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Questions tagged [api]

Questions about the Stack Exchange API *only*. If your question concerns any other API, do not use this tag. For bugs, please (also) use the version tag, EG [api-v2.2], that the bug applies to.

79 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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12 votes
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Are there plans to involve Area51 in SE API version 3?

Several applications come to mind, proposal publicity, question analysis, making resources files, but I can't find any SE API calls that can do this.
JMP's user avatar
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11 votes
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Provide a way to reset - not invalidate - API tokens

I'm running a service with ~300 write-authenticated access tokens. It's terrifying. As part of running such a service, I'd like to be able to cycle API tokens - so that if, heaven forbid, one made an ...
user avatar
10 votes
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SOAPI-REST: Complete Stack Overflow API specification in machine readable format

SOAPI-REST Services At four hour intervals, SOAPI-WATCH parses the complete Stack Overflow API documentation and generates a complete object graph representing the API including all routes, ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
  • 12.1k
9 votes
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Access to my Upvoted Questions

I would like to see just my upvoted questions (Don't care about other users as such). There are some related posts: List of Votes by Authenticated users Can I see my past upvoted questions in ...
duskandawn's user avatar
8 votes
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We’re collecting feedback on how we can improve the Stack Exchange API

The Stack Exchange API allows users to programmatically query and connect to the Stack Exchange Network of sites. The API is currently in version 2.3. We’re collecting feedback from users of the API, ...
J007B's user avatar
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7 votes
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API Parameters: Consolidated Observations

This wiki question is meant to be a central location for observations and suggestions in the interest of shaping the API meta data. Perhaps items can be removed when accepted and resolved as ...
6 votes
0 answers

stackapi.cpp - a C++20 library for the Stack Exchange API

Code snippet #include "stackapi/StackAPI.hpp" #include "stackapi/data/structs/comments/Comment.hpp" #include <iostream> int main() { stackapi::StackAPI api ( { ...
Zoe - Save the data dump's user avatar
6 votes
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Enable access to post images in the API, for "Stack Overflow for Teams"

The Stack Exchange API supports access to Stack Overflow for Teams; see the Teams API documentation. But, since Teams content is private, post images aren't uploaded to, but instead hosted ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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6 votes
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Ruby SE API: A Ruby wrapper for the Stack Exchange API

Screenshot / Code Snippet An excerpt from the README: First, initialize your client. You can omit the API key, but it's strongly recommended that you use one because it increases your request ...
thesecretmaster's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Use HTTPS urls for site logos returned by the API

Currently, the API returns resources like this: "high_resolution_icon_url": "[email protected]", "favicon_url": "
user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

How to get unread reputation changes via the API?

I want to write a desktop widget that checks the Stack Exchange API every several seconds and tells me if there are any new reputation changes. I can't figure out what API method I can use for that. ...
jojman's user avatar
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6 votes
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Resurfacing bug: "could not parse proxy url" error message

According to this question, the "could not parse proxy url" bug was solved more than 2 years ago. However, when using the client-side OAuth flow, the aforementioned error message appears when ...
Linostar's user avatar
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Version 1.0 of the API seems to be here!

It looks like v1.0 of the API is here now! I waited a few minutes for an official announcement, but none came - so here it is! Thanks a million to the team for putting this together!
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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5 votes
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What does the /users endpoint look for when sorting on modified date?

What does the /users endpoint look for when sorting on modified date? For the /users endpoint in the Stack Exchange API v2.3, what does the modified filter in sort field look for? It is unclear from ...
John Byro's user avatar
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Please provide a way to get Post Edits, filtered by user

I recently discovered from this question that the API does not support filtering revisions by user. I am interested in looking at a user's edit history programmatically (with their permission) and at ...
halfer's user avatar
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Filter doesn't consistently return comment bodies

I've been trying to set up a filter I can use with /questions/{id}/answers/ (using the UI at this link), which returns the following fields: answer: answer_id body_markdown comments ...
Martin Ender's user avatar
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Apigee API Console for the Stack Exchange API

Screenshot / Code Snippet About Apigee API Consoles make it easier to learn, explore and test APIs by letting you browse all methods, send and view request/response pairs and share what you are ...
Shanley's user avatar
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Selective API oriented transcript fragment of Jeffs Code Camp Video Interview.

This is a very selective API oriented transcript fragment of Jeffs Code Camp Video Interview: Purpose Please note that this transcript fragment is mainly a supporting post to decrease the length of ...
Steffen Opel's user avatar
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Platforms Supported by the API and Response Compression

What platforms are supported for use with the Stack Exchange API? In short, anything that can make a GET request to the API servers and supports JSON/JSONP & GZIP. (JavaScript, Python, PHP, Java, ...
Kevin Montrose's user avatar
4 votes
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Get total question views via API

I can currently get the total number of questions for a tag by using the total filter. This works well, but I'd like to get a total views count for the questions in that tag. I could iterate over each ...
Raymond Camden's user avatar
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Can we specify more than one OAuth Domain?

I would like to use the API from a browser extension. With WebExtensions, I should be able to support Firefox and Chrome with the same code. Chrome provides an identity API for OAuth2, and so does ...
Bob's user avatar
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API response doesn't indicate the nature of a rejected question POST

I have a question, which I post to Stack Overflow. The addition of the answer gets rejected and I know that it is due to the fact that I used the tag coredata rather than core-data. When I do this on ...
Besi's user avatar
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Please add a "self answer" flag to the answer results/object

Is there an easy way to tell if an answer is from the question poster? I'm working on Blaze, and I'm grabbing answers from the /answers method. I'd like to indicate if the answer is from the question ...
user avatar
4 votes
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How to quickly retag a question from the API?

I'm playing with the write API, and I'd like to simply retag a question. This is the code I have so far: $editURL = '' . $question->{"question_id"} . '/...
user avatar
4 votes
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What should I put in redirect_uri for implicit OAuth 2.0

From the document I can't figure out what value should I put in redirect_uri if I want to implement iPhone app. I try but it not work and show this error ...
art's user avatar
  • 141
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API v1.1 users call returns association_id for which the Stack Exchange web site has no profile

For a particular user, the users API v1.1 call returns an association_id that gives a "Page Not Found" error where the Stack Exchange profile should be, though their Stack Exchange profile can be ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Add a special page where developers can reset throttle timeouts

As George Edison noted, it would be useful to have a special page where developers can reset the throttle timeout when we accidentally trigger it. This happened to me this morning — I got banned for ...
Mathias Bynens's user avatar
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Stack Tunnel - WebGL Visualization for Stack Exchange

Stack Tunnel Screenshots About StackTunnel is a WebGL visualization which displays the latest questions from any Stack Exchange site interactively within your web browser. You can click on the ...
Crashthatch's user avatar
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PyOverflow: Account statistics for Stack Overflow for Ubuntu!

I was bored, and I wanted to play with the API, so I came up with this little script: It's coded in Python and has only a single image dependency. Here is a screenshot: Here's the source code (it's ...
Blender's user avatar
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3 votes
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Is there a way to upload an image to using Python?

I am developing an image generation bot for chat (for example, I can generate the image correctly, but when it comes to posting the image, I have no idea how to upload the ...
Petəíŕd the Wizard's user avatar
3 votes
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Fortnightly Topic Challenge Automation on Puzzling.SE

Used for (meta.)puzzling.stackexchange - Creates & edits the corresponding meta posts with information from the main and meta site. E.g. creating a post for the new challenge every 2 weeks and ...
Lukas Rotter's user avatar
3 votes
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Open source the Stack Exchange app and API

It has come to my attention that neither the app nor the API have received much if any attention in the last two years. The latest API is also largely undocumented. My humble request is to either A) ...
unixandria's user avatar
3 votes
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Only Stack Overflow has documentation, but the API erroneously lists documentation privileges for all sites

Privileges related to Stack Overflow Documentation are displaying in every other site's API data. Using Meta Stack Exchange, for example, /2.2/privileges?site=meta returns the following documentation ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
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API for the mobile feed, as seen in the Android app?

I'm creating an app for Windows 10, and I would like to provide a similar experience to the official Android and iOS apps (while keeping my own identity, of course). One feature seen in the official ...
Arturo Torres Sánchez's user avatar
3 votes
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What's the proper way to fetch the score of all answers of SO?

I wrote a small program querying the SE API to grab the public scoring data of all SO answers (excluding the last 3 days). Basically the request I do gets me this: Questions[]: Id Title ...
Denys Séguret's user avatar
3 votes
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Fetch the Personalized Prediction Data through the API?

Is it possible to get a user's personalized prediction data in an automated way? I'm building a graphical visualization of this data, you can check the project here:
jlhonora's user avatar
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/associated should include user's display name and the api_site_parameter

/associated should include api_site_parameter The /associated routes return the site_name and site_url but not the api_site_parameter. It would be useful if it did because api_site_parameter is ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Include creator in tag_synonym

When I looked at recent tag synonyms there is a Creator row, but I can't query this data with the API. I'd like to see this data added, and a list of all approves would be nice too.
Johannes Kuhn's user avatar
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SE API V1.1 documentation, date errata

The Stack Exchange API, version 1.1, documentation is ever so slightly confusing wherever Unix timestamps are mentioned (perhaps any ranges, I haven't dug too deeply) For instance: todate – Unix ...
Dan Lugg's user avatar
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All updates (answers, comments etc) using stack exchange API

Is there anyway to get information about any change using the stack exchange API's? i.e. if someone leaves a comment or votes on an answer/question? checking for answer changes is easy cause its a top ...
Sid's user avatar
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Please add "total votes on questions" and "total votes on answers" into /user/{id} API

Is there any chance that the following methods: Total votes on questions (N.B. NOT total score but total number of votes) Total votes on answers Could be added to the API? There are no threats to ...
mylesagray's user avatar
2 votes
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Improve error message when attempting to edit a post while not having enough reputation

When attempting to edit a post while not having enough reputation, like happened here: API to submit a Suggested Edit, the API returns the following: { "error_id": 407, "...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Update Teams API documentation to reflect dependency on tier

The documentation says (emphasis mine): Starting with the release of Stack Overflow For Teams, the Stack Exchange API exposes read-only access to data stored in private Teams. This is slightly ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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high_resolution_icon_url points to a non-existing image for Area 51 Discuss

In 2013 this bug was reported: Not all sites are returning Hi Res icons Since then a lot has improved. Most urls found in high_resolution_icon_url on the site type as returned by the /sites endpoint ...
rene's user avatar
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Is there an API call that can get me a user's access_token?

I'm trying to create a connector between Microsoft's Power Platform and the Stack API. Since the server ↔ server auth flow is happening outside of code I control, I can't grab the access_token from ...
Greg Hurlman's user avatar
2 votes
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When does API quota reset?

I had a program consuming Stack Overflow API quota (10,000 per day) last night across midnight. This morning I checked, and my quota has not been set back to 10,000. Is this normal? If yes, when does ...
BellmanEqn's user avatar
2 votes
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Linked questions API call fails for frequently asked questions on Stack Overflow

The Linked Questions API fails for some of the Frequently Asked Questions on Stack Overflow, maybe because of the sheer amount of linked questions they have. As an example, take What is a ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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.wrapper not sorted correctly in filter edit popup

When editing the filter, e.g. on this API documentation page, all types are sorted alphabetically except for .wrapper which is always shown below answer, instead of above it (or at the end): ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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JavaScript API Library for StackExchange API?

I'm developing an application that integrates with the Stack Exchange Network for posting questions and importing whole discussions. Therefore I'm looking for a JavaScript library for the Stack ...
RAGE Developer's user avatar
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Provide a way to get display name via access token

Please include a new (network) method with the ability to gather display name and profile image directly via access token. Right now to retrieve this information you have to first authenticate a ...
gillesberger_p's user avatar