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Questions tagged [api]

Questions about the Stack Exchange API *only*. If your question concerns any other API, do not use this tag. For bugs, please (also) use the version tag, EG [api-v2.2], that the bug applies to.

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3 votes
1 answer

Will the new traffic measuring formula be available via the API as well?

From this MSO answer: was just updated today to use a new formula for traffic. Area 51 is still using the old formula, but will be updated soon to use the new formula. ...
badp's user avatar
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1 answer

getting answer body and question body in same request [duplicate]

I'm trying to get only questions and answers. I filtered the fields, to get also the body of answers, but I don't get an answers JSON object. What am I missing? I know about this question, but I don'...
AJ AJ's user avatar
  • 133
3 votes
1 answer

Take the right filter for favourite count

I try to take the favourite count filter for a question. I use api through R library(stackr) stack_questions(11227809, site = "stackoverflow", filter = "!GeD4JB*YQqe2L") and I ...
demia's user avatar
  • 31
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1 answer

Stack Exchange API - Get Watched Tags for a User

Is there a way to get a list of tags that the user has set up as "Watched Tags"? If not, is it on the roadmap?
Peter Bons's user avatar
3 votes
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Receive latest questions with certain tag

I'm creating a simple notification application to inform me about latest questions with defined tags. For example, my tags are python and django. I want to see the latest asked question with those. ...
Natiq Vahabov's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to get questions, under a tag, which have at least one answer with 10+ votes?

I want to get all the questions under a tag which has at least one answer with 10 or more votes. I searched the Advanced Search documentation and searched Py-StackExchange's documentation, but I ...
Rajkamal Subramanian's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can I retrieve question comment count as part of a search query?

I'm looking for a comment_count property in the results of /search/advanced to get a count of comments under a question. Is there an undocumented q for /search/advanced that gives a comment_count ...
mkungla's user avatar
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List recent tag wiki edits

I would like to list tags where the tag wiki or tag wiki excerpt was recently edited or created. How can I do this? It is not a problem if I get a few false positives by tags modified in other ways, ...
b_jonas's user avatar
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1 answer

Encoding problem while accessing the API using Java

Trying to call an API URL from a Java application, I'm having problems accessing the contents of the URL. I can access other sites through my program but not the Stack Exchange site. But I can call ...
Abheeshta Putta's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is developing, with the Stack Exchange API, possible on my local machine?

I'm sorry if this question seems trivial for the most of you but I'm not very familiar with OAuth and the Stack Exchange API. Is it possible to use this API in local environment for the development ...
Djouuuuh's user avatar
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1 answer

Java exception when user age or location is unspecified in returned JSON

I am brand new to the Stack Exchange API and Android (well, self taught in the last four months). I have been working on creating a school project focused around Android and JSON. My initial idea was ...
gamermom's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

StackApps for Windows Phone 8

Can anyone suggest a good app for Windows Phone 8 or let me know Where an I find API to build my own?
Vladimir Oselsky's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

The /users/{id}/timeline route is reporting incorrect totals

It seems that the /users/{id}/timeline route is returning an incorrect total. For example, the following URL is reporting a total of 1607 items: ......
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
3 votes
1 answer

Add Twitter accounts on the /sites route?

Would it be possible to add references to the site Twitter accounts in the /site listing? If your wondering what I'm talking about:
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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SIlverlight 3 ClientHttp vs BrowserHttp stack: no cross domain policy means no gzip for Silverlight

I notice that even if I send accept-encoding=gzip the response does not seem to be compressed. ( it is late and i was conflating 'accept' with 'accept-encoding') Should we expect, in the 1.0 ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
  • 12.1k
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0 answers

Is there a way to upload an image to using Python?

I am developing an image generation bot for chat (for example, I can generate the image correctly, but when it comes to posting the image, I have no idea how to upload the ...
Petəíŕd the Wizard's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Redirect URI for a chrome extension using StackExchange API Oauth

I'm working on a developing a browser extension which uses StackExchange API authentication. I was able to successfully implement the authentication for Microsoft edge/Chrome when I added chromiumapp....
Gangula's user avatar
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0 answers

Call to search/advanced is treating tagged as an AND search, not OR [duplicate]

The docs for search/advanced ( have this to state about the tagged attribute: "tagged - a semicolon delimited list of tags, of which at least ...
Raymond Camden's user avatar
3 votes
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Fortnightly Topic Challenge Automation on Puzzling.SE

Used for (meta.)puzzling.stackexchange - Creates & edits the corresponding meta posts with information from the main and meta site. E.g. creating a post for the new challenge every 2 weeks and ...
Lukas Rotter's user avatar
3 votes
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Open source the Stack Exchange app and API

It has come to my attention that neither the app nor the API have received much if any attention in the last two years. The latest API is also largely undocumented. My humble request is to either A) ...
unixandria's user avatar
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Only Stack Overflow has documentation, but the API erroneously lists documentation privileges for all sites

Privileges related to Stack Overflow Documentation are displaying in every other site's API data. Using Meta Stack Exchange, for example, /2.2/privileges?site=meta returns the following documentation ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
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API for the mobile feed, as seen in the Android app?

I'm creating an app for Windows 10, and I would like to provide a similar experience to the official Android and iOS apps (while keeping my own identity, of course). One feature seen in the official ...
Arturo Torres Sánchez's user avatar
3 votes
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It's taking two calls to /oauth/dialog/ to get an access_token? [duplicate]

When we send this request:`client_id`&scope=read_inbox%2cno_expiry%2cwrite_access%2cprivate_info&redirect_uri=https%3a%2f%2fstackexchange....
amit jha's user avatar
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0 answers

What's the proper way to fetch the score of all answers of SO?

I wrote a small program querying the SE API to grab the public scoring data of all SO answers (excluding the last 3 days). Basically the request I do gets me this: Questions[]: Id Title ...
Denys Séguret's user avatar
3 votes
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Fetch the Personalized Prediction Data through the API?

Is it possible to get a user's personalized prediction data in an automated way? I'm building a graphical visualization of this data, you can check the project here:
jlhonora's user avatar
  • 131
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/answers API request returns no tags if body_markdown is included [duplicate]

This API request to /answers has the filter set to return the tags field for the corresponding question. It works fine:!9YdnSPElz But, when the filter is ...
Boann's user avatar
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/associated should include user's display name and the api_site_parameter

/associated should include api_site_parameter The /associated routes return the site_name and site_url but not the api_site_parameter. It would be useful if it did because api_site_parameter is ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Include creator in tag_synonym

When I looked at recent tag synonyms there is a Creator row, but I can't query this data with the API. I'd like to see this data added, and a list of all approves would be nice too.
Johannes Kuhn's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it allowed to sell an app or get revenue with the use of the API? [duplicate]

I've been reviewing the terms of use of the API, but I prefer to ask my question straight here in order to be 100% sure. Is it allowed to create an app that: is paid, which revenue goes to the ...
Topper Harley's user avatar
3 votes
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SE API V1.1 documentation, date errata

The Stack Exchange API, version 1.1, documentation is ever so slightly confusing wherever Unix timestamps are mentioned (perhaps any ranges, I haven't dug too deeply) For instance: todate – Unix ...
Dan Lugg's user avatar
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All updates (answers, comments etc) using stack exchange API

Is there anyway to get information about any change using the stack exchange API's? i.e. if someone leaves a comment or votes on an answer/question? checking for answer changes is easy cause its a top ...
Sid's user avatar
  • 31
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0 answers

Please add "total votes on questions" and "total votes on answers" into /user/{id} API

Is there any chance that the following methods: Total votes on questions (N.B. NOT total score but total number of votes) Total votes on answers Could be added to the API? There are no threats to ...
mylesagray's user avatar
3 votes
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Guidance on usage thresholds - specifically throttling [duplicate]

I am running a lot of tests and have started to get 403 errors. I am using a key and certainly have not exceeded my quota. Am I running foul of some yet unmentioned throttling threshold and if so, ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Stack Exchange API not realtime?

I was testing the inbox/unread API but noticed that there is a big delay between one gets a message, and this message gets included in the API response. Like one minute or more. Is this API not real-...
zavié's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Method /users/{id} doesn't return "about_me" if the user has never modified it

See title. When a user never modified their "about me" section the API doesn't return that, which then causes my parser to go wild returning errors. However, when a user has modified their "about me"...
Matt S.'s user avatar
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2 answers

User "authentication" (validation?) in V1 of the StackExchange API

In a previous question, it was asked whether it is possible to authenticate a user through the Stackoverflow API? The short answer was no, not until version 2. Now I would like to know: is there any ...
Herman Schaaf's user avatar
2 votes
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Is the StackExchange API free of charge?

I am brand new to StackApps, so please bear with me for a question that is hopefully obvious to most regular users. As far as I can tell, there is no charge for accessing the StackExchange API. ...
Tripartio's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is there any way or script to sort questions/posts/answers with custom criteria?

I want to fetch some questions from the API and I would like to sort them. However, I don't want to sort by the default options (activity, votes, creations, hot, week, month), but instead, for example,...
double-beep's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Total Number Of Answers

I need to find the total number of answers submitted by a user on stackoverflow. I tried the following: I got my json from the following:
Aaditi Jain's user avatar
2 votes
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Area 51 sites api [duplicate]

Why does not list Area 51 (
umar's user avatar
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5 answers

Get user data using curb/Curl in Ruby

I am trying to get user data in my Rails app. I am doing this: url_so = "" curl = curl.perform data_obj = ...
zengr's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why does Stats Return a Statistics Array

Why does the stats API Call return an Array instead of just an object? Example Response: { "statistics": [ { "total_questions": 723903, "total_unanswered": 114097, "...
Robert Love's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there an easy way to get user reputation via API?

I am looking for an easy way to access user reputation so that I can write a small react component and display my rep on my portfolio site. I want to make this package available on NPM and have ...
Stretch0's user avatar
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Where is "items" & "badge_counts" documentation?

Where is the items & badge_counts documentation? This is returned as JSON. I am using the /me/associated query function.
amit jha's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to download data from the API using UNIX wget?

I want to download the JSON data from this sample API call into a file. I tried using wget, like so: wget -O ~/ks/json.txt "
K S Nidhin's user avatar
2 votes
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Bad format returned by Stack Exchange API, not GZip?

I'm attempting to request some information using the Stack Exchange API. Supposedly, it returns responses compress with GZip. Using Microsoft's System.IO.Compression.GZipStream or Ionic.Zlib....
Steve's user avatar
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Best strategies for calling the API with full throttling support?

I know this would be subjective on a normal SE site but as the relevant chat rooms are mostly dormant, we have no meta site, and nobody noticed when I asked if this kind of question is OK here, I'm ...
hippietrail's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there a way to determine total number of upvotes and downvotes (etc) for a user (regardless of reputation cap)?

For example, if you use the /users/<id>/reputation call, you get a list of reputation changes for the user, but it takes the daily reputation cap into account. What I would like is an API call ...
codeka's user avatar
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3 answers

Can there be a way to find a user given his email hash?

Given a user's email, it would be great if we could hash it and search for that user with it. The reason for this is suppose: Someone has a website On that website, they invite SO users to enter ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
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Collectives Articles endpoint broken

I would like to access a list of all Collective Articles on SO. I tried which is the sample from here. ...
cocomac's user avatar
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