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233 views - Learn from some of the most popular questions and answers on Stack Overflow (beta)

Screenshots About It uses the most popular Stack Overflow questions, and sprinkles it with some spaced recall algorithms. The goal of this spaced recall is to help the student ...
stefanlz's user avatar
6 votes
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localhost API key receives Curl error when retrieving access token

I have registered two apps -- one that will redirect to my website and the other that will redirect to a localhost server that I have running so I don't have to test my code on the site. I have ...
austin's user avatar
  • 171
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The "advanced search" path returns very wrong results for the `q` parameter

I'm trying to search for a string. It's a hardware identifier 10ec:8168 and should be unique to that make/model of chip. Any questions that mention is should be relevant. But compare the site search ...
Oli's user avatar
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Net::StackExchange2 - Perl Wrapper for StackExchange API (it's on CPAN)

About This library is a little labour of love for two things dear to me : StackOverflow, a place where I've learned just so much, and Perl a cryptic language that's giving me perspective. I happen to ...
gideon's user avatar
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OBSOLETE - Code::Trends - a visualization of the StackOverflow dataset

About Code::Trends is an interactive analysis of a dataset taken from StackOverflow, including: visualization of the technologies trends by time and location recommendation for similar technologies ...
AndreaC's user avatar
  • 201
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ExchangeLinq: LINQ Query Provider for Stack Exchange API v2.0

ExchangeLinq is a LINQ Query Provider for the Stack Exchange API. It only supports API v2.0. It is currently in alpha state and is being developed for Exchange It, a Stack Exchange client for Windows ...
JLaanstra's user avatar
6 votes
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Stack Reputational: User rankings in detail

About Let me present my app to you, "Stack Reputational" (available at Stack Reputational is a Stack Overflow leaderboard unlike any other! It gives you the most detailed ...
ebae's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

API Inconsistencies

In my opinion, one of the hallmarks of a good API is that it is self-consistent. It establishes easy-to-remember conventions and then follows them. As I'm trying to adopt the 2.0 API, I'm finding ...
Dave DeLong's user avatar
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SOREP V2: Ranked Flair Take 2

SOREP V2: Ranked and aggregated flair About SOREP V2 is a flair service that is built upon the StackUser platform that provides ranked flair, both in standard layout and themes as well as custom ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
  • 12.1k
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OBSOLETE - GeeQe - Native Stack Overflow client

Obsolete - no longer in iTunes store, no source code given, and was coded for a decommissioned version of the API. About The Geek Question Explorer is a Native Stack Overflow iPhone Application. ...
carson's user avatar
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OBSOLETE - Stacklipse - Eclipse plugin preview

Obsolete. This plugin is for/uses a decommissioned version of the API. About Stacklipse is an eclipse plugin that utilizes Stack Apps API to provide a search view in Eclipse. Currently just provide a ...
chenyuejie's user avatar
6 votes
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OBSOLETE - CodeChirp - Twitter like post-aggregator and stalker webapplication

CodeChirp About CodeChirp is a twitter-like web-based question/answer/comment aggregator, that queries Stack Exchange sites, and shows the results as twitter-like posts. People can subscribe to users,...
SztupY's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Stack Exchange API is returning boolean(false) For 'is_answered' On Question With Accepted Answer

When you view this question you see a closed question which has an accepted answer. When you get the API info for it you get this: ["question_id"]=> int(17466804) ["creation_date"]=> int(...
kittycat's user avatar
  • 507
5 votes
1 answer

Get the Authenticated User's email?

We're building the website for our local Developer Community. We're trying to enable "Login with Stack Exchange" (we already got LinkedIn and GitHub), but I can't seem to find the User's email when ...
Eduardo Romero's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Typos in the API 2.0 Documentation

Typo #1: There are two different objects that represent a user in the Stack Exchange API, the full user object and the smaller shallow_user object. Which is returned depends on the method being ...
Alex Lockwood's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can I search over SE using SE API if I have only a username?

How do I can find someone's userid if I have only their username? For example, my real username is: Zagorulkin Dmitry My Stack Overflow userid is: 1321404 Are there any API methods for this kind ...
Dmitry Zagorulkin's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Badge Status for a particular Tag in Stackoverflow

I was unsure if I could upload an Exe File so I created an Excel App instead of app. What is it regarding? I am sure you are aware but for people who are not, you can earn a Bronze, Silver, ...
Siddharth Rout's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

After a throttle violation, could the error message include the time when the block will be lifted?

I got my first throttle violation error after running in jsFiddle some example code given to me by a library author in response to a question of mine about how to use their library. This is the error ...
hippietrail's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to solve bad_parameter error?

I'm trying to make the Stack Exchange API request using the key provided by Stack Apps. But whenever I try it always throws the below error. {'error_id': 400, 'error_message': "key doesn't match a ...
Raja Simon's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What is "accept_rate" in the Stack Exchange API?

when I call the /users path, like: /docs/users-by-ids#&ids=1&site=stackoverflow In the reply, I get a field called accept_rate. What is that field about?
user1934044's user avatar
5 votes
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API documentation pages match some site names incorrectly

The bug is not in the API itself, but in the pages documenting its methods. To reproduce, follow the link and observe that the page ...
How About a Nice Big Cup of's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

/posts/{id}/revisions breaks for posts with [tag:*] content

Attempting to access (at least) the revisions route for a post with a revision involving the [tag:*] syntax causes an error: Example on Meta Stack Overflow (Post History) Example on Mathematica (Post ...
Tim Stone's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

StatsExchange - low friction, API-based statistics generator

##Screenshot / Code Snippet ##About StatsExchange is an application that's designed to leverage the filtering and data reporting features of the Stack Exchange API. With StatsExchange, you can ...
agent86's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Do calls on the 1.1 API and the 2.0 count against each other's limits?

Do the old 1.1 API and new 2.0 share limits? Or do my Stack Apps running on 1.1 calls not affect my limits for apps running on 2.0 calls?
hippietrail's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

filter=total is returning 0?

I'm running a very simple (and contrived) call of: I'm expecting a response of: {"total":1} But am getting a ...
Dave DeLong's user avatar
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1 answer

Why doesn't the API return suggested edits on tag wikis?

Is there a reason why the API doesn't return suggested edits on tag wikis on the suggested-edits route?
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
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GitHub Readme Stack Exchange

Screenshots Standard Layout Compact Layout About Dynamically generate your status for any Stack Exchange site! I've created it based on github-readme-stackoverflow, but I improved it to be used with ...
Diego Borba's user avatar
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Toasty: A better chat antifreeze bot

About Toasty is an antifreeze bot for the Stack Exchange chat system. It automatically sends messages in low-activity rooms to keep the system from freezing them for inactivity. Toasty is usable by ...
Ginger's user avatar
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Stack Exchange Dump 2 MySQL - Load the data dump into a database with Python

I created a a utility to load the Stack Exchange data dump into a MySQL database: It is written in Python so it should in theory work on ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
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147 views Re-home your Story, or download as JSON

About Hi, I'm Jess Telford, I created 👋 When I heard StackOverflow will be discontinuing their Developer Story feature*, I couldn't just let my story get deleted! Being a developer ...
Jess Telford's user avatar
5 votes
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What does the /users endpoint look for when sorting on modified date?

What does the /users endpoint look for when sorting on modified date? For the /users endpoint in the Stack Exchange API v2.3, what does the modified filter in sort field look for? It is unclear from ...
John Byro's user avatar
  • 151
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Ask questions on Stack Overflow directly from inside VS Code
fabio's user avatar
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Comment Flagger - Automated comment flagging made easy

A utility to automatically flag "thank you" comments from SEDE queries like this one. Are you looking to improve your flagging stats? Have a list of comments you are certain need to be flagged as "...
coldspeed's user avatar
  • 151
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Stack Exchange Chat API Documentation and Bot Boilerplate (finally)

Chat Documentation GitHub Link: Description: I know many people have created bots in different languages. Thats why I need your help ...
user7886229's user avatar
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DiffTech: Differencing similar technologies in computer science (e.g. MySQL VS PostgreSQL)

Screenshot About Developers can use different technologies for many software development tasks in their work. However, when faced with several technologies with comparable functionalities, it is not ...
Yi Huang's user avatar
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Stack Search - Chrome extension

Stack Search is the chrome extension you’ve always dreamed of! Stack Search adds to your Google Search results a filtered set of the most relevant answers from your top trusted coding sources: ...
Dkova's user avatar
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StackWatch - Glitch app to send Web Push Notifications on new questions

I made a very simple node app to give me chrome push notifications when new questions are posted in tags I am interested in: I have tested it working in Chrome and Firefox. Demo Site This is a ...
captncraig's user avatar
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Vinder: Stack Exchange Voting Tinder (Placeholder) [closed]

Placeholder, suggestion by Simon Forsberg. The purpose of this application is to allow a more convenient method of voting on Stack Exchange posts, while creating a shuffle and supporting lower-...
Der Kommissar's user avatar
5 votes
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stackanswers.vim - View answers from Stack Overflow within Vim

Introduction stackanswers.vim is a Vim plugin that allows a user to ask a question, and receive answers from Stack Overflow right into Vim. Usage You can ask the question by running :StackAnswers <...
James Wang's user avatar
5 votes
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QuestionPacker - Packs Question in a Webpage

Screenshot About It is my version of StackTack, which seems to be discontinued. License Inbox Reader is released under the Apache License 2.0. Download You can get QuestionPacker here: http://...
Universal Electricity's user avatar
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se2jekyll.rb—export Stack Exchange posts for use on Jekyll blogs

Synopsis se2jekyll.rb site post_id Example ( $ se2jekyll.rb Meta.Puzzling 3020 > Republished at:
Jon Ericson's user avatar
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Export a question and its answers as LaTeX

A post on a MathJax-enabled SE site is typically a mix of LaTeX-like syntax and HTML and/or Markdown. Consequently, the source of a post cannot be processed by a LaTeX compiler as is, despite the ...
user avatar
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Stack Overflow Questions Notifier - LinuxMint Cinnamon Applet that notifies you when new questions, with certain tag(s), are posted on Stackoverflow

Description A Linux Mint Cinnamon Applet that checks Stack Overflow site and shows a notification popup when new questions (with one or several tags) are posted Screenshot (Click for a larger view) ...
dinox0r's user avatar
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Ruby library for Stack Exchange API

About I have written a Ruby library for accessing Stack Exchange questions, comments, badges and users. I am adding more methods. Repository ...
userxyz's user avatar
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Flow (code-editor extension)

Screenshot Get code instantly: Simple navigation between results Dive in to get more info about the code-snippet About Flow is a code-editor extension for programmers, that integrates the power ...
desegel's user avatar
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All Your Stack Posts

Screenshot (click to full resolution) About WordPress plugin inspired by the Meta question How can I download my content from a beta site?. Intended as a mean to export all of a person's ...
brasofilo's user avatar
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Showr for Android

Screenshot About Put artwork and information at your fingertips, or make your Android device truly personal, with Showr. Showr adds pictures to your home screen or lock screen: picked from your ...
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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Stacklense - Ubuntu Unity Lens to search Stack Exchange sites

##Screenshot / Code Snippet The application makes searches in ...
Stef K's user avatar
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soDumpMe: a Ruby script co convert Data Dump XML to HTML

Screenshot / Code Snippet Screenshot coming soon! About This app was created to solve a request on Meta that the XML of the data dump is not readable. This app aims to convert the XML to HTML. ...
Josh's user avatar
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How can I get the "follower" count for a given tag on a site?

One of the metrics (albeit a somewhat weak one) of a given tag's "health" is how many followers it has. I believe this is the count of how many users have the tag on their "Favorite Tags" list. You ...
agent86's user avatar
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