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Questions tagged [api]

Questions about the Stack Exchange API *only*. If your question concerns any other API, do not use this tag. For bugs, please (also) use the version tag, EG [api-v2.2], that the bug applies to.

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2 votes
1 answer

Are the revisions returned by /posts/{ids}/revisions guaranteed to be returned in descending order?

The /posts/{ids}/revisions method returns all revisions to a post, but it doesn't have the sort and order parameters most methods have. From some quick tests, e.g. this one, I think it always returns ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

`types=main_site` in `/me/associated` gives `meta_site` accounts also

When I run /me/associated with main_site as a parameter in types, its gives meta_site accounts also (Meta Stack Exchange profile).
amit jha's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Getting questions that have a specific tag or tags?

In the current API (2.1 and 2.2), how do you get questions that have a specific tag or tags? EG: All Stack Overflow questions asked in the past 2 months tagged 'ruby'? All Stack Overflow questions ...
Bob Walsh's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

API responses are sometimes missing fields

conclusion never mind. the fields are marked as optional in the spec. it was late. sue me. the q is left for reference What is coming out: { "tags": [ "cakephp", &...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

Documentation or API method for `option_id` information, for the `/flags/options` API calls?

The Stack Exchange API has a couple of calls that return a list of flag_option objects. These objects contain a couple of properties that can be used to identify the flag you need. For example, when ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Version 1.0 released 9th of July

For a lot of us, that would be next Friday. At some point - most likely after noon PST - version 0.9 of the API will be replaced with the final 1.0 release. There are no expected interface changes ...
Kevin Montrose's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Why is my API quota not resetting after UTC reset?

According to How API Keys Work, the default daily API limit -- which is per site, per day -- is 300. I started with 300, as expected, but over a period of days, I've noticed that the remaining quota ...
jmort253's user avatar
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12 votes
0 answers

Are there plans to involve Area51 in SE API version 3?

Several applications come to mind, proposal publicity, question analysis, making resources files, but I can't find any SE API calls that can do this.
JMP's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

List all tags in use on stackoverflow

I am trying to list all tags used on stackoverflow here: and I cannot seem to list all. How do I do it?.
user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Roadmap - any update?

So now it's 2011 and we should be getting some API updates. As a company you must have some kind of plan. So can you either say the API is never going to be updated or give a time frame to at least a ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Why is /questions API returning deleted questions?

In last few days I have noticed that questions API returns questions that where deleted hours before the API call. This is a short example, if more logs are need to pin point the problem, please ...
Petter Friberg's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

StackExchange API Java wrapper

Screenshot / Code Snippet StackExchangeApi api = new StackExchangeApi(key); api.authorize(authToken); StackExchangeSite siteService = api.getSiteService(StackExchangeSite.STACK_OVERFLOW); Response&...
hsz's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What is the right way to create a Stack Exchange API filter?

I'm trying to create a filter by following the documentation, but a few things are quite unclear: How do I create a filter that does not have a base filter? I'm creating a filter without a base so I ...
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7 votes
0 answers

API Parameters: Consolidated Observations

This wiki question is meant to be a central location for observations and suggestions in the interest of shaping the API meta data. Perhaps items can be removed when accepted and resolved as ...
6 votes
2 answers

StackExchange API Java SDK

This project aims to provide a Java wrapper to the Stack Exchange API. SDK supports Stack Exchange API V2.2 Getting Started There are two interfaces to the library. Query Interface Facade ...
Sanjiv's user avatar
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6 votes
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stackapi.cpp - a C++20 library for the Stack Exchange API

Code snippet #include "stackapi/StackAPI.hpp" #include "stackapi/data/structs/comments/Comment.hpp" #include <iostream> int main() { stackapi::StackAPI api ( { ...
Zoe - Save the data dump's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

'The target origin provided does not match the recipient window's origin' message when trying to use localhost

I am trying to experiment with the Stack Overflow API on my localhost and am struggling to get the authentication to complete. Here is my application JavaScript code (note that I am using IBM ...
MDalt's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

In the timeline the ability to know what events belong to what question

Take this example:;3182016/timeline Would it not make sense to have the question_id as a parameter on each timeline object? It makes the timeline ...
johnwards's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to include answers when fetching questions?

I made a small cron job which crawls questions and answers from Stack Overflow. Here is my request URL:
Jithesh Kt's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Provide a streaming API instead of forcing API users to poll

I've written an IRC bot that can notify channels when new questions with a certain tag are posted. However, currently I'm polling the URL #{APIURL}questions?pagesize=100&fromdate=#{@...
thejh's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to authenticate a user through Stack Overflow API?

Is it possible to use the Stack Overflow API to authenticate a given user identity such as with Facebook, Twitter, or OpenID? If it's possible: Can you tell me the method (s) that make this happen?
Sebastian's user avatar
5 votes
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Do calls on the 1.1 API and the 2.0 count against each other's limits?

Do the old 1.1 API and new 2.0 share limits? Or do my Stack Apps running on 1.1 calls not affect my limits for apps running on 2.0 calls?
hippietrail's user avatar
4 votes
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Add a special page where developers can reset throttle timeouts

As George Edison noted, it would be useful to have a special page where developers can reset the throttle timeout when we accidentally trigger it. This happened to me this morning — I got banned for ...
Mathias Bynens's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How can I get a user's Meta site details in the API call?

This query returns the details of the Main sites only:         /associated-users#ids=2855348 How can I get the Meta site details also in the same query? Do I need to add any ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I get information about a user with their network ID?

My network profile's ID is 4337810. Is there any way to get information about users with their network ID from the API? So stuff like username, location, profile image, etc...? There doesn't seem ...
ᔕᖺᘎᕊ's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I retrieve the reputation I (or another user, fwiw) earned for a given tag from questions and answers?

(I've included the api-v2.3 because starts with Stack Exchange API v2.3.) From this answer I see there's no way to get all questions with a specific tag. However, ...
Enlico's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Get questions with body and answers

How can I get the latest 30 questions with body and answers using the api? And then, I want to get only first most voted 3 answers for each question. Is this possible with only one request? To get ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

How can I get unread messages for inbox testing? [duplicate]

I use /users/{id}/inbox/unread method to get unread items in a user's inbox. But how could I test it if I have no unread items in my inbox? How can I get/generate unread messages for testing? P.S. ...
LA_'s user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

How to quickly retag a question from the API?

I'm playing with the write API, and I'd like to simply retag a question. This is the code I have so far: $editURL = '' . $question->{"question_id"} . '/...
user avatar
4 votes
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API v1.1 users call returns association_id for which the Stack Exchange web site has no profile

For a particular user, the users API v1.1 call returns an association_id that gives a "Page Not Found" error where the Stack Exchange profile should be, though their Stack Exchange profile can be ...
Isaac's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Creating personal applications using Stack Overflow/Stack Exchange API

I want to create an application to read Stack Overflow notifications on my device. My question: what should I provide in the OAuth Domain and Application website fields while registering the ...
user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Why does the API lack any POST methods?

Why aren't any POST methods available? Being able to post new questions and answers would be very interesting.
bpedro's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How can I get user links in the API call like Twitter, GitHub and so on?

I'm trying to get the user's user links from his profile. Like this person has GitHub and Twitter links on his profile. How can I get those?
Nerzid's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Is there an api to post questions without using the websites interface?

I wanted to post questions after a proper user authentication explained here. Is there anyway I can do this?
tsudot's user avatar
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Call to search/advanced is treating tagged as an AND search, not OR [duplicate]

The docs for search/advanced ( have this to state about the tagged attribute: "tagged - a semicolon delimited list of tags, of which at least ...
Raymond Camden's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Will the new traffic measuring formula be available via the API as well?

From this MSO answer: was just updated today to use a new formula for traffic. Area 51 is still using the old formula, but will be updated soon to use the new formula. ...
badp's user avatar
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What's the proper way to fetch the score of all answers of SO?

I wrote a small program querying the SE API to grab the public scoring data of all SO answers (excluding the last 3 days). Basically the request I do gets me this: Questions[]: Id Title ...
Denys Séguret's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Encoding problem while accessing the API using Java

Trying to call an API URL from a Java application, I'm having problems accessing the contents of the URL. I can access other sites through my program but not the Stack Exchange site. But I can call ...
Abheeshta Putta's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I add newlines when editing a post body via the API?

I am editing the tags of a question via the API, and to do that you have to pass the body and title etc. I can get the Markdown or HTML from the API but I can't see how to send it back formatted ...
Tim's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Help with javascript SDK configuration

The following problem is REAL! All names have been changed to protect the innocent. I have a site at "" And I have my app configured like ...
Jack Sprat's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why do you need to specify a site when getting the inbox?

I'm getting a user's inbox via /me/inbox. I am forced to specify a site with this, so I'm setting it to Stack Overflow. However, it still gets all my notifications, including those from other sites. ...
RareNCool's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What is the correct way to get the URL for an answer via the API?

A while ago I made a little "Recently answered on Stack Overflow" sidebar widget for my homepage. Currently this works by filtering answers out of the user feed however I thought I'd update it to make ...
mikej's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Searching on Stack Overflow and using the API give different results?

I am trying to use the Stack Exchange API to see the trends on different topics. Looking at the API documentation, I see that I could do this using the /search path (it's documented that this method ...
nohorbee's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

/associated should include user's display name and the api_site_parameter

/associated should include api_site_parameter The /associated routes return the site_name and site_url but not the api_site_parameter. It would be useful if it did because api_site_parameter is ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is there any way to get statistics by tag?

We are Stack Overflow Teams users. We want to get the statistics by tags. Currently only StackExchangeApiClient.getStatistics API is found which include all team's data. And can the https://...
Rocky Shang's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to get (unread) achievements?

Is there an API call where you can get all achievements and all unread achievements? Like this: Update Thanks to the answer of Glorfindel, I use the following methods to calculate the unread ...
Norbert Bartko's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Possible to get more than 5 tags for /search? Or to use or-logic, for tags, in /questions?

This is the query I want to run: /2.1/search?pagesize=100&page=1&order=desc&sort=creation&tagged=linux,ubuntu,bash,linux-mint,mint,linux-distributions,linux-distro,archlinux,&site=...
gyaani_guy's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Pagination of users ordered by reputation

I know I can retrieve a page of users ordered by reputation using these apis:
Lorenzo Polidori's user avatar
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Update Teams API documentation to reflect dependency on tier

The documentation says (emphasis mine): Starting with the release of Stack Overflow For Teams, the Stack Exchange API exposes read-only access to data stored in private Teams. This is slightly ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get up_vote_count and down_vote_count for a user?

I'm testing the following command: $ curl -s "" | gunzip -d | python -m json.tool However it doesn't return up_vote_count and ...
kenorb's user avatar
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