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6 votes

<kbd>, Superscript and Subscript, markup shortcuts

feature-request status-completed Wrt the <kbd></kbd> insertion, how about this simple scenario: user has Shift+Alt+P and wants to convert it to Shift+Alt+P Current scenario: user ...
Gaurang Tandon's user avatar
4 votes

Better handling of indentation and the TAB key when editing posts

With the recent network-wide HTTPS switch, the include's should change to: // @include* // @include https://** Also, in case of editing a ...
Nisarg Shah's user avatar
2 votes

<kbd>, Superscript and Subscript, markup shortcuts

feature-request status-completed Can you please add in strike-through <del>text</del> and Line break <br />
Welz's user avatar
  • 233
2 votes

<kbd>, Superscript and Subscript, markup shortcuts

feature-request status-planned Can you please add in [tag:something] (to work like the other features) The icon can just be tag
Welz's user avatar
  • 233
1 vote

<kbd>, Superscript and Subscript, markup shortcuts

There is an issue with the new Dark theme on StackOverflow site, all the custom buttons now have B button background:
CrazyCoder's user avatar
1 vote

<kbd>, Superscript and Subscript, markup shortcuts

bug status-completed The entire extension doesn't function properly in the profile editor (/users/edit/{UserID}). I can click on all of the buttons but nothing happens. (GIF) This is probably ...
Welz's user avatar
  • 233
1 vote

<kbd>, Superscript and Subscript, markup shortcuts

bug tampermonkey status-completed I have a slow internet, so the webpage loading circle may still keep spinning while the #wmd-input textbox has already loaded. In this case, I've noticed that if I ...
Gaurang Tandon's user avatar

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