I'm a (mainly PHP) software engineer, and would find time to learn Node if it wasn't for all these pesky projects that keep cropping up :)
Now available for UK freelance projects, see below.
Some projects:
I'm working on a crawler-based web app to refresh job data directly from employer sites, and to present it on a searchable map. It's in prototype form, but it does work, even if the UX needs a fair bit of improvement. Please do let me know if you get an interview as a result of using it.
I've written a PHP application development tutorial for beginners. Code changes are illustrated in diffs and are explained in the text from first principles. Give it a go, and feel free to add feedback.
If you have seen a programming tutorial online with serious security issues, let Awooga know about it or tweet it to me. An alpha project to report non-optimal tutorials - there's a lot of 'em. I need to promote this a bit more!
A little about me:
- I have interests in teaching programming, web crawling and P2P technology, as well as several other ideas.
- I've written about how to ask questions on StackOverflow. I am an active voter here, and will often down-vote questions that have not been researched, feature unabashed direct requests for solutions, or if some substantial assistance has not been replied to. That said, I do try to be nice to beginners!
Freelance (read more here):
- I am working full-time on my own projects at present, and am planning to take on some freelance work in parallel. My bread and butter is backend PHP and relational databases.
- If you have a new project, or an existing one that could use some TLC, drop me a line. I prefer UK companies but am open to other conversations if you have overseas hiring experience. Please send me your company website address, so I can get a feel for what you do.
- I like Slim, Propel, Guzzle, Plates, but am happy to fit into whatever MVC stack you have.
- My dev environment tends to use Git, NetBeans, Linux, GitHub/BitBucket, PhpMetrics, PHPUnit, Spiderling/PhantomJS, Composer, Bower. I recommend Scrutinizer for continuous code quality analysis.
- I'm happy to have a no-obligations chat about your project.
Get in touch?
- Find the 'About' page of my blog, there's an email address there. Or the Twitter above should be OK.