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Provide a way to discover associated meta sites

Currently, the API doesn't specify what the associated Meta site is for a certain site (I'm talking about the route). Sure, we could just prepend "meta." to the domain name, ...
Felix's user avatar
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Abuse potential in API write-access?

I understand some of the use-cases for write-access in v2 of the API -- primarily to enable full access to StackExchange sites without a web browser. And I'm sure it will be a hit for people who want ...
Mark Rushakoff's user avatar
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3 answers

Best way of structuring a library?

I am busy building an app using the API and I am about to start to work with the API. I have looked at the one other PHP library, and it is one object with method calls which return back a ...
johnwards's user avatar
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Top questions/answers

Is there a way to get a list of X questions/answers with the highest votes up, visits, etc? Say I want to get the list of most voted questions in .NET category (tag) or Java.
Heavy Bytes's user avatar
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Indicate in documentation whether "numbers" can be non-integral

"number" is an very ambiguous term. Integral or non-integral? For developers in more dynamically-typed languages like JavaScript, this is not an issue; but when using more statically-typed languages ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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Main Stack Exchange network site API

The original Stack Exchange app has this cool feature where you can browse hot question from the entire network. But at the current state I am not able to see a “Stack Exchange” site listed in the ...
Daniel James Tronca's user avatar
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Obtain the list of questions associated to answer_ids without losing the information of which question comes from which answer_id

This is a follow up to a previous question of mine, and the starting point is that, given a list of reputation objects retrieved via /users/{ids}/reputation, I can easily retain only the entries with ...
Enlico's user avatar
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Using StackEx as a prefix for the name of my app?

According to trademark guidance: [...] Including one of the terms, "Stack" or "Exchange" or "Overflow" in your product name is generally okay. I'd like to use "...
OfirD's user avatar
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Why can I not authenticate my application? Application is not allowed to request implicit grants

I created a placeholder. PLACEHOLDER - Disco Application I created an application and added placeholder. I followed
Disco's user avatar
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Request for user script to calculate Wilson confidence ratings for posts

I came across the following blog post on the Internet recently: How Not to Sort by Average Rating: PROBLEM: You are a web programmer. You have users. Your users rate stuff on your site. You want to ...
gparyani's user avatar
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After which time span can my vote no longer change?

I came across a toast that appears when I try to change my vote that I made a few days ago. Is it documented somewhere after which time span you can no longer change your vote? Or does the API ...
Norbert Bartko's user avatar
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Authentication uses # instead of `?`?

I need authentication for my app so I used the implicit flow way. The authentication works just fine but the access_token and expires variables return weirdly! For example:
moein rahimi's user avatar
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The `top_questions` field shows outdated information?

I am using Stack Exchange API. I posted question from the doc page /questions/add to Stack Overflow. This was my first question. As that question was to check the function /questions/add, means it was ...
amit jha's user avatar
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C# Stackexchange Questions API [duplicate]

I need to build an web application C# and below is what I'm stuck with Can I use Stack Exchange's API with Key? Do they have a "hello world" key can be used for learning purpose. I wish to get the ...
singhswat's user avatar
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How to set the width of an image in the body of a question?

I used the questions/{ids}/edit to add a hyperlinked image at the end of a question. It works if I use the default dimensions of the image. However, if I specify the width using width="320" or style="...
Pwner's user avatar
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AttributeError with Py-StackExchange

i'm trying to execute this python script : #! /usr/bin/python import stackexchange so = stackexchange.Site(stackexchange.StackOverflow) my_favourite_guy = so.user(41981) print my_favourite_guy....
Adeel ASIF's user avatar
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Advanced search API not returning data for "phonegap" tag

I am trying to gather results from the API for the tag phonegap but the API is not returning any data. I am using /search/advanced and get nothing back for November: { "items": [], "...
Rod Burns's user avatar
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Can the API support per-item questions?

What I'm seeing so far is that the API is for a site-wide collection of questions. Can someone use the API to decorate a website's products or articles with questions and answers (on a per-item ...
umbyersw's user avatar
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Downloading data en masse

I'm currently in the early stages of developing an Emacs major mode for the Stack Exchange Network. I'm a little torn on how to set up the use of the API within the mode. Is there a way to download ...
Sean Allred's user avatar
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Get my profile information after authentication

I am coding for a mobile application and using stack exchange API 2.1. I am able to implement oauth and I have access token also. Now I am trying to retrieve my profile information, like user_id, ...
Piyush Sardana's user avatar
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/suggested-edits "Try it": Link for "suggested_edit_id" is broken

When using the "Try it" feature on /suggested-edits, the link for the suggested_edit_id points towards and not towards the respective site. For example, retrieve data ...
Sirko's user avatar
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/answers endpoint is error-500-ing against many sites

Just calling the "/answers" endpoint, no specific arguments, and I'm getting 500 errors: {"error_id":500,"...
agent86's user avatar
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Reputation API to display a reputation history

I'm building something similar to the reputation graph / summary on the SO user page. The answer explains that the /users/{ids}/reputation API method gives a sum of reputation for the period. So ...
russau's user avatar
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Mistake in API 2.0 Documentation - Wrong item type for Careers Message

On the Careers Message example shows the wrong item type.
Adam's user avatar
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/users/{id}/tags/{tags}/top-answers returning answers by other users

According to the description, /users/{id}/tags/{tags}/top-answers should return answers by the user on that particular tag. Returns the top 30 answers a user has posted in response to questions ...
nobody's user avatar
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Answer vote counts are not correct

I was trying to figure out the total number of answers I have that have been downvoted, and at first everything seemed awesome since the total was zero. However, I knew this wasn't correct. For ...
agent86's user avatar
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type related_site not listed in 'by type' tab list

The type "related_site" is not listed in the 'by type' tab in documentation.
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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Can I get more results/options from /users/{ids}/top-answer-tags?

/users/{ids}/top-answer-tags returns the top 30 tags for a given user. It's also the only endpoint that returns the user's tag scores along with the rest of the tag info. I'd like to use this data ...
agent86's user avatar
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User to de-authorise app?

The API makes use of OAuth to allow queries such as /inbox/unread. In the documentation however, I cannot seem to find a way for the user to control actively the authentication: Is there a place for ...
neydroydrec's user avatar
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TLS security warnings from

Each time an API request is made over HTTPS, Firefox generates the following message in the error console: Curious, I looked up RFC 5746 and the document covers the following: Transport Layer ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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No views_per_day in /info route?

I'm not particularly crying over it, just curious why the views_per_day field was dropped?
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Once authorized, is there a way to auto-login with a browser?

Assuming I've created an app that authenticates the user against api-v2, is there a method to get a token or cookie that I can pass to a browser instance set to load a stack exchange site that will ...
Adam Davis's user avatar
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Am I out of luck if my http client doesn't support gzip decoding?

I'm playing with the oauth2 support in v2-beta with an http client that doesn't support gzip decoding. (My client is http spec compliant but can't deal with the non-compliance of the api on this issue)...
Eric Bloch's user avatar
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Small user scripts, one-liners, prototypes?

The script tag is to be used for complete userscripts. It would also feel kind of pollutive to swamp it with lots of smallish submissions. Hencewhy I'm making this proposal as reference question to ...
mario's user avatar
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Can i make an internal Q&A site like StackExchange?

I'm looking forward to develop a Q&A site that was requested to be private for my company, and as my boss talked it looked like he was describing StackOverflow, what i want to know is, is it ...
Jhurtado's user avatar
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Are these requests guaranteed the return the same results?

Going over the API, there seems to be some overlap when it comes to expressing a predicate in a URL. For example, let's say I want to fetch some questions from that have the tag "...
Dave DeLong's user avatar
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App to monitor a beta site for all questions

The only notification app I could find that lets you monitor all questions on a site is soapi-notify, but it doesn't let you monitor beta sites. Is there an application that will let me monitor all ...
Casebash's user avatar
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Any One knows what this does? What Id should I use?
Jedi Master Spooky's user avatar
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How to get user information of Stack Overflow?

I'm currently using the Stack Overflow API to get a user's information (via Stack Exchange). Is it possible with the Stack Overflow API to get user details?
saravanaprasath's user avatar
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Convert your Stack Exchange Posts to your own Website

Using the tools in this website you can take all your Stack Exchange Posts in SE Markdown Format and convert them to GitHub Pages Jekyll Kramdown format. The website is targeted to high-rep Stack ...
pippim com's user avatar
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Okay if our Internal Customer Service Software polls the Stack Exchange API?

We are in the process of creating a number of API's and extensible software which we expect will result eventually in questions being asked on stack overflow for working with our API's and extensible ...
Chris Rutherfurd's user avatar
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App to keep notes on users

Is there an app around that makes notes on users? Really all I am after is a flag to say - "Warning, this user is obnoxious, avoid arguments" EDIT It could just colour coding, like red for avoid, ...
Rohit Gupta's user avatar
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Should the access tokens expire? [closed]

Is it ok to set access tokens to never expire? Or should we ask the user of the application to periodically re-enter their credentials?
erotavlas's user avatar
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Is there a WordPress plug-in that is currently maintained?

I joined StackExchange about three weeks ago and I am hooked. I ask and answer questions, and I lurk in many threads. I have a WordPress-powered website, and I would like to share some questions, ...
hunterhogan's user avatar
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/revisions/{ids} returns results where revision_number is always 1

As of now, Code Review Question 59285 has three revisions, excluding the original question. If I fetch those three revisions using the API, I see that all of them have revision_number set to 1. That'...
200_success's user avatar
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Post Score vs. Age App?

Has anyone put together a script to generate the score vs. age of a question? If this script were run on all questions in a particular tag, the curve generated by taking the average over a time ...
Fletch's user avatar
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Version used by StackExchange API if version is not specified in api calls

I have used some StackExchange API calls in my chrome extension - StackEye. With the release of API 2.0, I want to update the api calls so I wanted to know New things available in 2.0+ which were ...
Sachin Jain's user avatar
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400 when posting a question to the Stackexchange API

I am adding a question via the API and I manage to create a preview of my question (See JSON extract below). { "has_more" = 0; items = ( { "creation_date" = ...
Besi's user avatar
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Is there a difference between the API search and the search from within the site?

I'm curious if the search results from the API is calculated the same way as the searches from within the sites themselves? Is there a difference between the two? If so, what are the differences?
James Mertz's user avatar
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Is there an app for searching Stack Overflow?

I was thinking about how I often use the Stack Overflow "ask a question" area as a search engine, rather than searching Google first. I know I'm more likely to find my answer by doing this. I was ...
Andrew's user avatar
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