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Why is "body" missing from certain inbox items?

I have run into some confusion over the presence of the body attribute in an inbox-item returned by the /inbox method. When item_type is set to "careers_invitations", the body attribute appears to be ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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"OAuth request must be over HTTPS" when request is over https

I had a bug reported to me that I was able to reproduce. When authorizing to my Badges webapp, we get the following error: error: invalid_request error description: OAuth request must be over ...
agent86's user avatar
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Why is there a difference between "questions" and "search" in API?

I have a query to find the number of questions tagged java from 2012-08-01 to 2013-08-01. Running this using both /questions and /search produces different results:
Sarath Saleem's user avatar
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Getting global information (Stack Exchange) about a list of users

I'm working with the API for several weeks (see my app here) and I'm trying to get the username of a particular user from its Stack Exchange ID. It's possible by querying /users/{ids} but it returns ...
A.L's user avatar
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bounties_offered are not being returned correctly from /users/{ids}/reputation

When querying the /users/{ids}/reputation API route, reputation changes for bounties_offered are not being returned correctly. In my own results, I see a reputation object with a reputation_change ...
Bill the Lizard's user avatar
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Authorized requests: auth parameter seems broken

I'm having problem with authorized requests. Every requests with a valid auth token get: error: { code: 4009 message: "The 'auth' query parameter is not a valid auth token." } ...
systempuntoout's user avatar
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How do I find all questions/answers per a tag?

Would also be good if I could also find the top questions/answers in a particular tag - i.e. questions tagged with Ruby or PHP. Per the docs the only thing I can see that will return questions in a ...
marcamillion's user avatar
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/answers/{id} summary incorrect

/answers/{id} Gets a set of questions enumerated in id should probably be Gets a set of answers enumerated in id
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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Problem getting a users answers within a date range

This issue is similar to Problem getting a users questions within a date range. Only this time I'm calling a different api and getting unexpected results. I'm calling
user avatar
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How to get up_vote_count and down_vote_count for a user?

I'm testing the following command: $ curl -s "" | gunzip -d | python -m json.tool However it doesn't return up_vote_count and ...
kenorb's user avatar
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What is the difference between accepted and is_accepted?

I saw there are two fields in answer type. One is accepted, introduced in v2.2 and needs private_info access. While another one is is_accepted without these limits. Can somebody give an explanation?
Zigii Wong's user avatar
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Suddenly, some entries on /questions route are missing display_name

An odd bug has developed this morning. At the moment, is returning a question of the format... ... }, { "tags": [ "jsf-2.0" ], "...
Adam Wright's user avatar
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Something's changed about user timelines

Six to Eight's user display has just broken, as the /user/id/timeline route seems to have started returning different data. Previously, timeline_type of entries in the user_timelines array used to be ...
Adam Wright's user avatar
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Can you identify a user from the access_token?

I have the access_token after authentication from the user. At this point I don't know with which sites this user has registered. Is it possible to get user information like the display name or ...
aldrin's user avatar
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StackAuth returning 404? Both of these are currently returning 404 Not Found. What's up with that?
Felix's user avatar
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display_name isn't always there (should have OpenID name if needed)

usually in the owner dictionary there is a display_name value to give the username. But in a few questions it simply doesn't exist and I can't see why only those questions: eg, this excerpt from the 0....
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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The reputation_change field is missing from the reputation results on some CW posts

When querying the /users/{ids}/reputation API route, the reputation_change field is missing from the results on community-wiki answers. I think the reputation type should always include this field, ...
Bill the Lizard's user avatar
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400 when posting a question to the Stackexchange API

I am adding a question via the API and I manage to create a preview of my question (See JSON extract below). { "has_more" = 0; items = ( { "creation_date" = ...
Besi's user avatar
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The /questions endpoint only returns around 30,000 items where 400,000 are expected

I use stackr library and I registered an api key as the library mentions "since it increases your daily quota of queries from 300 to 10,000." So I use the following code, which worked fine ...
cottinR's user avatar
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Tagged parameter not working as described in documentation

In the documentation it is reported that the tagged parameter in the request URL should work like this: tagged - a semicolon delimited list of tags, of which at least one will be present on all ...
micpob's user avatar
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questions/{id} help page sort parameter description is inconsistence with others

The description of the Sort parameter in questions/{id} help page is inconsistent with those of other pages. On the questions/{id} help page: sort (optional): How a collection should be ...
YOU's user avatar
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Is there a way (or app) to get realtime updates of new questions with a given tag?

According to Stack Exchange API not realtime?, the API does not return results in realtime, but has 1 minute delay for the same query. Is there a system or an app that delivers new questions in ...
B Seven's user avatar
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After which time span can my vote no longer change?

I came across a toast that appears when I try to change my vote that I made a few days ago. Is it documented somewhere after which time span you can no longer change your vote? Or does the API ...
Norbert Bartko's user avatar
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API selectively ignores jsonp parameter - havok ensues

UPDATE: this is happening on all routes now and seems to be getting worse. Whatever it is just started this morning. compare url to json response GET /1.0/users/14/badges?key=qgAq_KfDu0KYzlNG-qaTuw&...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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The Authentication Problem of WebAuthenticationBroker Class in .NET 4.6

I have a problem when you test the Stack Exchange Authentication API to WebAuthenticationBroker. If you proceed with authentication, such as screenshots it will continue to appear only in progress. . ...
happyjem's user avatar
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Wrong error message when attempting to edit a locked answer

When attempting to edit a locked answer like this one via the /answers/{id}/edit API method, I get an error message: Account is not allowed to suggest edits I have the privilege to edit the post, ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Can I get more results/options from /users/{ids}/top-answer-tags?

/users/{ids}/top-answer-tags returns the top 30 tags for a given user. It's also the only endpoint that returns the user's tag scores along with the rest of the tag info. I'd like to use this data ...
agent86's user avatar
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the stack exchange javascript library is 404

the library listed on the doc page for Authentication ultimately redirects to which results in varying degrees ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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An associated query is returning a partial record for a particular user

This query returns (in addition to several complete records) this incomplete one: { "user_id": 2196, "user_type": "registered", "display_name": "Wil", "reputation": 151, "email_hash": "...
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Sorting the event stream

It seems like the data returned from the /events endpoint is flawed by being returned in descending order. For example: { "items": [ { "event_type": "comment_posted", "event_id": ...
Dave DeLong's user avatar
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new throttle does not differentiate between api requests and requests made from viewing the site

Update: I am unable to reproduce the case of interactive browsing affecting app quota. And will concede that the failures that prompted this post were likely far edge cases. The remaining issue of a ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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Typo in throttle violation error message

I was just playing around with the API locally and got throttled for the questions and answers methods (the only two I was using). Anyway, I noticed there’s a small typo in the error message that’s ...
Mathias Bynens's user avatar
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StackAuth 1.1 API reports a site without a site_name

Calling the StackAuth 1.1 API associated method for a particular user returns one site with no site_name property (the one for which the user_id is 349). I cannot find a matching account in ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Comments are returning markdown.

Look at the output of the following: Output: { "comment_id": 12713, "creation_date": 1289269467, "owner": { "user_id"...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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Unread messages in inbox query shows older inbox messages

I am using the /inbox/unread route to get the unread messages in a user's inbox. Recently (over the last couple of months, perhaps) I have noticed that the entries returned from this route initially ...
Greg Hewgill's user avatar
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Why doesn't the API return a 'locked date' for this locked answer?

This answer has been locked, yet when I ask the API about this post it fails to return a locked_date: It's a rather old lock, but I can't see anything suspicious in the timeline or the Post History.
Glorfindel's user avatar
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New Meta sites out of order in /sites

I don't know if this is by design, but the ServerFault and SuperUser Meta sites don't follow their main sites in the response for the sites API route. Having linked_meta sites follow their main (...
Can Berk Güder's user avatar
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Associated accounts is broken for this user

When I retrieve associated accounts for Joel Coehoorn using this query it only includes Programmers.SE and Webmasters.SE despite the fact that I retrieved the association key from a query to SU. The ...
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
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user 'about_me' field suggested_buffer_size is too small

the suggested_buffer_size of user.about_me is currently 3000. it is apparent that this is the server-side field length. the problem is that the text is stored server-side in markdown but when served ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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fromdate is ignored for /posts/{id}/comments requests

The api docs:{id}/comments The test request. You can see comment itself here, it's four months old, while cutoff date in request is less than ...
Nikita Rybak's user avatar
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Stats not showing the same values as the Site

I get less values in the api method that in the site, is this posible? Example: form the API I get that SO has 709980 questions from site 701005
Jedi Master Spooky's user avatar
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Ability to sort answers by number of revisions via StackExchange API v2?

I was curious whether there was a way to easily find which StackOverflow answer has the highest number of revisions and/or to sort by that metric. I see mention of a sort function in the ...
Gary S. Weaver's user avatar
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Mismatch between user_id as reported in StackAuth 1.1 (invalid) and 1.0 (valid)

For the association id 1de2e2b0-2fb6-4db6-b90d-d0244ed5d13a, the StackAuth 1.1 call returns an invalid user_id of 73203 for Server Fault whereas the StackAuth 1.0 call returns the correct user_id of ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Answers suddenly not getting returned.

Try: None of the answers are present.
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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