limit of calls per day with a registered app? I can't seem to remember where it says that, I can't seem to ...
pqsk's user avatar
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Link field on notification type

There is no link field on notification. Is this by design or a bug? If it's by design can it be changes so it's included, I can't see how to build the URL with only a post id, and not know what type ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Stack Exchange API not realtime?

I was testing the inbox/unread API but noticed that there is a big delay between one gets a message, and this message gets included in the API response. Like one minute or more. Is this API not real-...
zavié's user avatar
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Is it OK to have a test account for a developing client?

I'm currently trying to implement an agorava component for Stackoverflow, and for testing purpose, i would like to create a test account, which would have one question asked, and would maybe send ...
Riduidel's user avatar
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All updates (answers, comments etc) using stack exchange API

Is there anyway to get information about any change using the stack exchange API's? i.e. if someone leaves a comment or votes on an answer/question? checking for answer changes is easy cause its a top ...
Sid's user avatar
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Can you access a user's tag reputation/score via the API?

Is it possible to retrieve a user's tag specific reputation/score via the API? If not, is it possible to make an API call that returns enough information that you can calculate the value?
Ginny Dellinger's user avatar
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String formatting in returned JSON objects

So I sat down this evening to play with the Stack Exchange API. I downloaded RestSharp, and used it to call the API. One thing the struck me was how strings are formatted, with regards to non-ASCII ...
Jörgen Sigvardsson's user avatar

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