SOREP V2: Ranked and aggregated flair
SOREP V2 is a flair service that is built upon the StackUser platform that provides ranked flair, both in standard layout and themes as well as custom aggregations.
Site Ranking, both as an ordinal value and a mouseover percentile.
Aggregated flair - all or specific number, sorted by reputation
All standard themes supported -
Custom display formats -
Easy selection using a variety of identifiers
- user id and site
- email address
- association id
Default flair layout
Small flair layout
Tiny aggregated flair layout
See for more guidance.
Sky Sanders - [email protected]
Since early this year, before the advent of the API, SOREP has been providing ranked flair for the big 4 trilogy sites. With the advent of the API and improved access to data (so long screen scraping!) the groundwork for SOREP V2 with an improved api and layout was put into motion with the Soapi.CS client library upon which the StackUser data platform is built.