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12 votes
2 answers

Why does this Stack Overflow API query return binary data?

The Stack Overflow API query returns what appears to be binary data: ���I�%&/m�{J�J��t��$ؐ@�������iG#)�*��eVe]...
YOU's user avatar
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stackapplet and Google account

I am trying to use Stack-Applet for Ubuntu ( and I have registered on Stack Overflow using my Google account. I guess that'...
user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

sorting ascending vs descending

I don't understand the difference between ascending and descending? Surely ascending means the most active/recent/popular/A first, and descending means the least active/recent/popular/Z first? But it ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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0 votes
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Total number of superuser users...

Hi all, I am probably doing something wrong but there seems to be a discrepancy between the data-explorer and the API. For instance, This query has a total of 48048.
johnmcauley's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there an authentication component to the API?

Is there an authentication component with the API? Same as logging in with Facebook or Google etc?
johnmcauley's user avatar
2 votes
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Access to via the API?

Is available via the API? It doesn't seem to be listed in the sites list, but I know it is a StackExchange site. Asking for mainly personal reasons - I want to add it to ...
Stuart's user avatar
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Google App Engine routing problem

I'm experiencing random timeouts to some Api endpoints (Fitness, Drupal). all the API endpoints from Google App Engine. You can check this odd behavior using these links: http://www.stackprinter....
systempuntoout's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Prefered way to retrieve all search results

I'm trying to figure out a reliable way to retrieve all the results from a search query (in subsequent pages. My use case includes cases with more than 100 results (the maximum page size). Looking at ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
2 votes
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Can I charge for apps I create on Stack Apps?

I want to create an app that will use data from Stack Overflow Careers - both employer and applicant information. It's an app designed for employers. I have two questions: Is it even possible to ...
Jeffzz's user avatar
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Integrating API into Drupal?

I successfully registered for an API key. What should I do now? I have installed Drupal. Is there any sample/notes on how to proceed with accessing the API from the application so I can get to ...
Bharanikumar's user avatar
1 vote
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Definitive on timeline_type?

Hi all, I am trying to get a definitive on what timeline_type actually means... I've looked at: but to no avail. The new documentation doesn't list ...
johnmcauley's user avatar
3 votes
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Throttling Question

Hey all, I keep getting kicked out of the API. Is throttling set to 30 requests per 5 seconds? j
johnmcauley's user avatar
3 votes
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How many ids is 'too many'?

This answer mentions limit on amount of ids included in queries like /users/{id}/mentioned, but I can't find actual amount mentioned anywhere. Now, I could run binary search and find out, but I ...
Nikita Rybak's user avatar
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How to get the questions from hot/week/month tab?

I am only interested in the questions from hot/week/month tab. The iPhone app MyStacks can show week/month tab, but I did not find such API in the documentation.
Yi Wang's user avatar
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Getting Question data using stack.PHP fails after a certain number of requests

I am trying to build an RSS feed that includes any/all questions that I have answered, and been accepted as the correct answer. I am running into an issue where I'm sending too many requests and ...
jondavidjohn's user avatar
2 votes
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Has calling StackAuth changed for Apps?

I started upgrading to v1.1 and have an interesting problem I can't seem to resolve. When calling using a .Net WebClient I receive responses successfully and I am able ...
BinaryMisfit's user avatar
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1.1 sites - SO and MSO

In 1.1 with the new related sites, is it intentional that MSO and SO are not related?
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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30 votes
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Announcing API version 1.1 and Roadmap

As has been announced on the blog, we're rolling out a minor revision of our existing read-only API. While the blog post gives some high level details, I figured [app] developers would appreciate some ...
Kevin Montrose's user avatar
3 votes
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Elections nominations posts not showing up in API

I know that it's probably unintended that the Primary voting scores were leaked by the API, but I think if you're going to remove it, then at least make it official, so I won't have to wonder if it's ...
Yi Jiang's user avatar
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API 'search' method with 'min' parameter

If you search for questions posted on time 1296897085 or later (by specifying sort=creation and min=1296897085), it may still return questions posted before that date:
Nikita Rybak's user avatar
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API 'search' method with 'tagged' parameter

From the docs for tagged paremeter: List of tags delimited by semi-colons of which at least one must be on a question Yet, when I execute this query (
Nikita Rybak's user avatar
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What license is the Stack Exchange API released under? MIT?

Are there any license requirements the Stack Exchange API? Which license is it released under? If I were to develop an app, would I have to credit Stack Exchange API?
coleHafner's user avatar
2 votes
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Does Lucene back the API search now?

With the announcement that Lucene is being used for site searches does it cover the API as well?
carson's user avatar
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Stack.PHP does not seem to work on sites that are sub-domains of

The documentation explains to crate objects using the site's url minus the TLD which appears to work fine. $service = new Post_Exchange('gamedev', null, 0); returns what appears to be a valid object ...
Matt's user avatar
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Non-verbatim search strings in py-stackexchange

I am writing a python program with py-stackexchange that takes a query and returns a list of urls to questions with that query in the title. Here's the code: #!c:/Python27/python.exe -u import sys sys....
kjakeb's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get a post title for a given post ID, even if that post ID is an answer and not a question?

I'm trying to beautify the reputation audit. If I want to show the post title for a reputation change event, however, I have a problem -- I don't know if the post ID is relative to a question or an ...
badp's user avatar
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3 answers

Roadmap - any update?

So now it's 2011 and we should be getting some API updates. As a company you must have some kind of plan. So can you either say the API is never going to be updated or give a time frame to at least a ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Retrieving list of c# questions

I am trying to retrieve list of C# questions using"c#". But I get JSON response related to c questions. Response : { "...
Searock's user avatar
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Stacky JSON error

I'm trying to use Stacky to grab a question from Stackoverflow, however I always an error. The error thrown is: JsonReaderException was unhandled - Unexpected character encountered while parsing ...
AndrewC's user avatar
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Is it possible to authenticate a user through Stack Overflow API?

Is it possible to use the Stack Overflow API to authenticate a given user identity such as with Facebook, Twitter, or OpenID? If it's possible: Can you tell me the method (s) that make this happen?
Sebastian's user avatar
2 votes
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Retrieving JSON via the API using Ajax does not work

I tried to retrieve information of my user profile on Stack Overflow via the API using Ajax/jQuery. But it does not work for me. The result of the request is always empty. <html> <...
DarkLeafyGreen's user avatar
3 votes
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Retrieve inbox notifications

Hi, Is there a way to retrieve any notification that appears in the inbox of stackexchange? Or is there another technique to retrieve notifications on updates?
DarkLeafyGreen's user avatar
1 vote
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Is the API readonly right now?

Does the StackOverflow API offer some way to authenticate a user? I am wondering if the API supports logging a user in so that they can write to the system.
chustar's user avatar
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Offline cache of the API - for when the developer has no internet.

Is there some fake API program that "simulates" the API? Just I'm going on a long car journey tomorrow, and I won't have an internet connection on my laptop and don't want to waste the whole journey ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Coding error at open URL

Hi, I have the following method to open a URL API String c=""; URL direccionURL; try { direccionURL = new URL(""); BufferedReader in = new ...
Lobo's user avatar
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Is there any Careers CV API available?

Is there any API for the CV service of Careers ( My requirements are simple, I just need a way to access the data of a given CV to propose an alternative view.
user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is there an SO API which can fetch all Questions & Answers for a particluar Keywords

I am looking for an API which helps in fetching all the Questions & Answers from SO and other Stack Exchange sites only on a particular "keyword". Later using XML RPC these questions will be ...
user4203's user avatar
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Locked vs Closed

Whats the difference between locked and closed API wise. What I mean is why is this question locked: But this one ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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/question/unanswered, what exactly does it give?

It says no upvoted answers? Does that mean no accepted answers or no answers which have a positive vote? I'm kind of confused about the whole /answered result. I'm trying to get questions with 0 ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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How to search all Questions & Answers on specific keyword with PHPstack library?

I am trying to build a page specific to one keyword which should pull all the questions and their respective answers from Stack overflow. I tried phpstack 1.1.1, but no luck. I saw a function search(...
user4203's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is something filtering 'document.cookie' in SO pages?

My colleague and I are developing an annotation tool for web resources. One way The user can us the tool is to click a special bookmarklet to view the current page with annotations added. The ...
Stephen C's user avatar
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Problem accessing API endpoints from Google App Engine

I'm experiencing a weird problem on StackPrinter hosted on Google App Engine. It seems that the application can't reach several endpoints like Super User or Server Fault; Stack Overflow and other ...
systempuntoout's user avatar
3 votes
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How to check if a given question is changed

What is the fastest way to check if a question is changed using the API calls? For my purpose (a cache), a question is considered changed if: A new comment is added to the question or to any of its ...
systempuntoout's user avatar
1 vote
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last_activity_date meaning on /questions route

I would like to add a cache layer to my app for questions, answers and comments. The last_activity_date parameter on /questions route seems a valid candidate (probably the only way available) The help ...
systempuntoout's user avatar
2 votes
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Error Using Stacky v1.0 Binaries in an Azure Worker Role

The following error is being thrown when calling the StackyClient.GetUser method from within an Azure Worker Role: Method 'ReadJson' in type 'Stacky.UnixDateTimeConverter' from assembly 'Stacky, ...
user avatar
5 votes
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Difference between stackauth URLs

On stackauth theres: Which one should be used (bearing that yesterday the one with the API version was unavailable)
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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23 votes
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Google App Engine [app]s - We are all on the same quota!

Noticing a couple of "This IP has exceeded the request-per-day limit" errors on StackPrinter log, I asked for a verification and the prompt answer was: There are a number of [app]s using Google ...
systempuntoout's user avatar
4 votes
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StackPrinter - This IP has exceeded the request-per-day limit.

I'm having this problem. This IP has exceeded the request-per-day limit I hardly believe that with StackPrinter, I'm depleting 10.000 requests per-day, per-site :). Could you please verify? EDIT: ...
systempuntoout's user avatar
1 vote
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Maximum tags for a question on any SE site [closed]

Is the maximum tags for all SE sites (and those in the future) 5?
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Is there a Stack Exchange notification app for Windows 7?

Is there a Stack Exchange notification app for Windows 7?
studiohack's user avatar