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Can "trends" be queried with the Stack Exchange API?

I've studied the Stack Exchange API to some extent (although I'm a newbie to such things), and it appears I can query the database using many criteria. But does Stack Exchange store any "trends&...
Bruce M's user avatar
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Getting the ID of the question-asker when fetching new answers from the API

I am fetching a list of all new answers posted on Stack Overflow using the /answers API call. This returns the owner of the answer, but I would like to know if the answerer is the same person as the ...
Dharman's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is there any way or script to sort questions/posts/answers with custom criteria?

I want to fetch some questions from the API and I would like to sort them. However, I don't want to sort by the default options (activity, votes, creations, hot, week, month), but instead, for example,...
double-beep's user avatar
2 votes
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Can the API Edit a Question, changing only one field?

The documentation for the edit question method (/questions/{id}/edit) is somewhat vague. Are all of the parameters required? For example, if the only field I want to change in the question is tags, ...
ashleedawg's user avatar
1 vote
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What's the meaning about " is_answered" field of question object?

I saw the question object has a is_answered field. I mentioned that there're the following cases: The is_answered field is true, and the question has an accepted answer. The is_answered field is ...
Bite's user avatar
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How to pass multiple tags (OR between the tags) to the Stack Exchange Questions/Unanswered API

I am using the /questions/unanswered API to try and get all unanswered questions, sorted by upvotes, and with the tags specified. How can I pass multiple tags to the /unanswered route(s) using OR-...
Karishma Tiwari - MSFT's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to Create a Multi-tag URI Request to /questions

Just want to confirm if I'm doing this right. The /questions guide doesn't mention this. Let's say I want to ask for multiple tags in one request, am I doing this right? https://api.stackexchange....
noogui's user avatar
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Receive latest questions with certain tag

I'm creating a simple notification application to inform me about latest questions with defined tags. For example, my tags are python and django. I want to see the latest asked question with those. ...
Natiq Vahabov's user avatar
3 votes
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How to get questions, under a tag, which have at least one answer with 10+ votes?

I want to get all the questions under a tag which has at least one answer with 10 or more votes. I searched the Advanced Search documentation and searched Py-StackExchange's documentation, but I ...
Rajkamal Subramanian's user avatar
0 votes
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Get a great many counts of questions, by select tags for a date range?

I am trying to get the number of questions associated with a specific tag for a particular date range. I initially assumed the fromdate and todate parameters would do this. However, it appears that ...
user3089187's user avatar
8 votes
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Why is /questions API returning deleted questions?

In last few days I have noticed that questions API returns questions that where deleted hours before the API call. This is a short example, if more logs are need to pin point the problem, please ...
Petter Friberg's user avatar
4 votes
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How to get question body (markdown) in the API response using filters? [duplicate]

Using withbody filter as suggested in this thread (How to get Question/Answer body in the API response using filters?) returns body as HTML. How do I get the original markdown?
Gajus's user avatar
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How to get all questions with a specific tag between certain dates

I would like to get all questions created and tagged with tag "R" between 2 dates. I'm using parameters: tagged = R, sort = creation, fromdate and todate set to appropriate dates and site = ...
Leni Ohnesorge's user avatar
3 votes
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How to get the 10 most recent questions with accepted answers based on a given tag?

I am trying to figure out how to get the 10 most recent questions from the Stack Overflow site, that have been answered, based on a given tag (such as 'Java'). I looked at the documentation but I ...
Locke's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to include answers when fetching questions?

I made a small cron job which crawls questions and answers from Stack Overflow. Here is my request URL:
Jithesh Kt's user avatar
3 votes
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Questions with specific tag and specific text inside questions

So I am able to get questions with specific tags, but still not able to get questions which have specific text and a specific tag. For example if I want to get all the questions with text "api" in ...
user34257's user avatar
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What's the proper way to fetch the score of all answers of SO?

I wrote a small program querying the SE API to grab the public scoring data of all SO answers (excluding the last 3 days). Basically the request I do gets me this: Questions[]: Id Title ...
Denys Séguret's user avatar
1 vote
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A step by step approach for posting questions and answers?

I am trying to learn a step by step approach for posting questions and answers on using the Stack Exchange API. Could someone help me with this?
Anand Kamathi's user avatar
6 votes
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API throws improper error when "date" parameters are the same

When using the Stack Exchange /questions API using the same date for fromdate and todate I get a 500 internal server error. Using different dates appears to work OK but specifying the same value ...
Andy Clark's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I show recently answered questions and answers in my blog site?

I would like to showcase some of my Stack Exchange answers in my blog site. I couldn't find a relevant post on how to implement this. Also, from what I can see, in order to use the API a user needs ...
Rajeev K Tomy's user avatar
2 votes
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Obtain JSON equivalent of a full Q&A HTML page?

I want to write an application for which, after some logic to select a set of questions, it would be most convenient to get the whole set of stuff at once that is normally shown on a Stack Exchange Q&...
Lutz Prechelt's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I access all questions asked by an arbitrary user?

Within the web app for courses I organize, I'd like students to be able to provide their Stack Overflow username, so that we can pull in their most recent and unanswered questions. This information is ...
Chris Fritz's user avatar
2 votes
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C# Stackexchange Questions API [duplicate]

I need to build an web application C# and below is what I'm stuck with Can I use Stack Exchange's API with Key? Do they have a "hello world" key can be used for learning purpose. I wish to get the ...
singhswat's user avatar
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API response doesn't indicate the nature of a rejected question POST

I have a question, which I post to Stack Overflow. The addition of the answer gets rejected and I know that it is due to the fact that I used the tag coredata rather than core-data. When I do this on ...
Besi's user avatar
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5 votes
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Using OR with featured questions

My question is similar to: Getting questions that have a specific tag or tags? What I am trying to do is get a list of Featured questions within a list of tags. I have tried using the following: ...
DaImTo's user avatar
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How to sort by the newest question?

I'm trying to retrieve the latest questions posted in a particular tag. What's the equivalent for: I see that v1.1 API is ...
Amal Murali's user avatar
4 votes
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Get questions with body and answers

How can I get the latest 30 questions with body and answers using the api? And then, I want to get only first most voted 3 answers for each question. Is this possible with only one request? To get ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
10 votes
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Get questions content from StackOverflow API

I need to get the question content from StackOverflow site. I already built the functions that parse the HTML for a question, and return me the question content. But, I found that there is an API, ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
1 vote
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Getting questions that have a specific tag or tags?

In the current API (2.1 and 2.2), how do you get questions that have a specific tag or tags? EG: All Stack Overflow questions asked in the past 2 months tagged 'ruby'? All Stack Overflow questions ...
Bob Walsh's user avatar
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Questions returned by /questions/{ids}/related do not contain link properties

The API docs claim that /questions/{ids}/related return question objects, but I can't find a link property on the returned questions at all. Is there some sort of workaround to find the link for a ...
Asad Saeeduddin's user avatar
3 votes
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How to get Question/Answer body in the API response using filters?

I am specifically looking to get the question/answer body back. Is it possible? I am looking through the API documentation and I'm confused about how to make a call with filters. Sample call I'm ...
Shyju's user avatar
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Non-verbatim search strings in py-stackexchange

I am writing a python program with py-stackexchange that takes a query and returns a list of urls to questions with that query in the title. Here's the code: #!c:/Python27/python.exe -u import sys sys....
kjakeb's user avatar
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4 votes
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Retrieving list of c# questions

I am trying to retrieve list of C# questions using"c#". But I get JSON response related to c questions. Response : { "...
Searock's user avatar
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questions/id is sometimes missing an owner?

Every once in a while when I query: I get a question back that is missing the owner field. Is this expected? I haven't seen anything about owner being ...
Matt Wonlaw's user avatar
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Questions with accepted answers

I know that you could technically loop through the answers returned when you ask for /questions/{id} to see if an answer has been accepted, but it would be AWESOME if there was a top level boolean ...
Jason's user avatar
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