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12 votes
1 answer

Add close-vote information to the questions object

Would it be possible to add close/reopen vote information to the questions object? For example, you usually see something along the lines of: close (3) when a question has three (current) close-...
Marvin Pinto's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

The authentication doc gives a wrong domain for authentication

The authentication doc page now lists URL's like: etc. While these seem to work, the correct domain is, ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

“Try It” URL has wrong URI

On API doc pages, the “link” link at the top-right of the “Try It” sections presents a URL with the wrong domain name: For example, on docs/similar, the URL displayed will be: https://api....
Brandon Kelly's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Python library for the StackExchange v2 API? [duplicate]

So I'm aware of Py-StackExchange and, but neither covers the v2.0 API. Does anyone know of a Python library for the 2.0 API?
Kristian Glass's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How are filters created?

Can someone explain how Filters are created in the Stackexchange v2 API? The documentation mentions the following for /filters/create: It is not expected that many applications will call this method ...
Arvindh's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

JavaScript SDK-based workflow never pushes message back from OAuth login_success page on Stack Exchange side

I'm using the JavaScript SDK by Stack Exchange provided with the latest API, and despite following the official instructions & examples it doesn't work - it seems there is a bug which breaks the ...
Mikhail Vink's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Invisible text in Markdown syntax help

Some text is invisible in the How to Format help block because of a bad combination of text and background color: That's meant to read ► backtick escapes `like _so_` but the backquoted portion is ...
A.L's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Tags are not returned when querying /users/{ids}/answers

I'm querying the API for answers-by-user, and I want the tags belonging to the parent questions. I seem to be seeing intermittent results: sometimes the tags attribute of the response includes the ...
larsks's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

SSL handshake error after Stack Overflow back on - anything related to SSL certification changed?

I'm building a Stack Overflow app for BlackBerry10. Earlier today (Feb 16, 2014), Stack Overflow was down and after it came back up my app starts to have this issue. My app works fine when it's in LTE,...
user25023's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How do I find all questions/answers per a tag?

Would also be good if I could also find the top questions/answers in a particular tag - i.e. questions tagged with Ruby or PHP. Per the docs the only thing I can see that will return questions in a ...
marcamillion's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Spelling mistake in API Documentation's "Authentication" page

Can you find the spelling mistake in "Unregistered Users" (last section) of the Authentication page? In case you're not in the mood for games, here is it: This is actually a correct spelling - of ...
ashleedawg's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Login problem on devices pre Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1

I have recently published an app for browsing Stack Exchange websites and a major feedback I received from users was about the inability to use oauth login form while logging into the app. The ...
Birkan Cilingir's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

OAuth Dialog has all content positioned off-screen

When using, the OAuth dialog renders correctly on my normal browser window. Opening it inside a modal however results in an empty window, because body has a min-...
NikxDa's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Keep getting HTTP 406

Not sure if this is a user or an API problem, but I keep getting HTTP 406 Not Acceptable when making API calls (for example from either IE 8 or Chrome 6. Here ...
Franci Penov's user avatar
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4 votes
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Comments have incorrect `can_flag` values for at least 2 different API routes

I am trying to see and show whether a comment on question/answer is flagged by the authenticated user. But whenever I use /questions/{ids}, can_flag is true irregardless of whether the user (me) can ...
AVK's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Bug with `badges/name` endpoint

Last night I had a programme running and it errored on the first call to the badges/name endpoint on the API, exact API endpoint call:
Der Kommissar's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Get favorited tags of user

This was requested in 1 and declined because of a missing authentication method. Now that authentication is in place, is there a way to retrieve the favorited tags of a user (myself)?
oschrenk's user avatar
  • 241
9 votes
1 answer

Is there any support for Area 51 in the new API?

Does the new API support Area 51? Will there be support in the future?
asheeshr's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Typos on

Under the Authentication section on, there are a few typos (emphasis mine): scope (optional) – an array of scopes to request during authentication, valid ...
ᔕᖺᘎᕊ's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Add the 'people reached' count to the API?

Can we have the people reached statistic added to the /users/{ids} method? The response could simply be: "people_reached": 1000 I'm asking because it would be cool to get a network-wide number.
ᔕᖺᘎᕊ's user avatar
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3 votes
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Only Stack Overflow has documentation, but the API erroneously lists documentation privileges for all sites

Privileges related to Stack Overflow Documentation are displaying in every other site's API data. Using Meta Stack Exchange, for example, /2.2/privileges?site=meta returns the following documentation ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
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2 votes
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Linked questions API call fails for frequently asked questions on Stack Overflow

The Linked Questions API fails for some of the Frequently Asked Questions on Stack Overflow, maybe because of the sheer amount of linked questions they have. As an example, take What is a ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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5 votes
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Site in closed beta but api working

Webapps has been added yesterday, website is in closed beta and it's not possible to see something on the website when you are not logged. But if you use the API you can get information. http://api....
radius's user avatar
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3 votes
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/synonyms sorting is majorly broken

I'm requesting /tags/synonyms data in descending order by creation date, but the order is jumbled up: The first date is 2017-08-22 where as the second one is 2018-03-16. The same can be observed for ...
a1626's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Stack API doesn't return json with encoding of UTF-8

Here is the query RESULT { "items": [ { "badge_counts": { "bronze": 2, "silver": 1, "gold": 0 }, ...
Nerzid's user avatar
  • 145
10 votes
1 answer

SEAPI - A lightweight Python wrapper for the Stack Exchange API

About A lightweight Python wrapper for the Stack Exchange API v2.1. Built with Requests. Why yet another SE API Python wrapper? (I'm aware of Stack.PY - A Python Module for Accessing the Stack ...
Piotr Migdal's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to convert a (javascript) date to the API timestamp format?

When I am using this page for the Stack Exchange API /search path, I can see that it is generating time-stamps in this format: fromdate=1380326400&todate=1380412800 What is this date format? How ...
Sarath Saleem's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Application Key and AccessToken are not working for Stack Exchange API? [duplicate]

I have followed the documentation and used explicit OAuth 2.0 flow for access_token generation. And I have gone through all 4 steps defined under explicit OAuth 2.0 flow with scope=no_expiry. Then I ...
Sanjiv's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Give us a site's API name in the list of a user's sites

In the /me/associated method, I get back a bunch of JSON - but the api_site_parameter name is nowhere to be found. Why? It's kind of important. Could we have it?
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

API Implicit Authentication with Python

I am working on an desktop inbox notifier for StackOverflow, using the API with Python. The script I am working on first logs the user in on StackExchange, and then requests authorisation for the ...
neydroydrec's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Field "comment_count" is not always returned by API

I am making a request with a custom filter that includes the "comment_count" field of the question type. My custom filter is !RtdMEtslKF6Z()NqpDUFZ58R6twu-.4V48gn0furqA*7_BL1. However, when I'm ...
Tunaki's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

The API /questions/{ids}/timeline path doesn't return several items that occurred after the fromdate parameter

I need to get all the question activity after some particular time. I am using the timeline API, like so:       /questions/20032212/timeline?fromdate=1384705610& But it ...
Sachin Jain's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Bartlett—new questions, inbox items, and reputation in OS X

Bartlett is a Mac application that lets you keep track of the most recent questions, inbox items, and reputation items on your favorite Stack Exchange sites. You can be notified of new items by Growl ...
yuji's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

API docs titled "v2.0"; should be "v2.1"

The documentation is titled "StackExchange API v2.0"... this should be updated to "v2.1" as it's not readily obvious that version 2.1 has been published otherwise.
Alex Lockwood's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Is there a limit on the data that is returned from stackoverflow API calls?

I have the following query, which is identical to the example they give in the documentation:
reectrix's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Accessibility issue on app registration page

Page containing bug Reproduce the issue Go to the page above. Whether you click on Application Website or Application Icon, it focuses the OAuth domain input. ...
Lakshya Raj's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Why is my quota constantly decreasing?

I registered an app today (API v2) for the first time (App ID 47, LaServ), and let it run a bit with its new key. It's the only API app running on this IP (I rent the IP as part of a VPS package). ...
agent86's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

StackImpact - What's your impact?

Screenshot About I like to make contributions to Stack Exchange, and in return I gain rep. However, I find that rep doesn't really tell the whole story about what my contributions mean to the site. ...
agent86's user avatar
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8 votes
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Why is comment_count=1 (incorrectly) when this particular filter is used?

We're seeing that, when a particular filter we've created is used, the API will return "comment_count": 1 for questions with no comments. For a search for questions with no answers, ordered by ...
daviddoran's user avatar
16 votes
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Bug in the StackExchange Api ? getting "could not parse proxy url" when user not logged in

I think I may have stumbled upon a bug in the Stack Exchange JS API I'm having a problem getting its authentication to work properly, and I just discovered that the same problem exist in the official ...
Gabi Mor's user avatar
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0 votes
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`/me/associated` gives ambiguous/wrong response [duplicate]

This is my associated accounts page. No where I can see Meta Stack Overflow profile. But when I run /me/associated with meta_site as parameter to types, I get a response that tells me that I have a ...
amit jha's user avatar
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Docs say the API returns a user's age, but it doesn't (anymore)

The doc page says that the user object returns an age property (for those users that specified an age). But the API  no  longer  does.   (Plus spot checks of users that had age in ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
2 votes
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.wrapper not sorted correctly in filter edit popup

When editing the filter, e.g. on this API documentation page, all types are sorted alphabetically except for .wrapper which is always shown below answer, instead of above it (or at the end): ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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1 vote
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Do my users need to be logged in, for quota?

I am building an application and want to showcase relevant Stack Overflow questions. I have made the request and getting a response, but its responding with a quota value: "quota_max": 300, "...
Nil's user avatar
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16 votes
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Registering app for API 2.0 key without Oauth domain

I'm trying to register an app, but it states that I need to add an OAuth domain. But I have Enable Client Side OAuth Flow disabled, because I don't need it right now. I basically have two questions: ...
PeeHaa's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Get the Authenticated User's email?

We're building the website for our local Developer Community. We're trying to enable "Login with Stack Exchange" (we already got LinkedIn and GitHub), but I can't seem to find the User's email when ...
Eduardo Romero's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Implicit Flow Isn't Redirecting

I'm using the WebAuthenticationBroker to allow users to log in to their account: var accessToken = ""; var uri = "
RareNCool's user avatar
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0 votes
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Strange pagination behaviour of /search/excerpts [duplicate]

In an attempt to (automatically) restore broken images* which have originally been included as HTTP links, I've tried to use /search/excerpts to look for candidate posts; specifically, I'm setting the ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Serel: A Ruby Library with full support for API 2.0

Getting Started? Visit for a whirlwind tour of the library. although it is still very much a tour in progress About Serel is Stack Exchange RElational Algebra, a fully ...
nobody's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Icons of beta sites

Icons of beta sites are different form the icons given in the . As example: Original icon of the English Language and Usage is     where http://stackauth....
chanchal1987's user avatar

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