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Apigee API Console for the Stack Exchange API

Screenshot / Code Snippet About Apigee API Consoles make it easier to learn, explore and test APIs by letting you browse all methods, send and view request/response pairs and share what you are ...
Shanley's user avatar
  • 51
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LinkOverflow -- list of links in a Stack Exchange post

About This site useful to find the links that will appear on the stackoverflow post. Give the question url then site will parse the all answers and extract the list and it will mark it with tag. It ...
Sohil's user avatar
  • 351
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Small jQuery plugin for flair

See it in action at About I know I know another flair plugin. I made this because I always wanted to write a jQuery plugin and for my new website I needed a Stack Overflow flair that ...
austinbv's user avatar
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Insert direct documentation links in to answers

Based on previous topics on, there appears to be a gap how we can better assist users when answering questions by providing direct links to documentation (supplementing the ...
Brad Christie's user avatar
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Selective API oriented transcript fragment of Jeffs Code Camp Video Interview.

This is a very selective API oriented transcript fragment of Jeffs Code Camp Video Interview: Purpose Please note that this transcript fragment is mainly a supporting post to decrease the length of ...
Steffen Opel's user avatar
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OBSOLETE - RoboStack: A Google Wave robot for the Stack Exchange API

OBSOLETE - Google Wave doesn't exist anymore. Screenshot / Code Snippet For a video snapshot visit About Unlike a Jabber/XMPP robot, this application is a Google ...
nabeelmukhtar's user avatar
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Stack Bragger (facebook app to post questions badges)

Screenshot / Code Snippet About Stack Bragger lets you brag to your Facebook friends whenever you ask new questions or earn new badges at StackOverflow, SuperUser or ServerFault. I was looking for a ...
Roy Tang's user avatar
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webStack - A Stack Overflow Application for webOS

Screenshot About webStack is my humble attempt to create an application for webOS users that enables them to browse Stack Overflow questions, answers, users, etc. License webStack is released under ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
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API for getting multiple (yet specific users)

I am developing one app which will be used internally in our company. We are recommending our colleagues to contribute to StackOverflow. To keep the moral of employees high, I am planning to develop ...
Rahul's user avatar
  • 223
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2 answers

Is it possible to access data in real-time using the Stack Exchange API?

I want to show an animation of: Questions being asked and answered in the most popular tag Comments being posted New users joining All in real time. Is there access to real-time data?
Rakesh Adhikesavan's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What does "Unchanged in unsafe filters" mean?

Could someone clarify what this means? For example, what does it mean that the short_description field is Unchanged in unsafe filters for a Privilege?
Alex Lockwood's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Key doesn't match a known application

I'm running into a really weird issue and I would appreciate any guidance on what I'm doing wrong. So I recently applied for an API key here on Stack Exchange and it went through fine. So let's say (...
Marvin Pinto's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Access token quota

The documentation says that each user gets 5 distinct quotas of 10,000 requests per 24 hours, and as I interpret it, per app. If an application does have an access_token, then the application is ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Creating personal applications using Stack Overflow/Stack Exchange API

I want to create an application to read Stack Overflow notifications on my device. My question: what should I provide in the OAuth Domain and Application website fields while registering the ...
user avatar
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The API has stopped allowing CORS requests

I just noticed that a script I have that makes CORS requests to the API stopped working on Meta Stack Overflow, claiming that the domain isn't allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin, which is true ...
Tim Stone's user avatar
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Typo in the docs for /me

The doc says: Returns the user associated with the passed auth_token. This method returns a user. It should say "access_token" instead of "auth_token".
Adam Lear's user avatar
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Why is my quota constantly decreasing?

I registered an app today (API v2) for the first time (App ID 47, LaServ), and let it run a bit with its new key. It's the only API app running on this IP (I rent the IP as part of a VPS package). ...
agent86's user avatar
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API endpoints do not set Access-Control-Allow-Origin, so CORS requests fail

This looks like it might have been requested before: Support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing In order for CORS to work, the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header (and related headers) must be set. With ...
agent86's user avatar
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Server Fault 10k Challenge - Keep Track of Your Progress

About At the beginning of the year, a group of people made an agreement to each try to earn 10k rep. on Server Fault in the next year. This webpage is designed to make it easy to view progress and ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
4 votes
2 answers

OBSOLETE - Soapi.FindUser (silverlight) Quickly find any user anywhere in the Stackiverse!

OBSOLETE: has been down since at least 2012. Soapi.FindUser - Silverlight Edition Configuration: {irreparable screenshot was here} About Soapi.FindUser (silverlight) is provides a means ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
  • 12.1k
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Stack Override: Rank answers by usefulness

Stack Override This extension is a part of my final year project for a computer science degree. It displays notifications when the browser loads a Stack Overflow question page. Once clicked, the ...
tecknut's user avatar
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OBSOLETE - StackFlair Widget - Highly customizable user flair widget for Android

Screenshot About StackFlair is a highly customizable widget which displays your profile information (flair) from any website that is part of the Stack Exchange Network ( ★★ ...
Paul's user avatar
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In API 2.0, what happened to questions sorted by "featured?"

I was looking for a way to grab the list of "featured" questions via the API, and I stumbled across several answers that all point to the same solution: Shouldn't there be a separate call for ...
agent86's user avatar
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Unable to sort /search results by creation_date

I think I may have stumbled upon a bug in /search and I'll try to describe it as best as I can. What works: Create a /search query with the following parameters: fromdate: 2012-01-24 order: desc ...
Marvin Pinto's user avatar
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API Implicit Authentication with Python

I am working on an desktop inbox notifier for StackOverflow, using the API with Python. The script I am working on first logs the user in on StackExchange, and then requests authorisation for the ...
neydroydrec's user avatar
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StackStatus - Monitor the status of the Stack Exchange API

Note: This service is temporarily offline. The original version was having some problems, and I am also migrating a number of tools from PHP to Python - so expect to see this tool come back to ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
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OBSOLETE - Soapi.FindUser - Quickly find a any Stack Exchange user

OBSOLETE: has been down since at least 2012. Soapi.FindUser About Soapi.FindUser is a tiny .NET 3.5 application that searches all Stack Exchange sites for users by name with the provided ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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Why do I get a throttle violation after 300 requests while using a key but no access_token?

I'm doing some testing on my app, and I let it run on a machine this afternoon while I was away. When I got back, I was geting 503 throttle violation errors from my API calls. I was calling the "...
agent86's user avatar
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Introducing StackPulse: a real-time Cross-platform Stack Overflow question notifier

Screenshot I'm excited to share a new tool I've been working on called StackPulse. It's designed to help developers stay on top of new questions in their areas of expertise on Stack Overflow. About ...
MendelG's user avatar
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Crew for Exchange 2.0 (Full iOS native client)

My all-new app Crew 2.0 is NOW AVAILABLE 🥳 Crew 2.0 was rebuilt entirely from the ground up, and today's update is a crazy one. A completely revamped user interface, powerful markdown rendering, new ...
manubrio's user avatar
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Stack Me First - Highlight & List all the linked answers, comments & linked questions related to the current user

Stack Me First A browser extension to Highlight, Sort & display a list of all questions, comments or links answered and upvoted by the current user. About This Plugin has 3 components to it 1. ...
Gangula's user avatar
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An app similar to Natty and DharmanBot, with the difference that classification of NAAs is done with the help of natural language processing using a deep learning model trained on existing Natty ...
Marco Bonelli's user avatar
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Placeholder - Mini-Mod

Mini-Mod is planned to be an app that helps the community moderate content This also has automated features which require write_access This is simply the placeholder which the app will be connected to
MrMythical's user avatar
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QStack (Android Mobile App)

Screenshot / Code Snippet Insert a reasonably sized screenshot (or code snippet) of your app here, so we can get a quick look at it and an idea of how it works and what it might do for us. App ...
Odumosu Peter's user avatar
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EasterEggExchange: Enable all easter eggs in chat

About This script will enable all easter eggs in chat, namely: Cthulhu Send <(?:"[^"]*"['"]*|'[^']*'['"]*|[^'">])+> and quotes from this answer fly around your ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Crew for Stack V1.0! (full native client) [duplicate]

App link ( Crew is a beautiful full native (iOS) StackOverflow app built for fast navigation with powerful set of features. The ...
Daniel James Tronca's user avatar
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PLACEHOLDER - Broken Link Repairer

In the coming weeks, I'll be modifying the Broken Image Repairer so that it can be used to mass-edit broken links. Examples where it could be used: German Language: has been moved to ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Pyle: A Stack Exchange client for UWP (Beta)

Currently under development, in open beta on the Store. If you'd like an invitation to the Slack beta-testers team for quicker and more direct communication, just let me know.
shawnseanshaun's user avatar
4 votes
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Stack Flower: a simple Android app for searching Stack Overflow

Stack Flower is a simple Android app for browsing Stack Overflow, with some useful search customization options. You can easily make queries like Posts from this week tagged "android", ranked by ...
Rapunzel Van Winkle's user avatar
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StackSurfer iOS App

StackSurfer Screenshots: About “StackSurfer – Search Faster, Work Smarter” StackSurfer provides a smarter way to search for questions and answers in Stack Overflow. You can search for questions ...
Sunil 's user avatar
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StaXNetwork - UWP Stack Exchange client

About StaXNetwork is a UWP app for browsing, asking, searching and answering questions on the whole Stack Exchange network. Features Browse through and search for questions on all Stack Exchange ...
gillesberger_p's user avatar
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Stack Overflow Addin for Outlook (Placeholder)

This is a placeholder app for now. This add-in will enhance outlook's functionality where in user can search in Stack Overflow and post questions on stack overflow sitting in outlook only. It will ...
Richa Aggarwal's user avatar
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Get our Stack Exchange inbox as native notification on Chrome

About I'm new to the Stack Exchange sites. So I was looking for Chrome Extensions get make my experience better. I searched for a simple and good looking Notification app. I found nothing so I make ...
Alec von Barnekow's user avatar
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UWP Stack Exchange App

A Universal Windows App for the Stack Exchange network. Not ready for use, but listing it here so I can test write access. UPDATE: I'm beginning to put the app into a very gradual closed beta. Let me ...
RareNCool's user avatar
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Keep track of questions by high reputation users by favoriting them

Some users may prefer to pay extra attention to questions asked by those with sufficiently high reputation. This application aims to make this easier by automatically "bookmarking" such questions, i.e....
user avatar
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Stack Comparison

Screenshot / Code Snippet About This app helps you make decission when choosing a technology for your next cool project, by providing you stats about community engagement - knowing how many ...
qbolec's user avatar
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CareerStack - An Android app to search Stack Overflow Careers from your mobile or tablet

Screenshots About Powered by Stack Overflow Careers' RSS feed, CareerStack is an Android app to search & share job listings easily from any Android device. Users can search by: ...
iamovrhere's user avatar
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IGB Stack Flair – A dynamic flair for Stack Exchange sites

A dynamic flair for Stack Exchange sites inspired by Stack Exchange's native User Flairs. With Advanced Features Including Stack Exchange sites with more than 101 reputation (compared to 200). ...
Gerold Broser's user avatar
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Tag Nukificator: Review and remove tags

Screenshot / Code Snippet About This is a PHP command-line app designed to quickly review questions with a tag, and easily remove the tag if necessary. Made with the xcode tag on SO in mind. ...
user avatar
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StackOverflow for BlackBerry10

About This is an initiative to build a true native StackOverflow app for BlackBerry 10 platform. Currently, this app is under rapid development and testing phase and aiming for a public release in ...
user25023's user avatar

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