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What happened to the links to a Stack App mentioned in the documentation about write access?

The documentation about write access states: The application responsible for creating content via the API may be indicated with a link to an app's Stack Apps post. The exact manner of display is ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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How to register a Stack App with explicit OAuth 2.0 flow to a third party site?

I am about to integrate a Stack Overflow app to a third party website / integration service (Zoho). The third party website's documentation mentioned that the redirect URL is
Deepak's user avatar
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6 votes
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Does a closed and/or deleted Stack Apps post still provide access to the API?

Registering your application as a Stack Apps app is necessary in order to obtain a higher request quota, authentication and write access to the API. What happens if the question is closed because of ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Why and how to make use of API key and credentials Stack Overflow API? [duplicate]

I am in need of using the Stack Overflow API for my website. I've gone through the documentation and I got the API key and client credentials. But my question is, I am able to send my question through ...
Deepak's user avatar
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Suggestion for new Stack App or SE UI feature: Reopen queue status

Summary This is a suggestion to create one, possibly two, indicators relating to Reopen Review Queue status. The purpose is to alert users to the requirement for intervention outside the normal ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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Suggested edit not returned by API

This suggested edit: is not returned by the /suggested-edits/{ids} API call: ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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I am unable to get the desired response through Stack Exchange API, using Postman [duplicate]

I am using this: to get the response. Is this the correct URI? I have ...
Ummulkhair Kadri's user avatar
2 votes
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Are the revisions returned by /posts/{ids}/revisions guaranteed to be returned in descending order?

The /posts/{ids}/revisions method returns all revisions to a post, but it doesn't have the sort and order parameters most methods have. From some quick tests, e.g. this one, I think it always returns ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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How to get access token from the hash?

I am trying to implement OAuth Stack Exchange API via Android app as client. After a successful login from out I get the below URL how do I get or decode the access_token from the hash? https://...
Raagappiriyan Rathnam's user avatar
3 votes
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Localhost test Stack App authentication: error 'redirect_uri' does not match

I tried the answer at "Can the redirect_uri contain port number"? But I am getting the following error: Provided redirect_uri does not match the redirect_uri this code was created with My access ...
sylor_huang's user avatar
0 votes
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How to search ALL sites with the advanced API?

I can make a request to Stack Overflow as follows, which searches with keywords in titles:     /2.2/search/advanced?title=vlookup%20index%20match&site=stackoverflow My question is ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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Alternative to official app?

I started using the Stack exchange app, but realized it was abandoned and just plain sucks. Now that I abandoned it though, I really miss push notifications and having all 8 sites I'm active in one ...
unixandria's user avatar
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`redirect_uri` is not under the registered domain for this application

I am trying to implement Stack Exchange authorization in my RoR application. But I get the error : redirect_uri is not under the registered domain for this application in Gemfile use: gem '...
nobody 's user avatar
1 vote
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OAuth redirect_uri to strips part of the query string

I have a browser extension that uses OAuth2 to retrieve an access token. As recommended by, I use as the ...
Rob W's user avatar
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Is there a SQL-like query for the API?

I've looked at the API docs. However, I haven't found a way to do complex queries through the API such as I can do in the Stack Exchange Data Explorer query editor (select, joins etc). Example: data....
user3517546's user avatar
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Unable to make API calls using access_token for private Stack Overflow Teams site

I am attempting to create an application utilizing the API to query data from our private Stack Overflow Teams site. I've read through the documentation at ...
Znurre's user avatar
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Find out whether a user has association bonus

I searched for this in the api docs and on this page but couldn't find any information: I have an api token of a given user. Is there a way to find out whether this user has association bonus rights? ...
User that hates AI's user avatar
8 votes
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Why has my daily quota increased from 10k to 2 billion?

I'm using the Stack Exchange API with an access token and API key, and I was just checking my remaining quota. According to the documentation, this should be a number (somewhat) lower than 10,000, ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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How can I look up an existing application registration? [duplicate]

I registered for a key, and I have the key and client ID, but I'd like to check the rest of the data I entered since I neglected to save it. Is there a UI somewhere to see what I did?
bmargulies's user avatar
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When I perform an API call via browser, it displays pretty JSON. How come when I do the same request via nodejs in my console it is garbled? [duplicate]

If I browse to via Chrome, it displays a bunch of JSON containing the appropriate content. But when I run the following ...
Alex V's user avatar
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Can I make a Private Application?

I wish to access the API from a purely internal application; no visible app to the public, no promotion, no OAuth. That seems impossible via the key registration form; am I missing something?
bmargulies's user avatar
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I have created a lot of access_token with no_expiry scope while experimenting. How do I delete them?

While learning how to work with the StackApps APIs, I created quite a few (more than 10) access_token with no_expiry scope. Finally I have got my applicaiton working but I am worried that all those ...
jar's user avatar
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Script to set the default image description text?

Stack Exchange sets enter image description here as the default description — this is mainly useful for new users who may not know that the title can be modified. I'm looking for a script to ...
user598527's user avatar
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The API is not returning a value that I know it should

My "Meta Stack Overflow" site details are not listed in the API, when I use meta_site;main_site in the types parameter. See:         /2.2/users/2855348/associated?types=meta_site;...
Arulkumar's user avatar
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How to query the Stack Exchange API using an OR operator?

I want to query Stack Exchange by title including optional keywords (one of). How can I query by OR operator? For example: /search/advanced?page=1&tagged=java&q=title:http OR class&...
user3712353's user avatar
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Cannot get redirect_uri to work

This is in regards to my userscript Bulk flag comments. I am sure I have not at all updated the userscript since the first release of June 24, and I am sure I was able to register for an access token ...
Gaurang Tandon's user avatar
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How to get a list of all StackExchange employees?

For a particular userscript feature, I need to get a list of all Stack Exchange employees. The list would be updated every day (per SE website). What is the most efficient way to do so? I looked at ...
Gaurang Tandon's user avatar
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Can the API Edit a Question, changing only one field?

The documentation for the edit question method (/questions/{id}/edit) is somewhat vague. Are all of the parameters required? For example, if the only field I want to change in the question is tags, ...
ashleedawg's user avatar
4 votes
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Can we find the time of a vote using the API?

I've been looking at the API docs and more specifically at the filters available for the /answers/{ids}, /posts/{ids} and /questions/{ids} routes but can't find anything other than upvoted and ...
ᔕᖺᘎᕊ's user avatar
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How to set a userscript, listed here on Stack Apps, to auto-update by itself?

I try to make my userscripts as comprehensive as possible on the first attempt. However there are often cases where I need to push some new update to it. In these cases, past users have to manually ...
Gaurang Tandon's user avatar
1 vote
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How to get visits per day via the API?

At the overview page of the Stack Exchange network, one can see a list of all sites of the network with some statistics for each site (number of questions, answers etc.). Most of these statistics can ...
petzi's user avatar
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How to get the user's last seen time in user's profile

In user's profile page, there's a last seen xx mins ago info: How can I get this information in user object or other object field?
Bite's user avatar
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What's the meaning about " is_answered" field of question object?

I saw the question object has a is_answered field. I mentioned that there're the following cases: The is_answered field is true, and the question has an accepted answer. The is_answered field is ...
Bite's user avatar
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Can we pull posts out of Stack Overflow based on tags?

Instead of directly searching the posts and reading on the Stack Overflow website, can we pull out posts in the form of pdf/txt file? I want to learn (say like programming: c or python) some real ...
natarajan k's user avatar
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How should I try to detect when the Share dialog is open in a userscript?

I want to write a userscript that modifies the share dialog to add an extra field: It's easy enough to retrieve and modify this dialog whilst it's on the page, but it gets added to the DOM only after ...
doppelgreener's user avatar
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Get everything touched by a user?

I'm trying to figure out the best way to compile all "post threads" (Questions and all related Answers and Comments) where a specific user owns any of the {Question, Answer or [a comment on either the ...
ashleedawg's user avatar
5 votes
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How to read (get feeds of) different Stack Exchange networks

I follow multiple networks in Stack Exchange where I select Hot/Week/Month to see what I missed. This is a bit time consuming since I have to switch and click to each one instead of having it ...
user981916's user avatar
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I'm having a hard time finding resources for using Stack Overflow's API in Python to query some questions [duplicate]

I can just go through documentation but it'd be a time saver if I could find some sort of tutorial or intro or anything. Does anybody happen to have any resources, notes, or code examples they could ...
user avatar
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Can I get the user's top percentile, for tags, using the API?

this is the data I receive when asking for a user data with the Stack Exchange API: { "items": [{ "badge_counts": { "bronze": 27, "silver": 12, "gold": 0 }, "...
Thatkookooguy's user avatar
0 votes
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How to pass multiple tags (OR between the tags) to the Stack Exchange Questions/Unanswered API

I am using the /questions/unanswered API to try and get all unanswered questions, sorted by upvotes, and with the tags specified. How can I pass multiple tags to the /unanswered route(s) using OR-...
Karishma Tiwari - MSFT's user avatar
10 votes
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What exactly is a valid OAuth domain name for registering your app?

I'm starting to write a native Android client for Stack Overflow, and wondering what exactly is a valid OAuth domain name? Is it the package name of my app? Or do I have to point it to a server ...
CodeRed's user avatar
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Hidden page tracks Read/Unread Inbox items better than API or Inbox?

How does this hidden page ( know which Inbox notifications I have/haven't opened? Both the drop-down inbox and the API (ie, seem ...
ashleedawg's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I actually begin to code, in Node, using the Stack Exchange API?

I am a noob at coding, so forgive me for this rather trivial question. I am trying to make a program that can access the Stack Exchange API. Specifically I want to make a program that gets live ...
Pritt Balagopal's user avatar
6 votes
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As a user, where in the web UI could I find all the tokens I have granted for Stack Apps?

I want to manage or revoke access tokens I have granted to 3rd party Stack Apps, but I have a hard time to find them in the UI.
steveyang's user avatar
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My filter is not returning any results. How to create a minimal filter?

I'm having trouble getting the SO API Filters to cooperate. I've gone over the documentation as well as similar questions like this and this. I'll use this call as an example since it successfully ...
ashleedawg's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there an easy way to get user reputation via API?

I am looking for an easy way to access user reputation so that I can write a small react component and display my rep on my portfolio site. I want to make this package available on NPM and have ...
Stretch0's user avatar
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Can we source job postings from

Is there an API for What are the terms and Conditions of using data from and its API?
Pugazendhi Asaimuthu's user avatar
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Search incomplete synonym name

Is there is way to search synonym when user is inputting the name. Something like how things work in SO's tag search page. j2se is a synonym of java tag, but it appears in search when searching for ...
a1626's user avatar
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Getting an API key for an application without a server

When I go to register my application, it asks me my OAUTH application URL. But I don't have an OAuth server and I just want to get the api-key without my server. How can I fill out the form required ...
Hyeonseo Yang's user avatar
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Exclude records where field is present (ie., return only open questions)

How do I exclude records based on the presence of a certain field (like the equivalent of SQL's [fieldname] Is Null)? Example: Results for Closed questions include field closed_date=1234567890. ...
ashleedawg's user avatar

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