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2 votes
1 answer

Authentication uses # instead of `?`?

I need authentication for my app so I used the implicit flow way. The authentication works just fine but the access_token and expires variables return weirdly! For example:
moein rahimi's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Unable to get access token

I am trying to get a non-expiry access token, like so:{{some_uri}}&client_id={{some_value}} I am repeatedly getting the error: ...
user34257's user avatar
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-4 votes
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I Cannot Perform Oauth [closed]

My Clientn id = 4784 and Key = cB0l6XiaOW5l5vsBnBeIUg((. What do I do for Oauth and to get an access token?
SOURABH DOLIYA's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Add the 'people reached' count to the API?

Can we have the people reached statistic added to the /users/{ids} method? The response could simply be: "people_reached": 1000 I'm asking because it would be cool to get a network-wide number.
ᔕᖺᘎᕊ's user avatar
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How to get up_vote_count and down_vote_count for a user?

I'm testing the following command: $ curl -s "" | gunzip -d | python -m json.tool However it doesn't return up_vote_count and ...
kenorb's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

StackExchange API Java SDK

This project aims to provide a Java wrapper to the Stack Exchange API. SDK supports Stack Exchange API V2.2 Getting Started There are two interfaces to the library. Query Interface Facade ...
Sanjiv's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to access data in real-time using the Stack Exchange API?

I want to show an animation of: Questions being asked and answered in the most popular tag Comments being posted New users joining All in real time. Is there access to real-time data?
Rakesh Adhikesavan's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Is there any support for Area 51 in the new API?

Does the new API support Area 51? Will there be support in the future?
asheeshr's user avatar
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0 votes
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Support for OR constraint when querying questions based on tags [duplicate]

Right now, there is no way (as far as I know) to query for questions based on multiple tags using an OR constraint. You can query for questions tagged with multiple of these tags, but not with one or ...
tolgap's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Top questions by tag and period

I want to get via API the most voted questions from the latest week (for example) from a specified tag (php, for example). How can I do this?
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
0 votes
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Searching answers with API

I'm very new to the API and I was looking for a way to get answers of a user. E.g. something like if you click on a tag in your tags section of your profile. For questions this seems to be quiet easy ...
rekire's user avatar
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2 votes
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How do I find all questions/answers per a tag?

Would also be good if I could also find the top questions/answers in a particular tag - i.e. questions tagged with Ruby or PHP. Per the docs the only thing I can see that will return questions in a ...
marcamillion's user avatar
2 votes
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Is question_id unique across all stackexchange sites?

The standard structure of a question URL is: Example: It is ...
Eugen's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Typo in throttle violation error message

I was just playing around with the API locally and got throttled for the questions and answers methods (the only two I was using). Anyway, I noticed there’s a small typo in the error message that’s ...
Mathias Bynens's user avatar
0 votes
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400 Error when attempting to retrieve authenticated user data

I am attempting to use the /me API to retrieve an authenticated user's details but I am receiving a 400 error. I am able to complete the OAuth2 dance and have been able to capture the access token ...
rhinds's user avatar
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4 votes
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Stack Tunnel - WebGL Visualization for Stack Exchange

Stack Tunnel Screenshots About StackTunnel is a WebGL visualization which displays the latest questions from any Stack Exchange site interactively within your web browser. You can click on the ...
Crashthatch's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to get the edit URL for a tag wiki from the API?

I've been playing with a little webapp for tags of a certain kind for travel.SE (current pre-alpha version gist on github). One thing I would like to do is add links for the various tag-related ...
hippietrail's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Do calls on the 1.1 API and the 2.0 count against each other's limits?

Do the old 1.1 API and new 2.0 share limits? Or do my Stack Apps running on 1.1 calls not affect my limits for apps running on 2.0 calls?
hippietrail's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

Can we have some debug endpoints for testing corner cases?

After encountering a throttle violation today (which I posted in another question), it occurred to me that although I've put together code to handle "backoff" conditions, and potentially throttle ...
agent86's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Could/Should the API evolve more agile rather than being blocked by v2 writing (and authentication) features?

The activity on Stack Apps has dwindled noticeably; this might be a topic for its own discussion, however I'd like to revisit the API roadmap beforehand to set a proper stage and expectations in this ...
Steffen Opel's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Selective API oriented transcript fragment of Jeffs Code Camp Video Interview.

This is a very selective API oriented transcript fragment of Jeffs Code Camp Video Interview: Purpose Please note that this transcript fragment is mainly a supporting post to decrease the length of ...
Steffen Opel's user avatar
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