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9 votes
1 answer

MetroSE: A Windows 8 Stack Exchange App

Experience Stack Exchange like never before. With MetroSE, you have over 180 Stack Exchange sites at your fingertips. Browse interesting questions on your favorite sites. Search questions from ...
James Mertz's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Stackoverflow Sentiment Search Engine

Sentiment analysis... Generally speaking, sentiment analysis aims to determine the attitude of a speaker or a writer with respect to a topic or the overall contextual polarity of a document. The ...
Filippos ZaaB's user avatar
55 votes
4 answers

Real-time desktop notifications for Stack Exchange inbox ( Chrome / Firefox )

Screenshot More screenshots: About Get real-time desktop notifications for your inbox at the Stack Exchange. After ...
Rob W's user avatar
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26 votes
1 answer

StackInbox - a Chrome/Firefox Extension that Preserves New Stack Exchange Inbox Messages Until They Are Actually Read

Screenshot / Code Snippet Below is a screenshot of the inbox with two viewed yet unread messages: About Preserves new Stack Exchange Inbox messages until they are actually read, not just viewed in ...
jmort253's user avatar
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44 votes
0 answers

ChatBot, a bot. For the chat

About Lurks in the shadows of the chat. It executes commands at the request of the user, sending messages as the user who runs it. You can talk to it the StackOverflow SandBox room if you want to ...
Zirak's user avatar
  • 541
2 votes
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SECharts - various charts and interesting findings on all SE sites (as of August 2012)

Screenshot / Code Snippet About SECharts - StackExchange charts application is a static web application where you can browse some data regarding all 37 SE sites. I have created SECharts to learn ...
Kris's user avatar
  • 121
14 votes
2 answers

Get favorited tags of user

This was requested in 1 and declined because of a missing authentication method. Now that authentication is in place, is there a way to retrieve the favorited tags of a user (myself)?
oschrenk's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is there a way (or app) to get realtime updates of new questions with a given tag?

According to Stack Exchange API not realtime?, the API does not return results in realtime, but has 1 minute delay for the same query. Is there a system or an app that delivers new questions in ...
B Seven's user avatar
  • 121
16 votes
0 answers

Stackstabilizer - A Windows 8 Metro Stackoverflow app (version 4, 11-09-2012)

About Stackstabilizer Stackstabilizer is a Stackoverflow reader for Windows 8. It helps you browse content on Stackoverflow, and allows you to sign in. In-app search It provides in-app search (...
Mathias Lykkegaard Lorenzen's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a difference between the API search and the search from within the site?

I'm curious if the search results from the API is calculated the same way as the searches from within the sites themselves? Is there a difference between the two? If so, what are the differences?
James Mertz's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Calibre recipe for StackExchange recent question feeds

The Calibre ebook manager has a recipe system to generate ebooks from websites/news feeds in order to read them offline. The following recipe creates an ebook from all StackExchange news feeds: from ...
raphink's user avatar
  • 131
8 votes
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StackIRC - Posting Questions from Stack Exchange Sites to IRC Channels

Screenshot About Similar to the Twitter feeds for each Stack Exchange site, this small IRC bot retrieves questions from any Stack ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
22 votes
0 answers

OBSOLETE - Stackwise: a beautiful way to browse Stack Exchange sites

Obsolete: App not available, nor maintained for years. Source code not available. Stackwise: a new Stack Exchange browser for iOS devices. New features (v1.3) Now with full iOS 7.0 support! Also, ...
jogloran's user avatar
  • 423
2 votes
1 answer

Using an existing Java oAuth implementation to access the Stack Exchange 2 Api?

I found the Scribe oAuth api and I was wondering how a call would work with the Stack Exchange API, since that uses oAuth. I'm sorta green when it comes to oAuth but I'm planning on writing an ...
Manny Fleurmond's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Typo in the docs for /me

The doc says: Returns the user associated with the passed auth_token. This method returns a user. It should say "access_token" instead of "auth_token".
Adam Lear's user avatar
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8 votes
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OBSOLETE - ProStack Lite - Stack Overflow inbox notifier and quick accessor for OS X (in Mac App Store)

This product is discontinued. The post about it is retained below for posterity. About Tired of manually checking for new answers and comments? Ever wished to access the ...
zavié's user avatar
  • 203
3 votes
0 answers


Screenshot / Code Snippet About OverflowMonthly is a monthly collection of the most popular questions on the Stack Exchange Network,published as ebooks(pdf and kindle format). People can now also ...
gt5050's user avatar
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48 votes
1 answer

Stackdump, an offline browser for StackExchange sites

Screenshots (source: (source: (source: About Stackdump was conceived for those who work in environments that do not have easy access to the ...
Sam's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Is the "link" URL enough to uniquely identify an "inbox_item"?

I've been looking at the documentation on the inbox_item type, and I was wondering what is the correct way to uniquely identify an inbox_item? Is the "link" URL enough to uniquely identify an "...
Alex Lockwood's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

When will the "site" field be absent from an "inbox_item"?

According to the documentation on the inbox_item type, the site field "may be absent". Under what circumstances will this occur?
Alex Lockwood's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

StackCompare - See how your StackExchange profile compares to friends and rivals

Screenshot About StackCompare is a tool that lets you see how you're doing on StackExchange sites relative to other people, be they friends, rivals, or some combination. Track your and their ...
Kristian Glass's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

how to get the number of profile views

according to the documentation, a User object has an attribute view_count, indicating the number of views of the user's profile. An example is also given there. However, when I sent a request /2.0/...
G.Z.'s user avatar
  • 135
4 votes
1 answer

What does "Unchanged in unsafe filters" mean?

Could someone clarify what this means? For example, what does it mean that the short_description field is Unchanged in unsafe filters for a Privilege?
Alex Lockwood's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Typos in the API 2.0 Documentation

Typo #1: There are two different objects that represent a user in the Stack Exchange API, the full user object and the smaller shallow_user object. Which is returned depends on the method being ...
Alex Lockwood's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Java wrapper for the Stack Exchange API 2.0?

I've checked out StackWrap4J, but it looks like it doesn't support some of the new methods provided in the v2.0 API (specifically the ones having to do with user authentication). Does anyone know if ...
Alex Lockwood's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can I search over SE using SE API if I have only a username?

How do I can find someone's userid if I have only their username? For example, my real username is: Zagorulkin Dmitry My Stack Overflow userid is: 1321404 Are there any API methods for this kind ...
Dmitry Zagorulkin's user avatar
7 votes
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Quick Media Solutions - The First Tool to Take Advantage of Write Access in v2.1 of the API!

Website Screenshot About Quick Media Solutions is my personal website where most of the web services and tools I have written reside. I recently rewrote the entire ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
5 votes
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Stacklense - Ubuntu Unity Lens to search Stack Exchange sites

##Screenshot / Code Snippet The application makes searches in ...
Stef K's user avatar
  • 151
20 votes
2 answers

Stack Exchange - Favorite Users

TL,DR: Browser addon that highlights answers and questions by your favorite users! See it in work: And the easy config via user's profile: Just like many other people before us, even we once began ...
Petr Janeček's user avatar
2 votes
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Official Stack Exchange Test App

This app registration is being used for testing new API features. Further details will be announced when those features are available.
Kevin Montrose's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Badge Status for a particular Tag in Stackoverflow

I was unsure if I could upload an Exe File so I created an Excel App instead of app. What is it regarding? I am sure you are aware but for people who are not, you can earn a Bronze, Silver, ...
Siddharth Rout's user avatar
17 votes
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StackDoc - Adding Stack Overflow data to online documentation

Inspired by Jeff's tweet about crowd sourced documentation I've started a Chrome extension to add data from Stack Overflow to existing online documentation. It's early days at the moment, but I think ...
alnorth29's user avatar
  • 271
6 votes
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OBSOLETE - Code::Trends - a visualization of the StackOverflow dataset

About Code::Trends is an interactive analysis of a dataset taken from StackOverflow, including: visualization of the technologies trends by time and location recommendation for similar technologies ...
AndreaC's user avatar
  • 201
10 votes
1 answer

WordPress Widget to display a Stack Overflow profile

What? Background: A WordPress widget is a re-usable and configurable set of code that renders something visually, into a WordPress blog. The blog administrator typically configures the set of widgets ...
Cheeso's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

/posts/{id}/revisions breaks for posts with [tag:*] content

Attempting to access (at least) the revisions route for a post with a revision involving the [tag:*] syntax causes an error: Example on Meta Stack Overflow (Post History) Example on Mathematica (Post ...
Tim Stone's user avatar
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2 votes
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/suggested-edits "Try it": Link for "suggested_edit_id" is broken

When using the "Try it" feature on /suggested-edits, the link for the suggested_edit_id points towards and not towards the respective site. For example, retrieve data ...
Sirko's user avatar
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38 votes
2 answers

StacMan - .NET client for Stack Exchange API v2

Features Supports all Stack Exchange API V2 methods through version 2.1 Easy to use: one-to-one mapping between StacMan and API methods/params Async is easy: methods return Task<T> so they're ...
Emmett's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

How to get network profile username?

I was thinking I could just get the username from the response of /users/{ids}/associated (where {ids} is the not-site-specific id). But then realised that it returns only network_user (even though we ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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3 votes
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StackWatcher - Live tiles for Windows Phone 7

Screenshot About Add some glanceable Stack Exchange reputation tiles to your Windows Phone 7 home screen. Some obvious features are yet to be built: More information on the user screen, maybe a ...
russau's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Can we have the display_name field in the /me/associated route?

I'm reading the Authentication documentation and I've noticed that the /me/associated route returns fields like user_id, badges, reputation but not the display_name, even specifying a custom Filter. ...
systempuntoout's user avatar
4 votes
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StackHose: live real-time event stream in your browser

About StackHose is a continuously updated stream of new content from Stack Overflow. It uses the Firehose JSON streaming event service to get a "push" stream of new event notifications. The newest ...
Greg Hewgill's user avatar
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11 votes
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StackMaps - Interactive Maps of Stack Exchange Communities

StackMaps - Interactive Maps of Stack Exchange Communities What Easily view users from your favorite Stack Exchange community on a map. Why I wanted to make it ...
johndbritton's user avatar
6 votes
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ExchangeLinq: LINQ Query Provider for Stack Exchange API v2.0

ExchangeLinq is a LINQ Query Provider for the Stack Exchange API. It only supports API v2.0. It is currently in alpha state and is being developed for Exchange It, a Stack Exchange client for Windows ...
JLaanstra's user avatar
11 votes
0 answers

TIARA - a tool for enhancing SE beauty

About Quality is an important area of concern for Stack Exchange sites. Immediate quality concerns are generally handled through a combination of flagging and downvoting. However, some things don't ...
agent86's user avatar
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0 votes
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Add message ID to inbox items

Feature request: The inbox item object should include a message_id field. The ID should identify inbox messages uniquely within StackExchange.
Adam's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

/answers endpoint is error-500-ing against many sites

Just calling the "/answers" endpoint, no specific arguments, and I'm getting 500 errors: {"error_id":500,"...
agent86's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Python library for the StackExchange v2 API? [duplicate]

So I'm aware of Py-StackExchange and, but neither covers the v2.0 API. Does anyone know of a Python library for the 2.0 API?
Kristian Glass's user avatar
1 vote
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Why are Meta sites' "site_state" = "linked_meta"?

In 2.0 there are the site_type and site_state fields. On Meta sites these fields give the same information, site_type = meta_site and site_state = linked_meta Instead it would be more useful if ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Reputation API to display a reputation history

I'm building something similar to the reputation graph / summary on the SO user page. The answer explains that the /users/{ids}/reputation API method gives a sum of reputation for the period. So ...
russau's user avatar
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2 votes
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Chrome extension to send any Stack Exchange question+answers to your Kindle

I wanted a way to read all the awesome and descriptive answers on Stack Overflow, but I never felt comfortable reading on my monitor. I figured if I could send it to my Kindle, I can read it at my ...
sharat87's user avatar
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