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Login problem on devices pre Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1

I have recently published an app for browsing Stack Exchange websites and a major feedback I received from users was about the inability to use oauth login form while logging into the app. The ...
Birkan Cilingir's user avatar
3 votes
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Posting an answer via StackOverflow API

This is in reference to the StackOverflow for Windows and Windows Phone . I'm in the middle of the development of the app. Right now, I am trying to implement the posting of answers using the API. My ...
Jagannath's user avatar
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4 votes
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After user login, how do you ask user for permissions?

For an app on Windows Phone, I'm missing the page after you enter your login credentials and click submit. When I debug on my device, after I log in I obtain the correct response Uri with access ...
erotavlas's user avatar
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'The target origin provided does not match the recipient window's origin' message when trying to use localhost

I am trying to experiment with the Stack Overflow API on my localhost and am struggling to get the authentication to complete. Here is my application JavaScript code (note that I am using IBM ...
MDalt's user avatar
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Resurfacing bug: "could not parse proxy url" error message

According to this question, the "could not parse proxy url" bug was solved more than 2 years ago. However, when using the client-side OAuth flow, the aforementioned error message appears when ...
Linostar's user avatar
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WStack - Stack Exchange app for Windows Phone 8.1

Important Version requires write access for new features so if you are upgrading from an older version please logout and login again to WStack. Update Verion is now live. Upvote, ...
Birkan Cilingir's user avatar
7 votes
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Stack Overflow app for Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 8.1 and Android

About Windows Phone and Windows 8.1 don't have a Stack Overflow app and I would like to create one for both the platforms. Aim: To create an app that can be used to browse through the questions on ...
Jagannath's user avatar
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11 votes
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Metro Stack - A Windows Phone Stack Exchange app

Screenshot I’m pleased to announce MetroStack: A Windows Phone 8.1 app to interact with any website part of the Stack Exchange Network. Sort, search and view questions, answers, tags and users. ...
Lukkha Coder's user avatar
2 votes
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"client_id rejected" error when retrieving the access_token

I'm developing an application in C# and I to post questions, so I need an access token. I registered my application and I have received a client ID. Then I get the following query-string to get the ...
user2621858's user avatar
3 votes
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Is developing, with the Stack Exchange API, possible on my local machine?

I'm sorry if this question seems trivial for the most of you but I'm not very familiar with OAuth and the Stack Exchange API. Is it possible to use this API in local environment for the development ...
Djouuuuh's user avatar
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OAuth2 Authentication Redirection error in PHP

I'm trying to authenticate into Stack Exchange's API with the following URL:
2359967's user avatar
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How to programmatically retrieve the access_token from client-side OAuth flow?

I'm making an application in C# and I need to both search and post answers, so I need an access token. I found some information, libraries, and code pieces: The authentication guide for the Stack ...
hesam's user avatar
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Unhelpful error message when attempting to authenticate [duplicate]

I moved my app to a different server as part of a rewrite, and forgot to update the URL of the app on Stack Apps. When I tried to send a query to and pass my (old, ...
Zev Eisenberg's user avatar
7 votes
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Application Key and AccessToken are not working for Stack Exchange API? [duplicate]

I have followed the documentation and used explicit OAuth 2.0 flow for access_token generation. And I have gone through all 4 steps defined under explicit OAuth 2.0 flow with scope=no_expiry. Then I ...
Sanjiv's user avatar
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Implicit OAuth authentication is not redirecting

I'm trying to build a simple iOS application , with login feature to stack overflow network. I've read the documentation and choose to use Implicit OAuth2.0. I've already registered an StackApps, so ...
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OAuth login fails for Stack Exchange and Facebook, but not Google

I'm integrating with Stack Exchange API on iOS 6 & 7. To authenticate, I load up a UIWebView with the OAuth page. Google login works well, but Stack Exchange and Facebook do not. Are these ...
Pwner's user avatar
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How switch user accounts on the same device?

The Problem I'm integrating Stack Exchange API on iOS (iPhone). I've run into a situation where I can't log out and authenticate with a different account. I am stuck with the first account that I have ...
Pwner's user avatar
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(Unofficial) Stack Overflow, Windows Phone app forgets its place when sleeping

Sometimes, when I'm reading a question on this (unofficial) Stack Overflow, Windows Phone app, the phone goes to sleep. When I wake it up, it's forgotten I was reading a question, and has gone back to ...
Sankarann's user avatar
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StackApps for Windows Phone 8

Can anyone suggest a good app for Windows Phone 8 or let me know Where an I find API to build my own?
Vladimir Oselsky's user avatar
6 votes
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localhost API key receives Curl error when retrieving access token

I have registered two apps -- one that will redirect to my website and the other that will redirect to a localhost server that I have running so I don't have to test my code on the site. I have ...
austin's user avatar
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StackX app - problem signing in with Google ID

I have a problem with StackX app on my Samsung Galaxy 4 phone (Android 4.3). I'm logging to StackExchange in general, and StackOferflow in particular, using my Google ID. The app does not recognize ...
PM 77-1's user avatar
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Stack Mate - Explore your StackExchange accounts and get notified about unread messages and notifications on Windows Phone

About Stack Mate is a simple Windows Phone app which pulls in your StackExchange account details and keeps you up to date with any activity on the site. This application was not created to browse ...
Spencerooni's user avatar
3 votes
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Receiving error "Unexpected domain on proxy URL"

I am currenty trying to write my first ever stack exchange application and was using the SE Jaavascript SDK v 2.0 for this purpose. I am stuck on the point of authenticating the user. I followed the ...
Prahalad Deshpande's user avatar
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/oauth/access_token not redirecting back to my redirect_uri

I am trying to implement Stack Exchange using oAuth 2.0. I am able to get CODE but, when I try to get access_token through this code: <?php if(isset($_GET['code'])) { ?> <form method="...
Amit Parmar's user avatar
5 votes
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Desktop login URL: WebBrowser hangs (.NET) - JavaScript endless-loop

I am using .NET 4 and trying to use the desktop authentication via the web-browser control (WPF and/or WinForms; StackApp NNTP bridge for accessing StackExchange forums (like StackOverflow)). It seems ...
Jochen Kalmbach's user avatar
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CDN redirect for the API's JavaScript SDK is incorrect

The API's JavaScript SDK is listed as However, GET request produces the following response: Status Code: 301 Moved Permanently Location: https://api-...
Andrey Shchekin's user avatar
2 votes
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Not possible to login to approve or reject access to application on Windows Phone 7 device

I'm making an app for Windows Phone using the Stack Exchange API but I'm having a bit of trouble when I try to let the user approve the application (using client side flow). I open a web browser at ...
Spencerooni's user avatar
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How to login programmatically on Android?

I think my question is not a duplicate of this one: How to login programmatically I have read the authentication document but, still, I am unable to get what's needed to login programmatically on ...
Raynold's user avatar
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Can you identify a user from the access_token?

I have the access_token after authentication from the user. At this point I don't know with which sites this user has registered. Is it possible to get user information like the display name or ...
aldrin's user avatar
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How can I re-authenticate StackAlert Addon

Recently I removed StackAlert Firefox addon from my apps list in StackExchange. Now when I reinstall it, it is not authenticating and giving message key is not valid for passed access_token.. How ...
Ravindra Gullapalli's user avatar
7 votes
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No website (yet), how to register?

I just started developing a Stack Overflow client, and wanted to add authentication. I found out I needed to register for that and wasn't sure if it was okay to register your app when it is not yet ...
11684's user avatar
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How to login programmatically

I'm building an app for personal use. The app simply screen-scrapes the StackExchange homepage and checks whether I am currently logged in to StackExchange. This works fine. However, if the app ...
barry's user avatar
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Getting unauthorized_error when using OAuth2.0

I want to create a simple desktop application which connects to my account and shows some information in the status bar. I've been trying to authenticate using OAuth2.0 but I'm getting stuck and I ...
aalbagarcia's user avatar
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Better Call /me maybe?

I am using implicit OAuth 2.0 flow, hence requesting for a token first. Now when I want to know which user has logged in, I have to make request to /me endpoint to get all of the data about the user, ...
Eimantas's user avatar
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How can my app authenticate users with only a Stack Overflow account, using the Stack Exchange OAuth API 2.1?

Recently I registered an app in to provide a way to authenticate users with their Stack Overflow account. Then I noticed that Stack Exchange OAuth only works for users with a Stack ...
agares's user avatar
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5 votes
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Do the terms "key" and "access_token" refer to the same thing?

I'm trying to get my head around all the limits and throttles but some terminology is confusing me: If an application does not have an access_token, then the application shares an IP based quota ...
hippietrail's user avatar
16 votes
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Bug in the StackExchange Api ? getting "could not parse proxy url" when user not logged in

I think I may have stumbled upon a bug in the Stack Exchange JS API I'm having a problem getting its authentication to work properly, and I just discovered that the same problem exist in the official ...
Gabi Mor's user avatar
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StackWatcher - Live tiles for Windows Phone 7

Screenshot About Add some glanceable Stack Exchange reputation tiles to your Windows Phone 7 home screen. Some obvious features are yet to be built: More information on the user screen, maybe a ...
russau's user avatar
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ExchangeLinq: LINQ Query Provider for Stack Exchange API v2.0

ExchangeLinq is a LINQ Query Provider for the Stack Exchange API. It only supports API v2.0. It is currently in alpha state and is being developed for Exchange It, a Stack Exchange client for Windows ...
JLaanstra's user avatar
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Security certificate error when logging in with myOpenID

I have written an application that embeds the WebKit rendering engine (the same rendering engine used in Safari and Chrome). This application makes use of the /inbox route and therefore requires the ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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Implicit OAuth flow is not working when the user is not logged in.

Here is the URL I am trying to use:,no_expiry&redirect_uri= This works ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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the stack exchange javascript library is 404

the library listed on the doc page for Authentication ultimately redirects to which results in varying degrees ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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User to de-authorise app?

The API makes use of OAuth to allow queries such as /inbox/unread. In the documentation however, I cannot seem to find a way for the user to control actively the authentication: Is there a place for ...
neydroydrec's user avatar
4 votes
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API Implicit Authentication with Python

I am working on an desktop inbox notifier for StackOverflow, using the API with Python. The script I am working on first logs the user in on StackExchange, and then requests authorisation for the ...
neydroydrec's user avatar
3 votes
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What are the possible errors returned from authentication?

The title pretty much says it all, I couldn't find in the Authentication doc much about the errors (other than the HTTP code will be 400)?
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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How to provide a logout button for authentication?

How would you provide a logout button for an app that uses authentication. (Not so that the user has to choose to accept or reject the app, that's deleting the app from their tab) Basically force the ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Removing/disallowing app does nothing

I have just deleted/disallowed, the console app and the app I'm currently writing. For the console the access token I was using before deleting the app carried on working, and when I got a new token, ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Same redirect URL for Approve and Reject

Why, when I'm requesting /oauth/dialog and selecting either of the options I get redirected to the same URL with different hash values? It's not a bug per-se, just an observation I made while ...
Eimantas's user avatar
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Draft Specification for API v2.0

We've started working on the next version of the Stack Exchange API. The current draft specification is available, and we'd like to hear your feedback! The headlining feature for this release is ...
2 votes
2 answers

User "authentication" (validation?) in V1 of the StackExchange API

In a previous question, it was asked whether it is possible to authenticate a user through the Stackoverflow API? The short answer was no, not until version 2. Now I would like to know: is there any ...
Herman Schaaf's user avatar