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Applications must have a registered Stack Apps post to write

I have problems with registered Stack Apps, I've tried different combinations, but it doesn't work. OAuth Domain Application Website: Application ...
Леонид Шваб's user avatar
4 votes
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How to 'publish' an app after the development is complete?

I followed the steps and created a StackApp (registering a new OAuth app) and added a StackApp post as per question - My app has to be published first? But it's still under development Now that my ...
SO User's user avatar
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How to update tags without modifying question body? [duplicate]

I made a call to update the question tags using API - however the body formatting changes when I edit the tags with the same body received (with HTML ...
SO User's user avatar
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Will there be an official Stack Exchange application for Android?

I have really liked the experience on the various associated Stack Exchange sites and had the mobile application for Android until recently I switched mobiles and had to uninstall it. I also ...
Schwarz Kugelblitz's user avatar
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Take the right filter for favourite count

I try to take the favourite count filter for a question. I use api through R library(stackr) stack_questions(11227809, site = "stackoverflow", filter = "!GeD4JB*YQqe2L") and I ...
demia's user avatar
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Wrong results for fetch timeline from offset

To get the timeline for a question I am sending this request: I am getting empty results: {&...
Wajeed Shaikh's user avatar
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Use Stack Overflow's authentication API in a browser extension

I want to create a browser extension that reproduce the Stack Overflow navbar (inbox and achievements): I need for that to authenticate the current user using the authentication API. For this step, I ...
johannchopin's user avatar
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Setting Up OAuth App - Process Gets Stuck

After I had some initial issues from errors on the stack exchange side which were resolved, the authorization appears to work but every time I try to start the process I get brought to this page below ...
sjago's user avatar
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How to get an API key without registering an application?

How can I get an API key for doing 10K daily requests, without registering an application? Because I only use a script for my Social Network analysis project.
MeagerAxis's user avatar
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Having Trouble Setting Up OAuth for App

I am trying to build an app but I can't get the authentication right. I have been following the steps here: I keep getting the below error no matter ...
sjago's user avatar
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`key` is not valid for passed `access_token`, token not found (although seemingly valid authentication)

I've made an authentication flow for my app (which wants to read your inbox and sent notifications on your desktop). Which can be found here For this, I have created a stack app on this site. With the ...
Chiel's user avatar
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How can I use an iOS custom URL scheme as redirect_uri?

I am trying to implement OAuth using iOS URL schemes. For example if I provide myapp:// as redirect_uri the app should launch. However, I cannot add it as OAuth domain in the Stack Apps settings, as ...
Toma's user avatar
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How to automate StackApp user approve and user login with stack Exchange explicit oAuth2.0

We are developing an stack App and integrating the app in our application. However we have successfully done a POC over POSTMAN and fiddler for explicit oAuth2.0. Now when we are integrating the same ...
msftsofbot's user avatar
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Is there any way to get questions by tag with excerpt?

I'm checking how I can embed the search for one project. Basically I want something like this page. With the search I can get the list of questions with all meta data from the search, however the ...
rekire's user avatar
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"Could not parse uri [redirect_uri]" when trying to authenticate

I was just reading into this API and wanted to test it out before I would use it in a project. I have added an application on this site and got all of the keys. When I try to authenticate a user with ...
Chiel's user avatar
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Unable to post a comment using the interactive API documentation

I'm trying to to integrate the Stack Exchange API in my application. I'm trying the authentication but when I got the token and used it it gave a write_access issue. That issue was resolved when I ...
msftsofbot's user avatar
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How are API changes announced?

How are API changes announced? Are emails sent out to developers, or is there someplace I can subscribe to?
Sudarshan Kannan's user avatar
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When does API quota reset?

I had a program consuming Stack Overflow API quota (10,000 per day) last night across midnight. This morning I checked, and my quota has not been set back to 10,000. Is this normal? If yes, when does ...
BellmanEqn's user avatar
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How can I write (edit) one of my answers?

I started to love the Python black formatter and I want all my code on Stack Overflow to be formatted like that. So I wanted to go over the answers and apply black / blacken-docs, check if anything ...
Martin Thoma's user avatar
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How can I the question detail page and add comments like the Stack Exchange app?

Can we get the list of data when clicking on a specific question and display the question detail page like the Stack Exchange app? I can't find the API to get them so far, so I decided to display the ...
user13414590's user avatar
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API to submit a Suggested Edit

Is there a way of using the API to submit a suggested edit? This would allow users without the edit privilege to at least submit their suggestion. There is no create/add endpoint listed in the docs ...
Gustavo's user avatar
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Looking for a desktop pop-up app I can use for Science Fiction/Fantasy

I joined Science Fiction/Fantasy (SFF) in 2011. For many years I had an app running - an app I found on the site - that would create a pop-up whenever a Harry Potter question was asked. It would pop ...
Slytherincess's user avatar
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How to get access_token from the uri after the fetch function executes?

I am using this snippet to authorize to the Stack Exchange API const baseUrl = ",no_expiry&redirect_uri=https://...
Saurabh Bharti's user avatar
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How to get the user's pinned sites?

I have been trying to find the API for getting all the pinned/favorite sites of the user, but I can't.
user13414590's user avatar
1 vote
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Wrong sorting parameter in documentation for question/{ids}/answers

It looks like that in the question/{ids}/answers documentation, there is a mistake: votes – score Shouldn't this be votes – votes
Luca Bartoletti's user avatar
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What does it mean when a revision number is missing?

I've noticed in the API docs for revisions that revision_number may be absent. Yet all examples, e.g. /posts/{ids}/revisions include a revision number for all responses. I have a colleague who swears ...
Jesse Scherer's user avatar
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Creating personal applications using Stack Overflow/Stack Exchange API

I want to create an application to read Stack Overflow notifications on my device. My question: what should I provide in the OAuth Domain and Application website fields while registering the ...
user avatar
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How can I fetch the answers posted in last week based on tags of the question?

I see that tags are present only for questions. How can I get the answers to these questions given in last week (if any) having specific tags?
Ramya Sunkara's user avatar
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Where do I get the user impact?

I'm trying to get the data of the user's impact. Therefore I used the /2.2/me route and did not found any of this data. Is there any other route that gives this information? I'm also missing the ...
Norbert Bartko's user avatar
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PLACEHOLDER - How to get write_access to comment/answer on Stack Exchange

I'm trying to integrate the Stack Exchange API into my web app so I can fetch all posts as well as I can post answer or comments on them. I have successfully got access_token for no_expiry and ...
Anshul Tyagi's user avatar
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How can I see how a Stack Apps summary looks for a particular app?

When using one of the templates (app/library/script) while writing a question here, the top of the post will contain some HTML comments: <!-- thumbnail: --> &...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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How to solve bad_parameter error?

I'm trying to make the Stack Exchange API request using the key provided by Stack Apps. But whenever I try it always throws the below error. {'error_id': 400, 'error_message': "key doesn't match a ...
Raja Simon's user avatar
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Stack Exchange API - What does "site_state" mean?

The /sites route can return site_state. What does site state stand for and which values can it have? The values I found: normal linked_meta open_beta
Norbert Bartko's user avatar
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Is there a way to fetch my flag quota?

I would like to stop flagging when I start running low on flags. Is there any way the API can tell me not only the flag options, but also whether I have any flags left and if so how many?
Dharman's user avatar
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Getting the ID of the question-asker when fetching new answers from the API

I am fetching a list of all new answers posted on Stack Overflow using the /answers API call. This returns the owner of the answer, but I would like to know if the answerer is the same person as the ...
Dharman's user avatar
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How to pass `key` as header value instead of as query params?

I would like to use my API Key in the header as opposed to as a query parameter. In Stack Overflow Enterprise, I pass the value as X-API-Key in the headers. This does not work for the public Stack ...
Millicent Achieng's user avatar
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How to get write_access for stackexchange API for a web app [duplicate]

I'm trying to integrate the stack exchange API into my web app so I can fetch all posts as well as I can post answer or comments on them. I have successfully got access_token for no_expiry and ...
Android Geek's user avatar
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Can I get the question id in the inbox route?

My intended behavior of my app is to navigate the user the the question page when an inbox item gets clicked. For example, when the API return a link like this
Norbert Bartko's user avatar
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Trying to get Stack Overflow Access token Using "RestAssured"

I have been trying to create an access token for a Stack Exchange app (already created). I am not even sure if I am using the correct URL RestAssured....
Mahesh Shetty's user avatar
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How to analyze and debug Stack Exchange's Javascript?

When writing userscripts, I often want to be able to look at what Stack Exchange's Javascript is doing. Getting to the code that the browser runs is easy enough - in the Network tab, I can see network ...
CertainPerformance's user avatar
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Is the way to search answers by who I voted for? [duplicate]

I found few similar questions: first, second. But answers is too old (2014 year). It's actual now — no way to get this info by using API?
rndev's user avatar
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After which time span can my vote no longer change?

I came across a toast that appears when I try to change my vote that I made a few days ago. Is it documented somewhere after which time span you can no longer change your vote? Or does the API ...
Norbert Bartko's user avatar
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Percentage of Questions Upvoted Lower than the Highest Upvoted Answer

On another site the issue has come up that questions may not be upvoted but answers are. I would like to get some statistical support for this. Are there already existing apps that can do this kind ...
empty's user avatar
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How to get "usage guidance" for a tag from the Stack Exchange API?

Stack Exchange site tags have "usage guidance", both a 1-paragraph "excerpt" and a longer tag description, as e.g. for JavaScript here. Is it possible to get this data through the API? The options ...
mmw's user avatar
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How to get (unread) achievements?

Is there an API call where you can get all achievements and all unread achievements? Like this: Update Thanks to the answer of Glorfindel, I use the following methods to calculate the unread ...
Norbert Bartko's user avatar
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How to determine if a question is hot?

I know that I can get all hot question by sorting it like this: /2.2/questions?order=desc&sort=hot&site=stackoverflow Likewise, I'm not quite sure if other sortings like activity also ...
Norbert Bartko's user avatar
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Can't Decompress Stack Overflow API in Swift

I am using the Stack Overflow API in Swift but keep getting an error: The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format. whenever I try to use the JSON as shown in code below ...
Di Nerd Apps's user avatar
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503 errors on batch get questions endpoint

I receive a lot of "socket hung up" and 503 Service Unavailable on the /questions/{ids} endpoint. I make requests in batches: 10 parallel requests with 15 question ids, interval between each 10-size ...
Vladyslav Usenko's user avatar
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Using API with sites like JSFiddle and CodePen?

I am currently working on a prototype for the flair provided by Stack Exchange and can't seem to get the API to work with CodePen. It continuously returns the following error on the SE.init call: ...
Taco's user avatar
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Is there any way or script to sort questions/posts/answers with custom criteria?

I want to fetch some questions from the API and I would like to sort them. However, I don't want to sort by the default options (activity, votes, creations, hot, week, month), but instead, for example,...
double-beep's user avatar

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